Passer un deal

Passer un deal


Passer un deal

Team, ThoughtCo. "French Expressions with Passer." ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021,
Team, ThoughtCo. (2021, December 6). French Expressions with Passer. Retrieved from
Team, ThoughtCo. "French Expressions with Passer." ThoughtCo. (accessed August 19, 2022).

All About the French Regular Verb 'Passer' ('to Pass')
Use the French Verb 'Faire' to 'Turn a Deaf Ear' or 'Act Like a Child'
Idiomatic French Expressions with Pain

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The French verb passer literally means "to pass" and is also used in many idiomatic expressions . Learn how to say whatever comes into one's head, to write something off, to kick the bucket, and more with this list of expressions with passer .

passer + clothing to slip on/into passer + infinitive to go do something passer à la douane to go through customs passer à la radio/télé to be on the radio/TV passer à l'heure d'été to turn the clocks foward, begin daylight saving time passer à l'heure d'hiver to turn the clocks back, end daylight saving time passer à pas lents to pass slowly passer de bons moments to have a good time passer de bouche en bouche to be rumored about passer des faux billets to pass forged money passer devant Monsieur le maire to get married passer du coq à l'âne to change the subject, make a non sequitur passer en courant to run past passer en revue - to list - (figurative) to go over in one's mind, go through - (military) to (pass in) review, to inspect passer (en) + ordinal number to put in ___ gear passer l'âge de to be too old for passer l'arme à gauche (familiar) to kick the bucket passer la journée/soirée to spend the day/evening passer la main dans le dos à quelqu'un to butter someone up passer la tête à la porte to poke one's head around the door passer le cap to get past the worst, turn the corner, get over the hurdle passer le cap des 40 ans to turn 40 passer le poteau to cross the finish line passer les bornes to go too far passer les limites to go too far passer les menottes à quelqu'un to handcuff someone passer par to go through (an experience or intermediary) passer par de dures épreuves to go through some rough times passer par toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel to blush to the roots of one's hair, to turn pale (out of fear) passer par l'université to go through college passer pour to take for, be taken for passer quelque chose à quelqu'un to pass/hand something to someone passer quelque chose aux/par profits et pertes to write something off (as a loss) passer quelque chose en fraude to smuggle something passer quelque chose sous silence to pass something over in silence passer quelqu'un à tabac to beat someone up passer quelqu'un par les armes to shoot someone by firing squad passer sa colère sur quelqu'un to take out one's anger on someone passer sa mauvaise humeur sur quelqu'un to take out one's bad mood on someone passer sa vie à faire to spend one's life doing passer son envie de to satisfy one's craving for passer son permis (de conduire) to take one's driving test passer son tour to miss one's turn passer sur (detail, mistake) to pass over, overlook passer un caprice à quelqu'un to humor someone passer un bon moment to have a good time passer un coup de fil à quelqu'un (informal) to give someone a call passer un examen to take/sit a test passer un livre à quelqu'un to loan someone a book passer un marché to make a deal passer une visite médicale to get/have a physical dire tout ce qui passe par la tête to say whatever comes into one's head faire passer quelque chose aux/par profits et pertes to write something off (as a loss) faire passer quelqu'un pour to make someone out to be laisser passer to let in/through/past pour faire passer to wash down, to help (food) down pour passer le temps to pass the time en passant in passing, on one's way soit dit en passant by the way, incidentally

Un ange passe. There's an awkward silence. Ça fait du bien par où ça passe ! (informal) That's just what the doctor ordered! Ça fait passer le temps It passes the time Ce n'est qu'un mauvais moment à passer It's just a rough patch, bad spell Comme le temps passe vite ! Time flies! et j'en passe ! and that's not all! Une idée m'est passé par la tête I had an idea Je ne fais que passer I can't stay, I'm just passing through Je vous passe + name ( on the phone ) I'm putting you through to ___, Here's ___ Nous sommes tous passés par là We've all been through that On lui passe tout He gets away with anything, He gets whatever he wants Par où es-tu passé ? Which way did you come? Passez-moi l'expression (If you'll) pardon the expression Passez-moi du feu Give me a light Passons Let's move on, Let's not talk about that (any more) Qu'est-ce qu'il lui a passé (comme savon) ! (informal) He really laid into him, gave him a rough time! Tu (le) fais passer You pass it around se passer - to take place - (time) to pass, go by - to give, pass to each other se passer de to do without se passer de commentaires to speak for itself se passer la main dans le dos to pat one another on the back se faire passer pour to pretend to be, pass oneself off as Ça ne se passera pas comme ça ! I won't stand for that! Je me passe de tes conseils ! I can do without your advice! Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe en lui I don't don't what's got into him, come over him Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? What happened? Tout s'est bien passé Everything went smoothly, without a hitch Passer conjugations

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[ Enrouler ▲ ] ± ( Familier ) Accord, marché (1)

↑ Marc Brysbaert, Emmanuel Keuleers, Paweł Mandera et Michael Stevens, Woordenkennis van Nederlanders en Vlamingen anno 2013: Resultaten van het Groot Nationaal Onderzoek Taal , Université de Gand, 15 décembre 2013, 1266 p. → [ lire en ligne ]

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deal \dil\ masculin ( Anglicisme )

Ajouter une traduction en : Ajouter Plus
masc. fém. masc. & fém. neutre commun singulier duel pluriel masc. plur. fém. plur. neutre plur. masc. & fém. plur.
Signaler une anomalie – Suggérer une amélioration
deal \diːl\ intransitif , irrégulier

deal \ Prononciation ? \ masculin



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Translation of "passer un accord" in English

Je suis prête à passer un accord , en personne.

I'm ready to make a deal , face-to-face.

Nous serions très heureux de passer un accord .

We'd be more than happy to make a deal .

Ambassadrice, je voudrais passer un accord avec vous.

Ambassador, I'm willing to cut a deal with you.

On pourrait passer un accord avec Kevin.

Il a passer un accord avec un gars sur les docks.

He-he made a deal with some guy at the docks.

Vous avez dit vouloir passer un accord .

Said you were willing to make a deal .

Si tu veux passer un accord pour toi, vas-y.

You want to make a deal for yourself, do it.

Il veut passer un accord avec l'État.

He'll make a deal with the government.

Ou vous pourriez passer un accord et la commencer maintenant.

Or you could both cut a deal and start a new life right now.

On a passer un accord ... avec des Irlandais très haut placés.

We made a deal with the Irish Kings.

On devait passer un accord avec le Golfe.

I tried to cut a deal with the Gulf.

Tu as été assez folle pour passer un accord avec Katerina Petrova.

You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova.

J'aimerais travailler avec vous, passer un accord .

I'd like to work together, make a deal .

Il est venu pour passer un accord .

Les procureurs espéraient passer un accord pour entendre ces témoins.

Prosecutors are eager to make a deal to get these witnesses in-house.

Mais nous pouvons passer un accord .

Peut-être que vous pouvez passer un accord .

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©UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras Diversity contributes to a better world. Let's all have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination!
Every day, each and every one of us can stand up against racial prejudice and disrespectful attitudes.
Let’s build a world beyond racism and discrimination, where we all exercise our human rights.
Be a human rights champion! Join us in fighting racism!
In 1965, the international community adopted a convention by which they committed to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. The Convention is now nearing universal ratification. Yet still, all around the world too many suffer from the injustice and stigma that racism brings.
No country can claim to be free of racism, racism is a global concern, and tackling it requires a universal effort.
The virtual event "Fighting Hate Speech: Global Perspectives" will be held on Thursday, 16 June, 2022, from 9am to 10:30am EDT (New York time).
The event is held to recognize the significant role of higher education and academics in the global efforts to promote human dignity and inclusion in times when dissemination of hatred is alarming and rising.
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UN News shines a light on heroes working to reimagine equality and build a world beyond racism.
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UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J. Mohamed
The United Nations Postal Administration issued three mini-sheets of ten stamps each, on the theme “United Against Racism and Discrimination”. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is commemorated on the 21 st of March annually.
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Check your assumptions.
Confront your biases and stereotypes.
Open your mind and heart to the humanity in all humans.

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