Party Yalama

Party Yalama


Party Yalama

Uganda News, Politics, Entertainment,Business and Special Reports
Mugisha Muntu: Our Party Wants People With Values BY: Eyalama In Politics On May 28, 2019
[corona country="Uganda" title="Uganda"]
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Opposition MP Gilbert Olanya kneels before Museveni as he asks for help to resolve Apaa insecurity
Besigye beats security, makes his way to city centre
Museveni to address the Nation on rising commodity prices on Sunday
Besigye arrested as he attempts to protest against high prices
NUP is a fully funded project by NRM - Frank Gashumba
Gen Muhoozi vows to take control over the entire country and hints on winning power
June 20, 2022 376 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 13, 2022 476 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 9, 2022 342 0 Comments By: Eyalama

Eyalama is an online news provider reaching thousands of people every day. Eyalama provides trusted Business, Political and National News
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Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Mugisha Muntu is the leader of the Alliance for National Transformation (also known as `The Alliance’), a new political party which was launched on May 22 in Kampala. He spoke to Ian Katusiime about the party’s agenda and what it wants to do differently.
What’s it been like; launching New Formation, then the hurdles of getting registered by the Electoral Commission and finally launching The Alliance?
When we started the plan for launching a party, we thought it would be through by December 25, 2018. We gathered all signatures from all districts and had them in by November 28. But we couldn’t launch in December because the Electoral Commission (EC) took much longer in verifying signatures from the different districts. It was a new experience. The exercise we went through was rigorous. It was not the same process when we were registering FDC; it was under a different law then because registration was done by the Registrar of Companies and yet this one is by EC. The EC ended the exercise in March and then went into gazetting and we patiently waited until we got a certificate of registration. Then we zeroed on May 22 for the launch.
What does `national transformation’ in the name of your party involve?
The character and identity of the party we want to build is based on values. We have not paid attention to values in the politics of this country. We focus a lot on physical things; building power lines, bridges, roads. They are important and necessary and need to be done but when you look at the time from 1962, until now, even the value system we had traditionally as communities has been eroded. Shortly after Independence you would just find a population completely overwhelmed if any official was involved in corruption.
That was the nature of the culture back then. People believed in honesty, transparency, unity, and equality before the law, fairness and justice. Due to the political challenges we have faced as a society, all those values have been eroded and the moral fabric has broken down. We have to go through a recovery process focusing on those values. When we have more leaders subscribing to such and practicing them, we will see good governance.
This country has never been short of good ideas or policies. If you do research from 1962 until now, you will find the nature of our policies have been good, if they had been implemented, this country would be in the skies. There have always been inconsistencies between what is said and what is practised. That is what we want to resolve as a party by attracting good people into The Alliance so that we shift the balance of forces in favour of those who want to do good and build a strong foundation for good governance. Our success or failure will be hinged on that. If those people become the dominant good force in the Alliance, then we will break through. That is what has always impeded the sustained forward movement of our society. That is where the solution lies.
What will be your approach towards mobilisation?
We will project the policy agenda that we want to attract people to what we stand for and build our identity around that. Then we will start mobilising right from the villages. In the villages there are opinion leaders whom we will appeal to; those who understand our reasoning, that there is no magic or other formula other than ensuring that the good people in any organisation being the dominant force. The moment you achieve that whether it is us in The Alliance or whichever other party it is, they will become the solution to the problems of the country. For as long as there is an imbalance and the balance of forces believe in self-aggrandisement, that kind of vehicle will promote corruption, nepotism, and repression and the population will resist you.
It is really as simple as that. If more people get that, the turnaround of this country will be easier. No form of magic will turn this around. The good people who want to do the right things must go into the parties and influence them. I cannot understand how something that simple can elude our understanding for so long. As the Bible says; whatever a man sows, so shall he reap.
You barely have time to recruit people to stand on the ANT ticket in the 2021 elections. How do you plan to pull this off?
The good thing is that we are operating in an environment where a significant number of people want change. So we will not be going to ripen a raw situation, we are simply going to pick fruits. We have to apply the techniques needed to tap into that favourable situation and recruit and organise them.
Organising is not as a hard as trying to change people’s minds. When you find they are not ready to change, it is an uphill task. But when they are ready, then you only present yourself. If they believe you as an organisation as the right solution, then the task becomes simpler. You just have to organise and attract resources. If we are to run alone as a single organisation, we must focus on fielding 100% in all positions. If we engage in coalition building and it is successful, we would have to sit and negotiate and decide who fills where and who doesn’t fill where.
It is surprising when you say you are not so much interested in being president or holding power. Then how will you make the changes you desire if you don’t have the power to do so ?
Even if you become President and you don’t have a vehicle to change the things that are in a mess then what is the purpose? Our approach is different; we want to start with the vehicle, create one that is robust and efficient and that can take you the longest distance you want to go and then we look for the driver. How can we concentrate on looking for the driver when we are not working on the vehicle itself?
Once the vehicle is built, then you can come and say you want to be the driver. In the vehicle you must put in place mechanisms for who becomes the best driver. We concentrate so much on who the driver is even when there is no vehicle.
You also don’t want your personality to dominate The Alliance. But some people believe strong personalities are what builds institutions .
It is a balance, even if you are strong you must put your strength and capabilities in building a strong organisation so that at a particular point in time as it grows it must be stronger than all of you who are in it. But if you become dominant, the tendency is that the organisation becomes weak. And for people who want to build things that last – I subscribe to that philosophy, I have to do a balance to ensure that we build an organisation to ensure that even when we are leaving it, the next generation is already prepared to carry on, on the basis of the principles we established and on the long term objective of where we want to take that country.
You have hinted about a coalition with People Power. What gains do you envision from this?
Ever since we went across the country doing consultations, we have been consciously and deliberately reaching out to opposition groups to brief them as to where we were; telling them the situation as we interpreted it within FDC; telling them about the different scenarios and the different options that were there. When we reached the point of taking one of the three options open to us, we again briefed them. And then when we started the New Formation as a holding ground, we also briefed them. When we reached a point of starting The Alliance, we briefed them so that they know where we are and where we intend to go. It’s very important to us that when you are on one front, that the other friendly forces need to be aware of our intentions; the short term and medium term so that we establish an atmosphere of trust. We have been briefing leaders of DP; Norbert Mao, Hon Robert Kyagulanyi of People Power, Asuman Basalirwa of JEEMA. We would also tell them that much as we are starting our own organisation, we are open to working with other opposition forces that are pro-change.
 The 2021 elections are looming and the incumbent; President Museveni, is pulling out all the stops to make sure he wins. How do you see the elections playing out?
We do not expect any free and fair election at all. At least for me as an individual, my background is in the military; in warfare you don’t expect that if you are moving your forces, your enemy will not ambush you or that if he has artillery that he is not going to pound you. When you are operating in a situation where there is a dictatorship, expect what is coming. Therefore, build your capabilities to a level where you will overwhelm the regime in spite of the impediments it puts in your way. That is my understanding. Don’t expect them to do fair things when they are not fair in their mentality and character. Don’t throw your hands up and start complaining, that is the nature of things. As the Pan Africanism motto says: Don’t agonise, Organise.
Kilak South Member of Parliament Gilbert Olanya has knelt before President Museveni, asking him to resolve the land disputes
Lubiri High School has finally owned up that the students who were filmed dancing in the Midland High School
President Museveni has set camp in North Eastern Uganda to nip in the bud the threat of re-insurgence of
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Uganda News, Politics, Entertainment,Business and Special Reports
[corona country="Uganda" title="Uganda"]
[corona country="Kenya" title="Kenya"]
Opposition MP Gilbert Olanya kneels before Museveni as he asks for help to resolve Apaa insecurity
Finally, Lubiri High School confirms ownership of “dancing” students in a Midland High School bus.
Museveni camps in Karamoja to command operations against Karamoja cattle rustlers
MP Betty Nambooze rushed to hospital after falling down stairs
Five prisoners killed as prison truck crashes along Kampala-Gulu highway
Besigye beats security, makes his way to city centre
June 20, 2022 376 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 13, 2022 476 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 9, 2022 342 0 Comments By: Eyalama

Eyalama is an online news provider reaching thousands of people every day. Eyalama provides trusted Business, Political and National News
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As the storm seems to have settled, Moses Nkonge Kibalama, the founding president of the National Unity, Reconciliation and Development Party (NURP) which later metamorphosed into the National Unity Platform(NUP) has once again reawakened efforts to have his party back.
In a July, 6, 2021 letter, through his lawyers of MS Mugabi Shyaka & CO. Advocates , Kibalama together with party Secretary General Ssimbwa Paul Kagombe, Kigozi Winston, the deputy head of policy and William Odinga Balikuddembe, the head of research have written to the NUP Secretary-General Lewis Rubongoya seeking a meeting over in order to review the memorandum of understanding signed last year between Robert Kyagulanyi, also known as Bobi Wine and his party.
“Please be advised that in terms of Clause 5 of the impugned memorandum of understanding, the same ought to be reviewed and we are reliably informed by our clients, that you have since the signing of the understanding totally disregarded all the terms express or otherwise agreed upon by the parties in particular Clauses 2, 3 and 4 of the same, insofar as to date our clients have never assumed the positions of leaderships agreed thereunder nor are there any such offices created for that purpose,” the letter reads in part.
Kibalama and his group say they were hoodwinked by Kyagulanyi and that they seek to have the memorandum of understanding reviewed.
According to Kibalama, he has since learnt that Bobi Wine’s People Power Movement that entered the MoU with his party is non-existent and therefore has no legal capacity to enter and execute any agreement.
“The purpose of this letter, therefore, is to request that a meeting be held on the 11th July 2021 at the National Unity Platform offices or any other convenient venue to among others review the Memorandum of Understanding in terms of Clause 5 thereof.”
Kibalama says that he is ready to take back his party in case the National Unity Platform refuses to heed to the requested for a meeting.
“….. should you fail to convene the meeting as requested, please consider the Memorandum of Understanding dated the 11th July 2020 rescinded and or terminated forthwith and be ready to handle over all the National Unity Platform organs and instruments of power to our clients,”Kibalama says.
When contacted for a comment, the National Unity Platform Secretary-General, Lewis Rubongoya confirmed receiving the letter but said the party would issue a formal statement soon.
While speaking to NBS television earlier this week Kibalama said he was not happy with the manner in which the NUP leadership had “done away” with his team, contrary to the memorandum of understanding signed last year.
“There is no way you come up tomorrow and just do away with all this team. We are going to revoke the MoU and hold new meetings to elect new leadership for the party,” he told NBS TV.
However, speaking in response to Kibalama’s claims, NUP spokesperson, Joel Ssenyonyi said there is no way they could have entered into such a memorandum of understanding.
“How could we enter an MoU like that one that says that after a year we are going to review? That’s not how things operate. We want to follow the party constitution and the law as it is,” Ssenyonyi said.
He however dismissed claims that there is no longer communication between the National Unity Platform and the party founders including Kibalama.
“That’s how we have been trying to visit and sending the little support(to Kibalama) through Ssimbwa. We have tried but like I have said, these people are the ones that broke away and decided to begin fighting the party.”
Last year, Kibalama and his group handed over his National Unity Reconciliation and Development Party (NURP) to opposition strongman, Robert Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine.
NURP later metamorphosed into the National Unity Platform but Kibalama later claimed he didn’t authorize the change of hands of the party to Kyagulanyi.
He claimed the NUP leadership had failed to pay him $5m as agreed during the takeover but other party members led by Secretary-General, Paul Kagombe said their signatures had been forged to ensure the party is hijacked by Kyagulanyi’s group.
These ran to court to challenge the take over and during the hearing of the matter before Justice Musa Ssekaana, Kibalama on several occasions contradicted himself.
Despite saying in his first affidavit that he is the head of the elders and advisers’ committee in the National Unity Platform after the party changed leadership, Kibalama rubbished everything saying this was not true.
He insisted that he has no position in the party.
In a twist of events earlier this year, Kibalama who had earlier been blasted by the High Court as being a serial liar dragged government to court for allegedly coaching him to lie against Kyagulanyi.
“During all this time, I was under the forceful custody of the state agents, my rights and freedoms were violated. I was forced and coached to present thoughts and views that were not my own,” Kibalama said in a suit where he wanted government to compensate him over the alleged torture.
The latest development will be seen by many as one of those lies by Kibalama, owing to his history of always contradicting himself.
Many have since labeled Kibalama as a man with no credibility but it remains to be seen how the latest movie will turn out.
Kilak South Member of Parliament Gilbert Olanya has knelt before President Museveni, asking him to resolve the land disputes
Lubiri High School has finally owned up that the students who were filmed dancing in the Midland High School
President Museveni has set camp in North Eastern Uganda to nip in the bud the threat of re-insurgence of

Uganda News, Politics, Entertainment,Business and Special Reports
“The party called NRM perished” – Nambooze tasks Opondo to tell Museveni BY: Eyalama In Politics On December 6, 2018
[corona country="Uganda" title="Uganda"]
[corona country="Kenya" title="Kenya"]
Opposition MP Gilbert Olanya kneels before Museveni as he asks for help to resolve Apaa insecurity
Besigye beats security, makes his way to city centre
Museveni to address the Nation on rising commodity prices on Sunday
Besigye arrested as he attempts to protest against high prices
NUP is a fully funded project by NRM - Frank Gashumba
Gen Muhoozi vows to take control over the entire country and hints on winning power
June 20, 2022 376 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 13, 2022 476 0 Comments By: Eyalama
June 9, 2022 342 0 Comments By: Eyalama

Eyalama is an online news provider reaching thousands of people every day. Eyalama provides trusted Business, Political and National News
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The honorable Member of Parliament for Mukono municipality Hon Betty Nambooze has said that the current opposition is destined to over throw president Museveni’s leadership come 2021.
Speaking in a televised interview, Nambooze said that Uganda is at a level where we can do way with the ruling party citing that party called National Resistance Movement (NRM) perished.
Nambooze added that there is no brawl between former presidential candidate Dr. Kiiza Besigye and Kyadondo East’s Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu.
“Has Kizza Besigye ever been a competitor Hon. Kyagulanyi? We have been set up as opposition. Have they ever competed in the same constituency? I feel energized by Hon. Kyagulanyi. I know Hon. Kyagulanyi and Kizza Besigye and I know they meet frequently. If we looking at 2021, it is not a sure year. No one knows if we shall have elections, but if we do, victory will come our way.” Nambooze said.
Nambooze adds that there is noting to worry
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