Partner Outdoor

Partner Outdoor


Partner Outdoor

Redefining Strength
25651 Taladro Circle Suite G
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Stretch and Roll Out:
Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit. One partner will go and then the other partner will go. Then both rest 2-3 minutes between circuits.
Each exercise should be performed for 30-60ft.
Sprint Down
Partner Carry Back
Bear Crawl Forward Back
Partner 1 Wheelbarrow Crawl Down
Partner 2 Wheelbarrow Crawl Back
Partner Leap Frog Back
Stretch and Roll Out:
This workout works best if you do it with a partner close to your fitness level.
Sprint – Run as fast as you can. Do not hunch your shoulders as you run. Also, make sure to use your arms as you sprint. You don’t want to force too much rotation, but you do want to use your arms and the rotation of your core to power your run. Make sure you have good running form before incorporating a lot of sprinting.
Partner Carry – To pick up your partner, have them face you while you are sideways. You are going to reach through their legs and hook your arm around and up. As you reach through, you should have their other hand over your back and in your other hand. Get the partner over your back right up by your shoulders. Brace your core and have your partner put their bottom, free hand, on your low back to help brace. Get them situated up high on your back, over your shoulders, and then walk. If you cannot perform a fireman’s carry on your back, perform a partner drag instead. To do partner drags, one partner will stand with their back to the other partner. They will cross their hands over their chest. The back partner will then reach up under their partner’s armpits and the front partner will lean back into the back partner. The back partner will then be holding the weight of the front partner. The front partner’s feet will just be relaxed on the ground as the back partner is holding them. The back partner will then “drag” the front partner.

Bear Crawl Forward – Set up on your hands and knees with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Then flex your feet and lift up onto your toes. Take a step forward with your left foot and right hand, keeping your knees close to the ground and your back flat. Then step forward with your right foot and left hand. Keep alternating moving the opposite arm and opposite leg together.

Partner Wheelbarrow Crawl – One partner will stand behind the other. The other will be on their hands and knees on the ground. The standing partner will then grab the ankles of the partner on the ground as the partner on the ground situates their hands under their shoulders. The partner crawling will keep their legs straight and will crawl on their hands with the standing partner holding their ankles to support them. Keeping the core tight, the partner on the ground will take steps with their hands as the standing partner walks behind them. Each partner will do one length crawling.

Partner Leap Frog – One partner will crouch on the ground on their hands and feet. The other partner will place their hands on the crouching partner’s shoulders. They will use their hands to jump over the crouching partner and then land and go into a crouch. The other partner will stand up and place their hands on their partner’s shoulders and jump over them. Keep alternating jumps until you are back at the starting point. The lower the crouching partner gets, the easier the jump. Do not press to hard on your partner. Really use your legs to jump over.
*Disclaimer* The author of this site is not providing professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, suggestions and procedures contained within this website are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Redefining Strength shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions within this website. You, as a reader are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare.

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