



Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Африкаанс Айнский язык Акан Алтайский Арагонский Арабский Астурийский Аймара Азербайджанский Башкирский Багобо Белорусский Болгарский Тибетский Бурятский Каталанский Чеченский Шорский Чероки Шайенского Кри Чешский Крымскотатарский Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Чувашский Валлийский Датский Немецкий Долганский Греческий Английский Эсперанто Испанский Эстонский Баскский Эвенкийский Персидский Финский Фарерский Французский Ирландский Гэльский Гуарани Клингонский Эльзасский Иврит Хинди Хорватский Верхнелужицкий Гаитянский Венгерский Армянский Индонезийский Инупиак Ингушский Исландский Итальянский Японский Грузинский Карачаевский Черкесский Казахский Кхмерский Корейский Кумыкский Курдский Коми Киргизский Латинский Люксембургский Сефардский Лингала Литовский Латышский Маньчжурский Микенский Мокшанский Маори Марийский Македонский Коми Монгольский Малайский Майя Эрзянский Нидерландский Норвежский Науатль Орокский Ногайский Осетинский Османский Пенджабский Пали Польский Папьяменто Древнерусский язык Португальский Кечуа Квенья Румынский, Молдавский Арумынский Русский Санскрит Северносаамский Якутский Словацкий Словенский Албанский Сербский Шведский Суахили Шумерский Силезский Тофаларский Таджикский Тайский Туркменский Тагальский Турецкий Татарский Тувинский Тви Удмурдский Уйгурский Украинский Урду Урумский Узбекский Вьетнамский Вепсский Варайский Юпийский Идиш Йоруба Китайский

Все языки Русский Иврит Испанский Немецкий Норвежский Датский Украинский Курдский Индонезийский Вьетнамский Маори Тагальский Урду Исландский Венгерский Хинди Ирландский Фарерский Китайский Португальский Французский Болгарский Турецкий Словенский Албанский Арабский Финский Монгольский Пали Корейский Грузинский Румынский, Молдавский Персидский Хорватский Японский Нидерландский Суахили Итальянский Казахский Латышский Македонский Литовский Польский Шведский Тайский Каталанский Чешский Сербский Словацкий Гаитянский Армянский Эстонский Греческий Английский Латинский Древнерусский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Азербайджанский Тамильский Квенья Африкаанс Папьяменто Мокшанский Йоруба Эрзянский Марийский Чувашский Удмурдский Татарский Уйгурский Малайский Мальтийский Чероки Чаморро Клингонский Баскский

с английского на все языки

1 ) ( humorous imitation ) Parodie , die ( of auf + Akk . )
2 ) ( feeble imitation ) Abklatsch , der ( abwertend ) ; ( of justice ) Verhöhnung , die
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) die Parodie
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) die Verzerrung
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodieren
1 . ( imitation ) Parodie f ( of auf + akk )
a strong element of \ parody ein stark parodistischer Zug
2 . ( pej : travesty ) Parodie f
it was a \ parody of a trial der Prozess war eine Farce
▪ to \ parody sb / sth jdn / etw parodieren
1 . Parodie f ( of , on auf akk )
3 . fig Abklatsch m ( of , on gen )
1 ) ( humorous imitation ) Parodie , die ( of auf + Akk . )
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodia
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiar
parody [' pærədi ] vt , - died ; - dying : parodiar
parody n , pl - dies : parodia f
transitive verb - dies , - dying , - died parodiar
transitive verb - dies , - dying , - died parodiar
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodi
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodi
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiere ; efterligne
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodi
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodi
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiere ; efterligne
verbo transitivo fare la parodia di , parodiare [ person , style ]
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodia
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiare
( anche fig . ) parodia ; ( fig . ) imitazione scadente , sottospecie ( fig . ).
verbo transitivo fare la parodia di , parodiare [ person , style ]
paro · dy [ ʼpærədi , Am ʼper -] n
1 ) ( imitation ) Parodie f ( of auf + akk );
a strong element of \ parody ein stark parodistischer Zug ;
2 ) ( pej: travesty ) Parodie f ;
it was a \ parody of a trial der Prozess war eine Farce vt < - ie - >
to \ parody sb / sth jdn / etw parodieren
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) paródia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) ( silány ) utánzat
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodizál
1 . exaggeration ( noun ) exaggeration ; imitation ; mockery ; spoof
2 . travesty ( noun ) burlesque ; caricature ; cartoon ; farce ; lampoon ; mock ; pasquinade ; satire ; sham ; takeoff ; travesty
3 . mimic ( verb ) ape ; burlesque ; copy ; exaggerate ; imitate ; impersonate ; lampoon ; mime ; mimic ; mock ; pantomime ; take off ; travesty
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodi
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodi
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) lage parodi på , parodiere
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) skopstæling , parodía
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) skrumskæling
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) skopstæla
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) paródia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) imitação grotesca
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiar
[ p ' ærədi ] n paródia , imitação burlesca . • vt parodiar , arremedar .
v . taklidini yapmak , parodi oynamak
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodi , hicviye , taşlama
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) kötü taklit
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) alay yoluyla yermek , hicvetmek
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodija
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodija
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodirati
parodija ( of ); figuratively prevračanje v smešno ;
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) irvikuva
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodioida
[ p æ rədie ] 〈zelfstandig naamwoord ; meervoud: parodies〉
2   parodie ⇒ parodiëring , nabootsing
2    parody on / of a poem • parodie op een gedicht
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodia
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodia
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiować
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodija
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) kropļojums , ( vāja ) parodija
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodēt
parodija ; parodēt , sacerēt parodiju
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodija
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) iškraipymas , parodija
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodijuoti
n . parodi ( kreation som innehåller humoristiska immitationer av figurer , speciella kreationer eller stiler )
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodi
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodi
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodiera
1 ) ( an amusing imitation of a serious author ' s style of writing: He writes parodies of John Donne ' s poems . ) parodie
2 ) ( a very bad imitation: a parody of the truth . ) parodie
( to make a parody of ( something or someone ). ) parodovat


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A century of parody and imitation , Jerrold Walter . Книга представляет собой репринтное издание . Несмотря на то , что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания , на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться … Подробнее   Купить за 1318 руб
Parody in Jewish Literature , . Книга представляет собой репринтное издание . Несмотря на то , что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания , на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться … Подробнее   Купить за 1314 руб
Old friends . Essays in epistolary parody , by Andrew Lang , Lang Andrew . Книга представляет собой репринтное издание . Несмотря на то , что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания , на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться … Подробнее   Купить за 1308 руб

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a satirical poem full of parodies - сатирическая поэма , в которой много пародий
a parody of / on / a poem - пародия на стихи
parody — I noun amphigory , apery , buffoonery , burlesque , caricature , cartoon , comical representation , distortion , exaggeration , farce , imitation , lampoon , ludicrous imitation , mime , mimicry , mockery , mummery , pasquinade , ridicula imitatio , ridicule ,… …   Law dictionary
parody — par o * dy ( p [ a ^] r [ o ]* d [ y ^]), n .; pl . { Parodies } ( p [ a ^] r [ o ]* d [ i ^] z ). [ L . parodia , Gr . parw , di a ; para beside + w , dh a song: cf . F . parodie . See { Para }, and { Ode }.] [ 1913 Webster ] 1 . A writing in which the language or sentiment of an author is … …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parody — par o * dy , v . t . [ imp . & p . p . { parodied }; p . pr . & vb . n . { parodying }.] [ Cf . F . parodier .] To write a parody upon ; to burlesque . [ 1913 Webster ] I have translated , or rather parodied , a poem of Horace . Pope . [ 1913 Webster ] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parody # — parody n travesty , * caricature , burlesque Analogous words: skit , squib , lampoon , * libel parody vb travesty , caricature , burlesque ( see under CARICATURE n ) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms
parody — [ n ] imitation , spoof apology , burlesque , caricature , cartoon , copy , derision , farce , irony , jest , joke , lampoon , mime , mimicry , misrepresentation , mockery , mock heroic *, pastiche , play on *, raillery , rib *, ridicule , roast *, satire , send up *, skit …   New thesaurus
parody — ► NOUN ( pl . parodies ) 1 ) an amusingly exaggerated imitation of the style of a writer , artist , or genre . 2 ) a feeble imitation . ► VERB ( parodies , parodied ) ▪ produce a parody of . DERIVATIVES paro …   English terms dictionary
parody — [ par ′ ə dē ] n . pl . parodies [ Fr parodie < L parodia < Gr parōidia , burlesque song < para , beside ( see PARA 1 ) + ōidē , song ( see ODE )] 1 . a ) a literary or musical work imitating the characteristic style of some other work or of a writer … …   English World dictionary
Parody — A parody ( pronounced | ˈpɛɹədiː US , [ Help:IPA | [ ˈpaɹədiː ] UK ), in contemporary usage , is a work created to mock , comment on , or poke fun at an original work , its subject , or author , by means of humorous or satiric imitation . As the literary … …   Wikipedia
parody — parodiable , adj . / par euh dee /, n ., pl . parodies , v ., parodied , parodying . n . 1 . a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet s soliloquy . 2 . the genre of literary composition … …   Universalium
parody — noun 1 writing / speech / music ADJECTIVE ▪ brilliant , clever ▪ funny , hilarious ▪ cruel ▪ song ( esp . AmE ) …   Collocations dictionary
parody — par | o | dy1 [ ˈpærədi ] n plural parodies [ Date: 1500 1600 ; : Latin ; Origin: parodia , from Greek , from para ( PARA ) + aidein to sing ] 1 .) [ U and C ] a piece of writing , music etc or an action that copies someone or something in an amusing way parody …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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expression making fun of something else
The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech.
Газета опубликовала уморительную пародию на речь президента.
We can put in any sort of humor or parody that we want.
Мы можем шутить над чем угодно, пародировать все, что захотим.
Unless, I write a song that can't be parodied .
Если только я не напишу песню, которую нельзя будет спародировать .

noun существительное мужского рода

It's a parody of a classic French farce set in an American high school.
Это пародия в стиле классического французского фарса , действие которого происходит в американской старшей школе.
A work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony.
porn parody порно-пародия, порнопародия
en Lev Sharansky is a parody of a Soviet dissident (the surname refers to Ukrainian and Israeli political activist Natan Sharansky, while on the profile picture Alexander Solzhenitsyn is depicted).
en Poe's Law is an axiom suggesting that it's difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between parodies of religious or other fundamentalism and its genuine proponents, since they both seem equally insane.
en Before the final gravitational collapse the star shudders and briefly swells into some grotesque parody of itself.
en In a near- parody of external interventions, the US and Israel encouraged President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah to dismiss the Hamas-led government, and to declare a new Fatah-led government in the West Bank.
en A version with parody lyrics was included in the 2001 Hong Kong animated movie My Life as McDull.
en His first published success, The Daffodil Murderer (1913), was a parody of John Masefield's The Everlasting Mercy.
en Draco was also parodied in a Big Bite sketch, where he was known as Mailboy (with his father Lucius being parodied as Mailman).
en I said, are you ready?", followed by a parody of rival promotion WCW's ring announcer Michael Buffer's famous catch-phrase, "Let's get ready to rumble", substituting the word "rumble" with the DX slogan, "suck it".
en Even if Nast's cartoons were not particularly offensive, Falwell argued that the Hustler parody advertisement in this case was so "outrageous" as to take it outside the scope of First Amendment protection.
en When presented with the new potential parody , Jackson not only approved it, but let Yankovic use his own Moonwalker subway set for the music video.
en In this video taken from Babewatch ( parody of the famous series), we can see what everyone wanted to see on TV, those beautiful nude and fucking lifeguard rescue rather careless swimmers.
en She guest-starred on an episode of MADtv (season 11), playing Hillary Clinton in a parody of My Name Is Earl, "My Name Is Dubya", in which George W. Bush (Frank Caliendo) makes a list of all the bad things he has done in the past and rectifies them one by one.
en ‘The Great Dictator’, a Hollywood film by comedian Chaplin, parodied the rise of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in 1940.
en Stewie finds a book entitled Horton Hears Domestic Violence in the Next Apartment and Doesn't Call 911!, a parody of Horton Hears a Who!
en Wain's illustrations often parody human behaviour, satirizing fads and fashions of the day.
en The series begins as a comical parody of Tarzan, but later expands to other settings, such as a martial arts tournament in China, professional wrestling in America, and even a fight with vampires.
en It's not important what he says, or who he's a parody of.
en The game's manual is entitled The Modern Day Book of Health and Hygiene, a parody of 19th century medical texts.
en The title of the episode is a parody of 1967 Swedish art house film I Am Curious (Yellow).
en They're parodied , sometimes even demonized in the media for their kind of typical teenage behavior.
en Its history began in early 17th century Kyoto, where a shrine maiden named Izumo no Okuni would use the city's dry Kamo Riverbed as a stage to perform unusual dances for passerby, who found her daring parodies of Buddhist prayers both entertaining and mesmerizing.
en The Cledus T. Judd Third Rock From Her Thumb ( Parody Third Rock From The Sun - lyrics are brought to you by Lyrics-Keeper.
en The parody was mimicking the popular advertising campaigns that Campari, an Italian liqueur, was running at the time that featured brief contrived interviews with various celebrities that always started with a question about their "first time", a double-entendre intended to give the impression that the celebrities were talking about their first sexual encounters before the reveal at the end that the discussion had actually concerned the celebrities' first time tasting Campari.
en Artists associated with Surrealism, which developed from Dadaism, continued experimentations with chance and parody while celebrating the flow of the subconscious mind.
en The video appeared in the first episode of the show as the first part of a series of similar musical parodies .
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