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Parisa Fitz-Henley Topless


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Happy Ayyám-i-Há to everyone! So grateful to be with my family to celebrate this year. 🙏✨ Thank you for this video and post, Sophie!
Repost from @scribbledbysophie

“Chances are, unless you are a Bahá’í, or know a Bahá’í, you’ve never heard of Ayyám-i-Há. But every December I have this vision of a future where people know when it’s Ayyám-i-Há just like they know it’s Christmas or Hannukkah. So this morning I woke up and decided to make a brief intro 🌸 today is the f…irst day!”
[Video description: Sophie’s hand writing most of the words she’s speaking and then drawing a little calendar on a notepad. Captioned.]
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Here we gooooo!!! #TheSinner finally hits @netflix in the US today!!! 🔥
Repost from @ucp

Bill Pullman and @MattBomer star in the third season of Derek Simonds' @TheSinnerUSA, a gripping tale surrounding a tragic car accident and the dark secrets that come with it. Season 3 of #TheSinner will be available to stream on @Netflix tomorrow [Make that TODAY — PF].
[Video description: Trailer from season 3 of the The Sinner. Brief flashes of moments from the season — a car crashing, Jamie pleading and fighting with Ambrose, frightening Leela, Leela sobbing, hair being cut.] PF
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Peace, 2020. Hey, 2021. Despite (or because of) all the challenges of the last year (and wow... just wow 🥵) I’ve seen lessons learned, connections born & strengthened, resilience built. There’s so much to be grateful for. It seems that (unsurprisingly, though it’s so easy to forget) gratitude is still one of the most powerful tools for reframing anything that’s happening in life. Though a new year is beginning, bringing with it the momentum of new energy, there are processes at play bigger than a ball drop can shift — both in the world and in our individual lives. While it’s really really REALLY easy to say ‘f@*# 2020’, if this period is anything like I’ve seen in tough times in my own life, we’ll find that it even mercifully set us up with the ability to weather future storms better than we could have without it. It’s just hard to see what we’re able to do if we don’t pause to appreciate what we’ve learned and how we’ve grown, if we don’t pause to consider that Spirit has a different perspective and try to see from that. I’m still in that process. My heart broke over and over this year, and I learned to bounce back faster and faster, with more grace. Some people I lost on this plane felt somehow more accessible and supportive in spirit. I lived in months of early-Covid isolation. Now I live amongst family in a way I never imagined would be possible. A beautiful job disappeared in the pandemic and another came in, bringing with it gifts I’ll be eternally grateful for. A long period of unemployment gave me space to create something that has brought me enormous joy. I learned that few things soothe grief like service, especially with young people. I got to know my shortcomings more fully, so now I know more of what I can improve upon. I was scared & learned about my inner resources, my outer resources, & where I can block them both if I’m not careful. I have more love in my life than I did a year ago. I’m tired af but I feel more alive... I’m learning about gratitude. I’m grateful. Looking forward to seeing what’s next and wishing you all the love, all the wonder, all the goodness 2021 can hold. And then some. #Thanks2020 Happy New Year. ♥️, P. [ID in comments]
LOVED this convo and LOVE this podcast! 🖤🎭🖤 REPOST from @iamkatfoster • Episode 28 of #actingrealpod is up! It stars my friend, the very wise @parisafitzhenley 🌀🌀🌀We discuss, among other things, observing our shortcomings, eating like a kid, and her experience of being a Black woman in rural South Carolina. Parisa is a stunning human being. She has an incredibly unique perspective and depth of wisdom, which she very generously and articulately shares. We talk a lot about her experience during the last year - how the pandemic has been for her, her experience of the Black Lives Matter Movement, and why she ultimately made the choice to temporarily leave LA for a trailer in rural SC. AND we talk about one of my most favorite topics: Moms! I love her. Have a listen! LINK IN BIO. Also! This season, as you may know, we’re reading clarity stories from listeners before every episode! Since this show ultimately aims to help us all find greater clarity, I want to share your personal moments of clarity on the podcast. They can be mundane or wild! Send them to me at (JUST PUSH THE EMAIL BUTTON IN MY BIO) Also, check out the show notes, where you’ll find quotes from the episode, references, and more at Tell us what you think! Really! We want to hear from you! #actingrealpod New episodes every Monday! And please, when you have a moment, subscribe, rate and review! It means a TON to us when you do. ❤️🙏👏

Анатомия страстиСериал2005 – ...Grey's Anatomy
Карточный домикСериал2013 – 2018House of Cards

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