Parents Incest

Parents Incest


Parents Incest

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Key points

Humans have social and psychological mechanisms to deter incest.
Anti-incest mechanisms guard against the high chance that one's offspring from such an encounter will be born with a serious birth defect.
The argument to deny abortion even in cases of first-degree relative incest to protect the sanctity of life is an example of foolish consistency.

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The question is not whether you’ll change; you will. Research clearly shows that everyone’s personality traits shift over the years, often for the better. But who we end up becoming and how much we like that person are more in our control than we tend to think they are.

Posted October 11, 2012


Reviewed by Lybi Ma

Mr. James Russell of Cashiers, North Carolina, recently justified meat-eating in the pages of Asheville Citizen-Times by arguing that humans are biologically classified as carnivores. His reasoning was simple. The consumption of animal flesh is morally right because it is natural.
Unfortunately, Mr. Russell got his facts wrong. Zoologists place humans in the order Primate (family Hominidea ), not in the order Carnivora . Furthermore, like rats, humans are omnivores, not carnivores. But more troubling is Mr. Russell’s belief that humans should look to nature for moral guidance. He justifies meat-eating in humans on the grounds that other animals eat one another. I suspect, however, that he does not approve of gang rape, adultery , cannibalism, and the consumption of feces, all of which are practiced in nature by our four-legged brethren. While moral codes exist in other species, humans have the capacity—and, indeed, the responsibility—to operate on a higher ethical plane.
On matters of morality , I generally agree with Katherine Hepburn who quipped to Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen , "Nature is what we are put in this world to rise above." There is, however, an exception to my contention that humans should not turn to nature for moral guidance. It is the rule that says: “Don’t have sex with first-degree relatives.” First-degree relatives are the individuals you share 50 percent of your genes with—your parents, children, and siblings. Indeed, non-human animals have evolved a host of strategies to prevent incest ( here ). Even plants possess anti-incest mechanisms ( here ).
As University of Miami psychologists Debra Lieberman and Adam Smith pointed out in a recent article in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science , humans have social and psychological mechanisms to deter incest. With very few exceptions, marriages between brothers and sisters and between parents and their children are verboten in every human culture. The primary psychological anti-incest mechanism is the yuck response. Even the idea of sex with mom or dad or bro or sis is upsetting to most people. Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has found that nearly everyone is repelled by the prospect of brother-sister sex, even in hypothetical situations in which there is no chance of pregnancy ( here ).
This raises an interesting question: Just what’s so bad about incest? Sure, having sex with your dad or your sister seems gross. But why? Some anthropologists have argued that incest taboos are learned social conventions. This explanation, however, doesn’t make sense to me as it does not explain the widespread existence of anti-incest mechanisms in creatures ranging from cockroaches to chimpanzees ( here ). Second, the incest taboo is about as close to a universal law as human moral rules get.
Why should mechanisms for avoiding incest be so widespread both in nature and across human societies? The answer is simple. The problem with having sex with close relatives is that there is an astonishingly high chance that your offspring will be born with a serious birth defect. Take the results:
Percent of children with severe birth defects.
Source: A study of Czechoslovakian children whose fathers were first-degree relatives. Fewer than half of the children who were the product of incestuous unions were completely healthy. Forty-two percent of them were born with severe birth defects or suffered early death and another 11 percent mildly impaired mentally. This study is particularly instructive as it included a unique control group—the offspring of the same mothers but whose fathers were not the mothers’ relatives. When the same women were impregnated by a non-relative, only 7 percent of their children were born with a birth defect (Figure 1).
A group of genetic counselors reviewed the research on the biological consequences of sex between relatives (consanguineous relationships) ( here ). They found a surprisingly small increase (about 4 percent) in birth defects among the children of married cousins. Incest between first-degree relatives, however, was a different story. The researchers examined four studies (including the Czech research) on the effects of first-degree incest on the health of the offspring. Forty percent of the children were born with either autosomal recessive disorders, congenital physical malformations, or severe intellectual deficits. And another 14 percent of them had mild mental disabilities. In short, the odds that a newborn child who is the product of brother-sister or father-daughter incest will suffer an early death, a severe birth defect, or some mental deficiently approaches 50 percent.
The profound negative effects of incest on unborn children raise the issues of moral consistency and of abortion politics . I understand the pro-life argument. If you believe that human life begins at the moment sperm meets egg, it is perfectly logical to oppose abortion. But at what point do reasonable people temper logical consistency with compassion and common sense?
During the 2012 Republican Party convention in Tampa, the Platform Committee struggled with an aspect of the argument against legal abortion . Just about everyone on the committee agreed that abortion should be banned. But committee members were split over whether official party doctrine should include exceptions to the abortion ban if a fetus was the result of rape or incest. In the end, ideological purity prevailed. The official Republican platform states, “We assert the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.” No exceptions, period. Even in cases of first-degree relative incest.
I grudgingly admit that the lack of any exception in the official Republican position on abortion is logically consistent with the party's statement on the “sanctity of all human life.” But shouldn't logic sometimes be tempered with compassion? Emerson famously wrote, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”
Forcing a woman burdened with the psychological scars of incest to bear a child who has a roughly 50:50 chance of having mental disabilities or a severe birth defect is perhaps the ultimate example of a foolish consistency that appeals to little statesmen.
Hal Herzog, Ph.D., is the author of Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard To Think Straight About Animals.

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The question is not whether you’ll change; you will. Research clearly shows that everyone’s personality traits shift over the years, often for the better. But who we end up becoming and how much we like that person are more in our control than we tend to think they are.

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THIS is the "world's most inbred family" with four generations of incest -including at least 14 kids with parents all related to each other.
Perverted patriarch of the oddball clan Tim Colt ran an "incest" farm in the Australian Outback where he raped his daughters and fathered their children, say reports.
Research, based on data published by the Children's Court Down Under, reveals how Tim fathered seven children - five girls and two boys - with wife June. 
The fiend, who died in 2009, also had multiple kids with daughter Betty and his eldest girl Rhonda, the Daily Mail in Australia reports.
The 38-member Colt clan were forced to live in squalor in a sickening story of incest, neglect, and paedophilia that shocked the world when their story was first revealed.
Since then, the children have all been given court appointed pseudonyms to conceal their identities.
One of the members of the family - Frank Colt - was found guilty in 2020 of sexually assaulting a teen relative during a visit to the family farm near Yass in 2010.
The offence occurred two years before shocked police discovered the clan living in an isolated camp .
The disgusting details of the family - who moved between rural Victoria, Western Australia South Australia and the Northern Territory - were revealed after a gagging order on their gruesome family history ceased.
Their twisted family tree shows there were four known generations who were living together, including four kids who were the great-grandchildren and grandchildren of Tim Colt.  
His youngest daughter had children to her brother Charlie, a court heard.
DNA testing discovered 11 of those children were the product of parents who were closely related to each another, say the shocking reports.
Also living in the camp were a dozen second or third-generation family members who were legally adults so not required to undergo DNA testing.
Three of the late Tim Colt’s daughters have been dragged through court trials, assaulted in prison, and ostracised in communities due to their inbred children – the products of rape and sexual relations with their own father and siblings.
In one Colt trial, Tim Colt's son Roderick was found guilty of raping his niece, who was also his half-sister.
The victim, Petra, was the biological child of Tim and Bettyand was also attacked by her uncle Frank in the back seat of his car during a visit to the family farm in February 2010, for which he was convicted.
She told police back in 2013 that she had never gone to school, lived "in a cult" and that "all my aunts, uncles and cousins have all been sleeping together".
Betty and Rhonda's sister Martha, who openly shared a "marital bed" with her brother Charlie Colt, gave birth to five children.
Their brood were likely fathered by Charlie, her own father Tim and another brother, Roderick, it was revoltingly revealed at her trial.
She was slapped with a two-year prison sentence after concealing the paternity of her kids, who were all proven to be the product of sexual relations with a biological relative by DNA tests.
Martha gave birth to three sons and three daughters, one of whom died, between 1988 and 2006.
She claimed the kids were the product of five casual encounters, a tale a judge called "demonstrably untrue".
The court heard how police intercepts of conversations between Martha and brother Charlie were brimming with "giggling and a degree of sexualised banter."
Charlie Colt - who originally faced 27 charges – was found not guilty on two charges and acquitted, with the balance being withdrawn.
Tim Colt's other two daughters were also convicted of perjury for attempting to hide the identity of their children's fathers.
Betty was convicted of four counts of perjury, one of lying under oath and one of perverting the course of justice, and was jailed for 14 months.
Rhonda also received a 14-month intensive corrections order for perjury.
DNA testing would reveal all four women had children whose fathers were the mothers’ own father or brother, or a half brother, uncle, nephew or grandfather.
Of the original 80 charges originally levelled against eight Colts – including incest, child sexual abuse, indecency against a child and perjury – many were dropped.
Charlie Colt, who originally faced 27 charges – was found not guilty on two charges and acquitted, with the balance being withdrawn.
Although all eight family members were imprisoned after their 2018 arrest, only half have subsequently received custodial sentences.
Suppression orders had remained on the family’s interbreeding practices and rampant sexual interactions as eight family members were before the courts.
Three family members, Roderick, Martha and Derek Colt, filed notices of intention to appeal in 2020, all of which have since expired.
The horrific family history intertwined with incest only began to emerge nearly nine years ago after authorities discovered nearly 40 relatives living in inhumane conditions in an outback bush camp.
They lived amongst an uninsulated shed, old caravans and tents on a New South Wales bush block that was found in 2012.
The Colt children were sleeping in tents without running water, toilets, or electricity, had shuffling gait, and could not speak intelligible English.
They spread to remote parts of Australia after the NSW farm was raided.
The clan travelled around the country performing at town halls, festivals and country shows, and even produced records with album covers featuring the patriarch and three children.
One sickening album was even entitled a collection of family "love songs".
Many of them have now reached adulthood and have shown marked improvement in personal hygiene and health - but they are still overshadowed by deprivations from their childhood.
Some have low slung ears or misaligned eyes as a result of inbreeding and they look decades older than their actual age.
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