

kolbak pute

Rocket Papusha Technology


Papusha Rocket Technology is the first rocket and space technology in the world to receive fuel from refinery oil refineries from the developer of the Energia-Buran program from the Russian Academy of Sciences academy, Papushi AI. 

This is the latest technology for the waste of oil refineries around the world.  In addition to "killing" flora and fauna, refineries receive gasoline and diesel, which go on sale.ICO domestic workers determine the production of small-scale installations to process heavy oil residues, with production of liquid fuels using transonic combustion technology.  The new refinery produced every day around the world is 1.35 million tons.  One PRT-2 installation, depending on its capacity, processes 30-90 tons of waste per day.  The volume of the PRT-2 installation needed by the market. 

This technology is included in the UN list under the name of the author "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT).  It's about recycling only new waste, which doesn't clog our planet.  For accumulated deposits and processing of lakes, volumes several times greater than this value are needed.

 Papusha is one of the best blockbusters in  the industry that has experienced good performance and good ideas.  As one of the first blockchain platforms produced, the company wants to help investors become more concerned about the economic experience experienced by many people around the world in the concept of mutual assistance that users can trade on this registered blockchain platform.  The important points of the Papusha platform The point is that most registered investors and potential investors will start their business on the overall platform.

ICO PRT creates the production of small plants for processing heavy oil residues, with production of liquid fuels using transonic combustion technology.  The daily that produces new waste from refineries around the world is 1.35 million tons.  One unit of PRT-2, depending on its capacity, processes 30-90 tons of waste per day.  The volume of PRT-2 units needed for the market is tens of thousands. 

This technology is included in the UN list under the name of the author "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT).  We talk about just treating the new waste, which allows us not to pollute our planet.  To process the collected deposits and loans, the volume is needed, several times more than this value. 

The Papusha challenge finds a solution

Today, the world is rising for global warming.  Everyone knows that the world's ecosystems are in a bad condition.  There are still many things to do to save the world.  This will ensure that there is a good world for future generations.

All countries have refineries, facing storage and residual use problems.  The current residual ratio is around 20%.  That means for every million barrels, there are about one million barrels left.

Most refineries usually have storage facilities around them, which contain lots of black waste that pollutes the earth.  Every day, this waste continues to grow.  The current solution for this waste disposal is too expensive and has little impact.  In addition, the return period for the existing method is pretty much withdrawn.


AI    Papush    plans to bring new technology that will change the world.  This project will use conversion combustion, will eliminate toxic residues.  Through modification of the findings made by AI Papush, it is possible to extract valuable products such as kerosene, diesel and synthetic oils.

Domestic worker units have been developed to be small, reliable, very efficient and with a low payback period.  This small PRT unit will have a capacity of up to 60% liquid fuel.  There are no competitors with this technology in the world.  There is a lot of interest expressed by major refineries in the world.  The only domestic unit workers costs around $ 950,000, many times more than other inefficient units.  The payback period is estimated to be around 7 months.

Benefits of installing domestic workers:

  • Efficiency.  A small domestic worker unit makes it possible to get up to 60% of the liquid fuel from the total mass processed.  - Cost.  Production costs for 1 PRT installation from 950 000 $.
  • Payback.  The average return time of 1 unit PRT-2 is 5-7 months. 
  • Oil refining companies receive the following benefits when using technology "Papusha Rocket Tehnology:
  • Getting expensive gasoline and diesel from waste from oil refining.
  • Cost savings due to abandonment of storage contents and settling tanks.
  • Environmental enhancement.  Token  : PRT  
  • Platform: Ethereum   
  • Standard: ERC20   
  • Total: 100,000,000 PRT   
  • Price: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT   
  • Payment:   
  • ETH

Soft cap:   

Hard cap: 13,500 ETH


Quantity: 75,000,000   

Start Domestic Workers: 25.07.2018   

Completion: 25.09.2018

About the tram:   

Papusha Anatoly Ivanovich   

Writer and head of development. 

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, recipient of State prizes from the Soviet Union, academics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Cosmonautics Academy, Russian Ecology Academy, Academy of geopolitical issues.

Papusha Igor Anatolyevich   


He graduated from the Russian University of Chemical Technology.  DI Mendeleev, project technologist.  He participated in all the latest thematic developments from Papusha Rocket Technology.

Project manager   Vladimir Vladimirovich Davydenko   

He graduated from the Volga state Water Transport Academy in 1995 as a mechanical engineer, the President's program in management training in 2005 as a marketing Specialist, Moscow Institute of Modern Academic education in 2012 as management and staffing management.  Successful entrepreneurs, Managers with 15 years of experience, specialists in the field of foreign economic activities.

Petrosyan Valery Samsonovich   

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.  UN expert on chemical security, a Russian high school respected worker, distinguished Professor from Moscow State University.

Grigoriev Yuri Pavlovich   

Doctor of Engineering, Professor, respected inventor of the RSFSR, member of the Russian Cosmonautics Academy, academics of the Russian and European Natural Sciences Academy, USSR State Prize winner.

Lemeshev Mikhail Yakovlevich   

Doctor of Economics, Professor, academician from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, United Nations expert on natural resources. 

Roadmap.  Two thousand and sixteen  

Beginning of scientific calculations in processing oil products   

Technological tests on the basic standards in the   

Dolgoprudny Test have been successfully completed, technology has been refined and improved   

Two thousand and seventeen   

Improvement of calculations, systematization of results   

Preparation of business plans, find partners   

Q1 2018   

Preparation for   

ICO Team building, technical documentation   

Development of smart contracts and economic tokens   

Q2 2018 

Launch of   

the ICO Marketing campaign  

Personal sales  conduct rounds  

Q3 2018   

ICOO Papusha Rocket Technology   

Output from tokens in PRT exchanges   

Development of operational documentation   

Q4 2018   

Produce and purchase  

and first make the PRT-2 -30  equipment and components  

Certification  installation   , obtain specifications for connections  

Two thousand nineteen   

serial production of PRT-2 units, first sale   

Development of modules for processing brown coal   

Working on completion and implementation of gas generators, providing cheap electricity for mining







Author: kolbak pute 

profile URL ::;u=1624619

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