


Papusha Project Review

 Papusha is one of the results of the development of the blockchain industry that experienced good performance and good ideas, based on a system that allows investors to be more open to symbolic investment. As one of the first blockchain platforms produced, the company wants to help investors become more concerned about the economic weaknesses experienced by many people around the world in the concept of mutual assistance as investments that users can trade on this registered blockchain platform. Some important points of the Papusha platform The point is that most registered investors and potential investors will start their business on the overall platform.

Anatoly I. Papusha is a world-renowned scientist, recipient of the Soviet Union’s State Prize, a PhD in Science and Engineering, and a scientist. In the 80s, the world’s most powerful rocket engine was created for the Buran space program. To test the engine, AI Papusha is part of the world’s largest combustion chamber.

The new rocket engine emits gas containing about one ton of carbon monoxide per second. In 180 seconds, the engine can produce as much CO as produced by all vehicles in Moscow in one day. However, AI Papush has launched innovations that reduce CO emissions from 1000kg to just 1kg per second.

For his achievements, he was awarded the Soviet Union State Prize. The invention that he created has many different applications. The most important is in the maintenance of oil residues and the production of liquid fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel. The main area of ​​this project has been completed. AI   Papusha   has patented the technology. If distributed throughout the world, it could help save the ecology of the Earth.

The Papusha challenge finds a solution

Today, the world is rising for global warming. Everyone knows that the world’s ecosystems are in a bad condition. There are still many things to do to save the world. This will ensure that there is a good world for future generations.

All countries have refineries, facing storage and residual use problems. The current residual ratio is around 20%. That means for every million barrels, there are about one million barrels left.

Most refineries usually have storage facilities around them, which contain lots of black waste that pollutes the earth. Every day, this waste continues to grow. The current solution for this waste disposal is too expensive and has little impact. In addition, the return period for the existing method is pretty much withdrawn.


AI   Papush   plans to bring new technology that will change the world. This project will use conversion combustion, will eliminate toxic residues. Through modification of the findings made by AI Papush, it is possible to extract valuable products such as kerosene, diesel and synthetic oils.

Domestic worker units have been developed to be small, reliable, very efficient and with a low payback period. This small PRT unit will have a capacity of up to 60% liquid fuel. There are no competitors with this technology in the world. There is a lot of interest expressed by major refineries in the world. The only domestic worker unit costs around $ 950,000, many times more than other inefficient units. The payback period is estimated to be around 7 months.

Benefits of installing domestic workers:

  • Efficiency. A small domestic worker unit makes it possible to get up to 60% of liquid fuel from the total mass processed. – Cost. Production costs for 1 PRT installation from 950 000 $.
  • Payback. The average return time of 1 unit PRT-2 is 5-7 months. 
  • Oil refining companies receive the following benefits when using technology “Papusha Rocket Tehnology:
  • Getting expensive gasoline and diesel from waste from oil refining.
  • Cost savings due to the abandonment of storage contents and settling tanks.
  • Environmental enhancement. Token : PRT  
  • Platform: Ethereum  
  • Standard: ERC20  
  • Total: 100,000,000 PRT  
  • Price: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT  
  • Payment:  
  • ETH

Token notices detailed Papusha domestic workers

Parameter ICO

  • Private sales: June 1 – July 25
  • ICO: July 25 – September 25
  • Message Token: PRT
  • Standard: ERC20
  • Hardcap: 13,500 ETH
  • Total number of tokens: 100 000 000
  • Code for sale: 75%
  • Price: 1 ETH = 3500 domestic workers







Username: COB 


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