Paper Submission

Paper Submission


Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full and original research papers which are not submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journals.
All papers should be not less than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references (recommended 6-8 pages), but not more than 8 pages.
The obligate condition for a scientific paper to submit is the accordance with IMRAD structure (see Guide for Authors).
All paper submissions will be double blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability.
Authors have to submit revised versions of their papers according to the reviewer’s remarks.
Live participation in the conference is an indispensable condition for the publication of the paper. An exception is provided only for the case of “poster-presentation”.
Origin, Motivation and Contribution
Papers, which are prepared for publishing, should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceeding (journal etc.).
All papers are supposed to present novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and conference topic fields.
The Author(s) must ensure that the manuscript is original except for such excerpts from copyrighted works (including illustrations, tables, animations and text quotations) as may be included with the permission of the copyright holder.
The Author(s) must obtain written permission to the necessary extent and that the Author(s) indicate(s) the precise sources of the excerpts in the manuscript.
The Author(s) must ensure that the manuscript has not heretofore been published in whole or in part.
Each Author must ensure that his/her contribution contains no libelous or defamatory statements and does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory right or proprietary right of others, including rights obtained through licenses.
Number of authors in a single paper is not limited.
The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agree on its submission for publication.
The requirements for the manuscript
Full paper in MS-Word (docx./doc.) format should be prepared in accordance with the Conference Template ( download ) and submit to Conference Email:
You need to carefully check your text, including authors’ names, initials, authors’ affiliations, references, which are the most current mistakes.
If you make mistake there, your names will not be properly indexed. Please ensure that affiliations are as full and complete as possible and include the country.
We publish papers written in good English only. Make sure that all texts, formulas, tables, signs and inscriptions in figures are in English. The Greek alphabet is valid only in formulas.
Make sure that your list of references is presented correctly! Online references will be linked to their original source via CrossRef only if they are correctly presented. If there are errors, the references will not be correctly indexed.
To do so, extra care should be taken when preparing reference lists. References should be cited in the text by placing sequential numbers in brackets (for example, [1], [2, 5, 7], [8-10]). They should be numbered in order in which they are cited.
The quality of the digital images should have a high-resolution, at least 300 dpi for figures.
We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated . If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following acts of sanction will be taken:
Reject the submitted paper and delete from the final publications.
Report the author’s violation to his/her affiliated institution(s).
Report the author’s violation to the appropriate overseeing office of academic ethics.
Conference registrants canceling their registration one month before the conference date will receive a refund of the conference registration fee, less a USD100 administrative fee.

Author notices have been sent to the corresponding authors on 15 June 2022. If you have not received your email, please contact Danielle Corrigan at for assistance.
Notifications are sent to the corresponding author. All further notifications regarding presentation information are sent to the presenting author.
A copyright agreement form must be completed if your paper is accepted.
Please note that if your paper is accepted, you will be prompted to complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) at a later date. Failure to complete the copyright form will result in your paper being withheld from IEEE Xplore.
This form allows IEEE the right to use, distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, reproduce, and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed any materials, including written, audio and visual works.
Technical papers received outside the electronic submission site will not be accepted. Revisions will only be accepted up until the paper submission deadline.
Authors are asked to provide vital pieces of information, including, but not limited to the paper title, presentation type, and a 45-word abstract, as well as all authors’ contact information. This information must be completed in its entirety; failure to do so may inhibit your ability to successfully complete your submission.
Adherence to the instructions for the preparation of the abstract and summary is imperative. Any of the following conditions may result in rejection of the paper:
1. Failure to submit the paper electronically by the submission deadline.
2. Failure to submit the 45-word abstract.
3. Failure to complete a copyright agreement.
4. Paper summary exceeds two-page limit.
The IEEE Xplore proceedings will contain only papers presented at the conference.
IEEE Photonics Society
© Copyright 2022 IEEE – All rights reserved. Use of this website signifies your agreement to the IEEE Terms and Conditions .
A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

All papers must be submitted electronically through the EDAS Conference papers submission system. To ensure high standards, all contributed papers will be reviewed by four independent reviewers. Based on the reviewers’ comments, the Coordinating Scientist will take a decision on the acceptance of the papers. Upon acceptance of the Full Paper, the author will be notified via email, and the author shall incorporate the reviewers’ suggested corrections to the manuscript and submit the revised manuscript as Camera Ready Submission to the EDAS Conference papers submission system.
All papers submitted to the ITIS 2022 must be written in English and formatted in the standard IEEE Xplore double-column format (A4 size), you can download the Microsoft Word template here , and for here for Latex Template . Failing to conform to the standard format will result in rejection.
NOTE: Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements
The accepted and presented papers of ITIS 2022 will be electronically submitted in IEEE Xplore*. This means that accepted papers must exactly fulfill the IEEE requirements regarding the final submitted version. The maximum length is 6 pages. Please follow strictly the following steps:
Papers from the previous ITIS have been published in IEEEXplore:
Submission Deadline:
July 25, 2022 August 25, 2022
September 1, 2022 (Final Extended)
Author Notification:
September 26, 2022
Author Registration: October 1, 2022
Conference Date: October 19 – 21, 2022

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Below are some useful instructions to assist the authors to submit their papers for MAPCON 2022:

Papers submitted to MAPCON 2022 shall contain original work by the author(s) that have not been
published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The IEEE anti- plagiarism policy is applicable
to all submissions. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.

All papers are required to be prepared and submitted in the IEEE Standard two-column conference
format of A4 size in English. Papers must be four to six pages in length, including texts,
Figures, photographs and references. Any submitted paper that exceeds six pages will be rejected.
The first page must include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliations, address and text.
Please do not include page numbers on submitted documents. Failing to conform to the standard
format will result in rejection. Detailed format information is available in IEEE Website.

The authors are required to use the standard IEEE manuscript template for conferences. The
Microsoft Word template in can be downloaded from IEEE conference template page: Click here

Once the paper is submitted, we shall start reviewing it, authors cannot update/resubmit the paper. They
should submit the final version, update/resubmissions are not allowed.

The paper shall consist of original and previously unpublished work, including specific results.
The 'Introduction' of the paper shall clearly indicate the unique aspects of the submission and how
it is related to the previous work.

All paper submissions must be electronic, using IEEE Xplore compliant PDF format (*.pdf).
Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the paper. Embedded Type 1 or True Type fonts
are required in the submitted PDF xle as subset fonts.

Type 3 fonts (bitmaps) will not be accepted. Authors can use the IEEE PDF eXpress to generate
compliant PDF Files for final submission.

All papers must be submitted in PDF via EDAS:

The submitting authors may be required to create an EDAS account before uploading the paper
(if the submitting author does not have a Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit account).
While uploading the paper, the authors should provide the title of the paper, an abstract of
no more than 200 words and keywords in the respective text boxes in the paper submission page.

Please note that all accepted papers that are registered and presented in the conference will be
sent for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore. The authors must agree to the IEEE copyright conditions
and sign the IEEE copyright form as part of the online submission process. All submitted papers will
be peer reviewed by the Technical Program Committees (TPC).

Copyright © 2022 MAPCON2022 - IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference | Powered by
MAPCON2022 - IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference

July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022 (Hard Deadline)
Last Date of Non-Author Registration

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