Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum

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Papaver somniferum

Papaver somniferum , commonly known as the opium poppy \\\\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\\\] or breadseed poppy , \\\\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\\\] is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. It is the species of plant from which both opium and poppy seeds are derived and is also a valuable ornamental plant , grown in gardens. Its native range is probably the eastern Mediterranean, but is now obscured by ancient introductions and cultivation, being naturalized across much of Europe and Asia. This poppy is grown as an agricultural crop on a large scale, for one of three primary purposes. The first is to produce seeds that are eaten by humans, known commonly as poppy seed. The second is to produce opium for use mainly by the pharmaceutical industry. The common name 'opium poppy' is increasingly a misnomer as many varieties have been bred that do not produce a significant quantity of opium. This differentiation has strong implications for legal policy surrounding the growing of this plant. The plant is strongly glaucous , giving a greyish-green appearance, and the stem and leaves bear a sparse distribution of coarse hairs. The large leaves are lobed, the upper stem leaves clasping the stem, \\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\] the lowest leaves with a short petiole. The fruit is a hairless, rounded capsule topped with 12—18 radiating stigmatic rays, or fluted cap. Papaver somniferum was formally described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in his seminal publication Species Plantarum in on page Papaver somniferum has had a very long tradition of use, starting in the Neolithic. This long period of time allowed the development of a broad range of different forms. In total there are 52 botanical varieties. The global demand for the alkaloids and the pharmaceutical derivatives has increased in the past years. Therefore, there is a need for the development of high opium yielding varieties. Papaver somniferum has one accepted subspecies , Papaver somniferum subsp. Colors of the flowers vary widely, as do other physical characteristics, such as number and shape of petals, number of flowers and fruits, number of seeds, color of seeds, and production of opium. Papaver somniferum var. The variety Sujata produces no latex and no utility for opioid production. The native range of opium poppy is probably the Eastern Mediterranean, but extensive cultivation and introduction of the species throughout Europe since ancient times have obscured its origin. It has escaped from cultivation, or has been introduced and become naturalized extensively in all regions of the British Isles, particularly in the south and east \\\\\\\\\\\[16\\\\\\\\\\\] and in almost all other countries of the world with suitable, temperate climates. Use of the opium poppy antedates written history. Images of opium poppies have been found in ancient Sumerian artifacts circa BC. The making and use of opium was known to the ancient Minoans. Opium was used for treating asthma , stomach illnesses, and bad eyesight. The First and Second Opium Wars between China, and the British Empire and France took place in the late s to the early s, when the Chinese attempted to stop western traders from selling and later smuggling opium into their country from the large crops grown in India. The British in particular had a deep trade deficit with China, and the sale of British-owned Indian opium helped balance it. Many modern writers, particularly in the 19th century, have written on the opium poppy and its effects, notably Thomas de Quincey in Confessions of an English Opium Eater. The French Romantic composer Hector Berlioz used opium for inspiration, subsequently producing his Symphonie Fantastique. In this work, a young artist overdoses on opium and experiences a series of visions of his unrequited love. It removed the poppy plants that had been planted continually there since Jefferson was alive and using opium from them. Employees of the foundation also destroyed gift shop items like shirts depicting the poppy and packets of the heirloom seed. Opium poppies flower and fruit appear on the coat of arms of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The alkaloids are organic nitrogenous compounds, derivatives of secondary metabolism , synthesized through the metabolic pathway of benzylisoquinoline. The conversion of S -norcoclaurin to S -reticulin is one of the key points, since from S -reticulin morphine can be formed through the morphinan route, noscapine through the path of the noscapina or berberina. The poppy genome contains 51, genes encoding proteins distributed This enrichment of genes is related to the maintenance of homeostasis and a positive regulation of transcription. The analysis of synergy of the opium poppy reveals traces of segmental duplications million years ago MYA , before the divergence between Papaveraceae and Ranunculaceae, and an event of duplication of the complete genome makes 7. The genes are possibly grouped as follows: \\\\\\\\\\\[20\\\\\\\\\\\]. Poppy seeds from Papaver somniferum are an important food item and the source of poppyseed oil , an edible oil that has many uses. The seeds contain very low levels of opiates and the oil extracted from them contains even less. The poppy press cake as a residue of the oil pressing can be used as fodder for different animals as e. Especially in the time of the molt of the birds, the cake is nutritive and fits to their special needs. Next to the animal fodder, poppy offers other by-products. For example, the stem of the plant can be used for energy brickets and pellets to heat. Poppy seeds are used as a food in many cultures. They may be used whole by bakers to decorate their products or milled and mixed with sugar as a sweet filling. They have a creamy and nut-like flavor, and when used with ground coconut, the seeds provide a unique and flavour-rich curry base. They can be dry roasted and ground to be used in wet curry curry paste or dry curry. When the European Union attempted to ban the cultivation of Papaver somniferum by private individuals on a small scale such as personal gardens , citizens in EU countries where poppy seed is eaten heavily, such as countries in the Central-Eastern region, strongly resisted the plan, causing the EU to change course. Singapore , UAE , and Saudi Arabia are among nations that ban even having poppy seeds, not just growing the plants for them. The opium poppy, as its name indicates, is the principal source of opium , the dried latex produced by the seed pods. Opium contains a class of naturally occurring alkaloids known as opiates , that include morphine , thebaine , codeine , papaverine , noscapine and oripavine. The specific epithet somniferum means 'sleep-bringing', referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. The opiate drugs are extracted from opium. The latex oozes from incisions made on the green seed pods and is collected once dry. Tincture of opium or laudanum , consisting of opium dissolved in alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and water, is one of many unapproved drugs regulated by the U. Morphine is the predominant alkaloid found in the cultivated varieties of opium poppy that are used for opium production. Non-opium cultivars that are planted for drug production feature a high level of thebaine or orpivine. Those are refined into drugs like oxycodone. Live plants and seeds of the opium poppy are widely sold by seed companies and nurseries in most of the western world, including the United States. Poppies are sought after by gardeners for the vivid coloration of the blooms, the hardiness and reliability of the poppy plants, the exotic chocolate-vegetal fragrance note of some cultivars, \\\\\\\\\\\[ which? Poppy seed pods are also sold for dried flower arrangements. In fact, the legal status of strictly ornamental poppy gardens is more nuanced. During the summer, opium poppies can be seen flowering in gardens throughout North America and Europe, and displays are found in many private plantings, as well as in public botanical and museum gardens such as United States Botanical Garden , Missouri Botanical Garden , and North Carolina Botanical Garden. Many countries grow the plants, and some rely heavily on the commercial production of the drug as a major source of income. As an additional source of profit, the seeds of the same plants are sold for use in foods, so the cultivation of the plant is a significant source of income. This international trade in seeds of P. As many non-opium cultivars are available, there has been a shift to selling ornamental varieties of those types. Unlike opium-heavy varieties, these cannot be easily processed into usable narcotics by anyone lacking the requisite lab. The Sujata type produces no latex at all so it cannot be used for any kind of drug production. Turkey and Spain were other major producers. However, poppy seed production and trade is susceptible to fluctuations mainly due to unstable yields. The performance of most genotypes of 'Papaver somniferum' is very susceptible to environmental changes \\\\\\\\\\\[32\\\\\\\\\\\] This behaviour led to a stagnation of the poppy seed market value between — as a consequence of high stock levels, bad weather and poor quality. In Europe, poppy seed products appear promising in the organic and speciality market. However, poppy seed oil remains a niche product due to the lower yield compared to conventional oil crops. Australia Tasmania , Turkey and India are the major producers of poppy for medicinal purposes and poppy-based drugs, such as morphine or codeine. A recent initiative to extend opium production for medicinal purposes called Poppy for Medicine was launched by The Senlis Council which proposes that Afghanistan could produce medicinal opium under a scheme similar to that operating in Turkey and India. The Office of Fair Trading has alerted the government to their monopoly position on growing in the UK and worldwide production of diamorphine and recommended consideration. In the growth development of Papaver somniferum six stages can be distinguished. The growth development starts with the growth of the seedlings. In a second step the rosette-type leaves and stalks are formed. After that budding hook stage takes place as a third step. The hook stage is followed by flowering. Subsequently, technical maturity is reached, which means that the plant is ready for cutting. The last step is biological maturity; dry seeds are ripened. The photoperiod seems to be the main determinant of flower development of Papaver somniferum. Papaver somniferum shows a very slow development in the beginning of its vegetation period. Due to this fact the competition of weeds is very high in early stages. It is very important to control weeds effectively in the first 50 days after sowing. The pre-emergence application of the herbicide chlortoluron has been shown to be effective in reducing weed levels. The combined application of those two herbicides has been shown to be recommendable for effective weed management in Papaver somniferum. A highly abundant weed species in Papaver somniferum fields was shown to be Papaver rhoeas. Papaver somniferum is susceptible to several fungal, insect and virus infections including seed borne diseases such as downy mildew and root rot. The use of pesticides in combination to cultural methods have been considered as major control measures for various poppy diseases. The fungal pathogen Peronospora arborescens is , the causal agent of downy mildew, occurs preferentially during wet and humid conditions. Leaf blight caused by the fungus Helminthosporium papaveris is one of the most destructive poppy diseases worldwide. The seed-borne fungus causes root rot in young plants and stunted stems in plants at a higher development stage, where leaf spots appear on the leaves and is being transmitted to capsules and seeds. Mosaic diseases in p. There are only few pests that can really harm P. Flea beetles perforate the leaves of young plants and aphids suck on the sap of the flower buds. The insect lives in the soil and migrates in spring to the poppy fields after crop emergence. Adults damage the leaves of small plants by eating them. Female lay their eggs into the tissue of lower leaves. Insect larvae hatch and burrow into the soil to complete their life cycle on the poppy roots as adults. In most of Central Europe , poppyseed is commonly used for traditional pastries and cakes, and it is legal to grow poppies throughout the region, although Germany requires a license. It is also prohibited to grow varieties with more than 0. The name Czech blue poppy refers to blue poppy seeds used for food. The United Kingdom does not require a license for opium poppy cultivation, but does for extracting opium for medicinal products. In the United States, opium poppies and poppy straw are prohibited. The law of poppy cultivation in the United States is somewhat ambiguous. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not the holder of a license authorizing him to produce the opium poppy, duly issued to him by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to produce the opium poppy, or to permit the production of the opium poppy in or upon any place owned, occupied, used, or controlled by him. This led to the Poppy Rebellion, and to the Narcotics Bureau arresting anyone planting opium poppies and forcing the destruction of poppy fields of anyone who defied the prohibition of poppy cultivation. Today, this area of law has remained vague and remains somewhat controversial in the United States. In some parts of Australia, P. In United Arab Emirates the cultivation of the opium poppy is illegal, as is possession of poppyseed. At least one man has been imprisoned for possessing poppyseed obtained from a bread roll. Burma bans cultivation in certain provinces. In northern Burma bans have ended a century-old tradition of growing the opium poppy. Between 20, and 30, former poppy farmers left the Kokang region as a result of the ban in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See also: Opium. Main article: Poppy seed. Main article: Opium. See also: Opium production in Afghanistan. Species Plantarum. Laurentius Salvius. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original xls on 23 October Retrieved 17 October Retrieved 7 January The New York Times. Retrieved 8 January Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal. Physiologia Plantarum. New Flora of the British Isles Third ed. Cambridge, U. Excursion flora of the British Isles 3 ed. Grains Research and Development Corporation. Retrieved 19 January Retrieved 1 November Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality. London, U. International Congress Series. Archived from the original on 4 December Sneyd, Jan. Stuttgart Hohenheim : Ulmer. Retrieved 30 December Times of India. Brett M. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Winter Retrieved 3 January London: The Pharmaceutical Press, , page Opium Poppy: Botany, Chemistry, and pharmacology. Retrieved 18 April Acta Agronomica Hungarica. Retrieved 15 November Index Box. University of Tasmania. Retrieved 2 September Australian Society of Agronomy. Archived from the original on 29 July Poppy for Medicine. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. March Archived from the original on 22 November Archived from the original PDF on 4 December Retrieved 3 October October Agricultural Water Management. January Tropical Pest Management. International Journal of Pest Management. Weed Research. Plant Genetic Resources. September Journal of Phytopathology. Journal of Applied Microbiology. New York: Food Products Press. February Plant Disease. Archives of Virology. Plant, Soil and Environment. Evening Standard. Retrieved 13 September US Food and Drug Administration. Anslinger The American University Law Review. American Bar Association Journal. Justice Laws Website, Government of Canada. Retrieved 20 June Retrieved 7 July The Times. Archived from the original on 10 October Opioid receptor modulators. Chinese herbology Indian herbology Islamic herbology Japanese herbology Korean herbology. List of plants used in herbalism. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikispecies. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Papaver somniferum L. Czech Republic. Wikispecies has information related to Papaver somniferum. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Papaver somniferum.

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Papaver somniferum

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Papaver somniferum

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Papaver somniferum

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Papaver somniferum

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Papaver somniferum , commonly known as the opium poppy \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] or breadseed poppy , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. It is the species of plant from which both opium and poppy seeds are derived and is also a valuable ornamental plant , grown in gardens. Its native range is probably the eastern Mediterranean, but is now obscured by ancient introductions and cultivation, being naturalized across much of Europe and Asia. This poppy is grown as an agricultural crop on a large scale, for one of three primary purposes. The first is to produce seeds that are eaten by humans, known commonly as poppy seed. The second is to produce opium for use mainly by the pharmaceutical industry. The common name 'opium poppy' is increasingly a misnomer as many varieties have been bred that do not produce a significant quantity of opium. This differentiation has strong implications for legal policy surrounding the growing of this plant. The plant is strongly glaucous , giving a greyish-green appearance, and the stem and leaves bear a sparse distribution of coarse hairs. The large leaves are lobed, the upper stem leaves clasping the stem, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] the lowest leaves with a short petiole. The fruit is a hairless, rounded capsule topped with 12—18 radiating stigmatic rays, or fluted cap. Papaver somniferum was formally described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in his seminal publication Species Plantarum in on page Papaver somniferum has had a very long tradition of use, starting in the Neolithic. This long period of time allowed the development of a broad range of different forms. In total there are 52 botanical varieties. The global demand for the alkaloids and the pharmaceutical derivatives has increased in the past years. Therefore, there is a need for the development of high opium yielding varieties. Papaver somniferum has one accepted subspecies , Papaver somniferum subsp. Colors of the flowers vary widely, as do other physical characteristics, such as number and shape of petals, number of flowers and fruits, number of seeds, color of seeds, and production of opium. Papaver somniferum var. The variety Sujata produces no latex and no utility for opioid production. The native range of opium poppy is probably the Eastern Mediterranean, but extensive cultivation and introduction of the species throughout Europe since ancient times have obscured its origin. It has escaped from cultivation, or has been introduced and become naturalized extensively in all regions of the British Isles, particularly in the south and east \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[16\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] and in almost all other countries of the world with suitable, temperate climates. Use of the opium poppy antedates written history. Images of opium poppies have been found in ancient Sumerian artifacts circa BC. The making and use of opium was known to the ancient Minoans. Opium was used for treating asthma , stomach illnesses, and bad eyesight. The First and Second Opium Wars between China, and the British Empire and France took place in the late s to the early s, when the Chinese attempted to stop western traders from selling and later smuggling opium into their country from the large crops grown in India. The British in particular had a deep trade deficit with China, and the sale of British-owned Indian opium helped balance it. Many modern writers, particularly in the 19th century, have written on the opium poppy and its effects, notably Thomas de Quincey in Confessions of an English Opium Eater. The French Romantic composer Hector Berlioz used opium for inspiration, subsequently producing his Symphonie Fantastique. In this work, a young artist overdoses on opium and experiences a series of visions of his unrequited love. It removed the poppy plants that had been planted continually there since Jefferson was alive and using opium from them. Employees of the foundation also destroyed gift shop items like shirts depicting the poppy and packets of the heirloom seed. Opium poppies flower and fruit appear on the coat of arms of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. The alkaloids are organic nitrogenous compounds, derivatives of secondary metabolism , synthesized through the metabolic pathway of benzylisoquinoline. The conversion of S -norcoclaurin to S -reticulin is one of the key points, since from S -reticulin morphine can be formed through the morphinan route, noscapine through the path of the noscapina or berberina. The poppy genome contains 51, genes encoding proteins distributed This enrichment of genes is related to the maintenance of homeostasis and a positive regulation of transcription. The analysis of synergy of the opium poppy reveals traces of segmental duplications million years ago MYA , before the divergence between Papaveraceae and Ranunculaceae, and an event of duplication of the complete genome makes 7. The genes are possibly grouped as follows: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[20\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Poppy seeds from Papaver somniferum are an important food item and the source of poppyseed oil , an edible oil that has many uses. The seeds contain very low levels of opiates and the oil extracted from them contains even less. The poppy press cake as a residue of the oil pressing can be used as fodder for different animals as e. Especially in the time of the molt of the birds, the cake is nutritive and fits to their special needs. Next to the animal fodder, poppy offers other by-products. For example, the stem of the plant can be used for energy brickets and pellets to heat. Poppy seeds are used as a food in many cultures. They may be used whole by bakers to decorate their products or milled and mixed with sugar as a sweet filling. They have a creamy and nut-like flavor, and when used with ground coconut, the seeds provide a unique and flavour-rich curry base. They can be dry roasted and ground to be used in wet curry curry paste or dry curry. When the European Union attempted to ban the cultivation of Papaver somniferum by private individuals on a small scale such as personal gardens , citizens in EU countries where poppy seed is eaten heavily, such as countries in the Central-Eastern region, strongly resisted the plan, causing the EU to change course. Singapore , UAE , and Saudi Arabia are among nations that ban even having poppy seeds, not just growing the plants for them. The opium poppy, as its name indicates, is the principal source of opium , the dried latex produced by the seed pods. Opium contains a class of naturally occurring alkaloids known as opiates , that include morphine , thebaine , codeine , papaverine , noscapine and oripavine. The specific epithet somniferum means 'sleep-bringing', referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. The opiate drugs are extracted from opium. The latex oozes from incisions made on the green seed pods and is collected once dry. Tincture of opium or laudanum , consisting of opium dissolved in alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and water, is one of many unapproved drugs regulated by the U. Morphine is the predominant alkaloid found in the cultivated varieties of opium poppy that are used for opium production. Non-opium cultivars that are planted for drug production feature a high level of thebaine or orpivine. Those are refined into drugs like oxycodone. Live plants and seeds of the opium poppy are widely sold by seed companies and nurseries in most of the western world, including the United States. Poppies are sought after by gardeners for the vivid coloration of the blooms, the hardiness and reliability of the poppy plants, the exotic chocolate-vegetal fragrance note of some cultivars, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ which? Poppy seed pods are also sold for dried flower arrangements. In fact, the legal status of strictly ornamental poppy gardens is more nuanced. During the summer, opium poppies can be seen flowering in gardens throughout North America and Europe, and displays are found in many private plantings, as well as in public botanical and museum gardens such as United States Botanical Garden , Missouri Botanical Garden , and North Carolina Botanical Garden. Many countries grow the plants, and some rely heavily on the commercial production of the drug as a major source of income. As an additional source of profit, the seeds of the same plants are sold for use in foods, so the cultivation of the plant is a significant source of income. This international trade in seeds of P. As many non-opium cultivars are available, there has been a shift to selling ornamental varieties of those types. Unlike opium-heavy varieties, these cannot be easily processed into usable narcotics by anyone lacking the requisite lab. The Sujata type produces no latex at all so it cannot be used for any kind of drug production. Turkey and Spain were other major producers. However, poppy seed production and trade is susceptible to fluctuations mainly due to unstable yields. The performance of most genotypes of 'Papaver somniferum' is very susceptible to environmental changes \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[32\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] This behaviour led to a stagnation of the poppy seed market value between — as a consequence of high stock levels, bad weather and poor quality. In Europe, poppy seed products appear promising in the organic and speciality market. However, poppy seed oil remains a niche product due to the lower yield compared to conventional oil crops. Australia Tasmania , Turkey and India are the major producers of poppy for medicinal purposes and poppy-based drugs, such as morphine or codeine. A recent initiative to extend opium production for medicinal purposes called Poppy for Medicine was launched by The Senlis Council which proposes that Afghanistan could produce medicinal opium under a scheme similar to that operating in Turkey and India. The Office of Fair Trading has alerted the government to their monopoly position on growing in the UK and worldwide production of diamorphine and recommended consideration. In the growth development of Papaver somniferum six stages can be distinguished. The growth development starts with the growth of the seedlings. In a second step the rosette-type leaves and stalks are formed. After that budding hook stage takes place as a third step. The hook stage is followed by flowering. Subsequently, technical maturity is reached, which means that the plant is ready for cutting. The last step is biological maturity; dry seeds are ripened. The photoperiod seems to be the main determinant of flower development of Papaver somniferum. Papaver somniferum shows a very slow development in the beginning of its vegetation period. Due to this fact the competition of weeds is very high in early stages. It is very important to control weeds effectively in the first 50 days after sowing. The pre-emergence application of the herbicide chlortoluron has been shown to be effective in reducing weed levels. The combined application of those two herbicides has been shown to be recommendable for effective weed management in Papaver somniferum. A highly abundant weed species in Papaver somniferum fields was shown to be Papaver rhoeas. Papaver somniferum is susceptible to several fungal, insect and virus infections including seed borne diseases such as downy mildew and root rot. The use of pesticides in combination to cultural methods have been considered as major control measures for various poppy diseases. The fungal pathogen Peronospora arborescens is , the causal agent of downy mildew, occurs preferentially during wet and humid conditions. Leaf blight caused by the fungus Helminthosporium papaveris is one of the most destructive poppy diseases worldwide. The seed-borne fungus causes root rot in young plants and stunted stems in plants at a higher development stage, where leaf spots appear on the leaves and is being transmitted to capsules and seeds. Mosaic diseases in p. There are only few pests that can really harm P. Flea beetles perforate the leaves of young plants and aphids suck on the sap of the flower buds. The insect lives in the soil and migrates in spring to the poppy fields after crop emergence. Adults damage the leaves of small plants by eating them. Female lay their eggs into the tissue of lower leaves. Insect larvae hatch and burrow into the soil to complete their life cycle on the poppy roots as adults. In most of Central Europe , poppyseed is commonly used for traditional pastries and cakes, and it is legal to grow poppies throughout the region, although Germany requires a license. It is also prohibited to grow varieties with more than 0. The name Czech blue poppy refers to blue poppy seeds used for food. The United Kingdom does not require a license for opium poppy cultivation, but does for extracting opium for medicinal products. In the United States, opium poppies and poppy straw are prohibited. The law of poppy cultivation in the United States is somewhat ambiguous. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not the holder of a license authorizing him to produce the opium poppy, duly issued to him by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to produce the opium poppy, or to permit the production of the opium poppy in or upon any place owned, occupied, used, or controlled by him. This led to the Poppy Rebellion, and to the Narcotics Bureau arresting anyone planting opium poppies and forcing the destruction of poppy fields of anyone who defied the prohibition of poppy cultivation. Today, this area of law has remained vague and remains somewhat controversial in the United States. In some parts of Australia, P. In United Arab Emirates the cultivation of the opium poppy is illegal, as is possession of poppyseed. At least one man has been imprisoned for possessing poppyseed obtained from a bread roll. Burma bans cultivation in certain provinces. In northern Burma bans have ended a century-old tradition of growing the opium poppy. Between 20, and 30, former poppy farmers left the Kokang region as a result of the ban in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See also: Opium. Main article: Poppy seed. Main article: Opium. See also: Opium production in Afghanistan. Species Plantarum. Laurentius Salvius. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original xls on 23 October Retrieved 17 October Retrieved 7 January The New York Times. Retrieved 8 January Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal. Physiologia Plantarum. New Flora of the British Isles Third ed. Cambridge, U. Excursion flora of the British Isles 3 ed. Grains Research and Development Corporation. Retrieved 19 January Retrieved 1 November Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality. London, U. International Congress Series. Archived from the original on 4 December Sneyd, Jan. Stuttgart Hohenheim : Ulmer. Retrieved 30 December Times of India. Brett M. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Winter Retrieved 3 January London: The Pharmaceutical Press, , page Opium Poppy: Botany, Chemistry, and pharmacology. Retrieved 18 April Acta Agronomica Hungarica. Retrieved 15 November Index Box. University of Tasmania. Retrieved 2 September Australian Society of Agronomy. Archived from the original on 29 July Poppy for Medicine. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. March Archived from the original on 22 November Archived from the original PDF on 4 December Retrieved 3 October October Agricultural Water Management. January Tropical Pest Management. International Journal of Pest Management. Weed Research. Plant Genetic Resources. September Journal of Phytopathology. Journal of Applied Microbiology. New York: Food Products Press. February Plant Disease. Archives of Virology. Plant, Soil and Environment. Evening Standard. Retrieved 13 September US Food and Drug Administration. Anslinger The American University Law Review. American Bar Association Journal. Justice Laws Website, Government of Canada. Retrieved 20 June Retrieved 7 July The Times. Archived from the original on 10 October Opioid receptor modulators. Chinese herbology Indian herbology Islamic herbology Japanese herbology Korean herbology. List of plants used in herbalism. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikispecies. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Papaver somniferum L. Czech Republic. Wikispecies has information related to Papaver somniferum. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Papaver somniferum.

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