Panty Punishment Stories

Panty Punishment Stories


Panty Punishment Stories

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on 2006-04-21 01:26:09
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on 2007-05-19 19:41:55
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College boy

on 2007-07-29 15:32:16
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on 2009-04-12 10:53:05
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on 2010-04-19 17:37:51
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This is the punishment of my friend.
Amanda was at the end of her tether. She was a single mother - her husband had left her - with three children. And she worked as well, so that the responsibility of bringing up the children was a heavy and time-consuming one. Her eldest child was a boy, David, who was thirteen, and she had two daughters, Polly, who was eleven, and little Mandy, who was only six.
She often had to leave the children at home on their own, and David should have been old enough, and responsible enough, to take proper care of his sisters. But like so many boys when they reach their teens - if only he had been a girl! - he was still very immature, but thought he could do anything he liked. Amanda soon realised that he was using her absence to invite round his 'common' friends, to watch television when he should have been setting a good example to his little sisters by attending to his homework, and, as Amanda realised when she came home one day and smelt the air inside the house, by experimenting with cigarettes.
She spoke to him, and he looked suitably crestfallen, but by talking to her daughters a few weeks later, she discovered that nothing had really changed.
Amanda knew other single mums - they had a support group that met at the town library each week. One of Amanda's best friends at the support group was Veronica, who had a boy of her own, an only child a few years younger than David. His name was Mark, and Amanda had often noticed how quiet and well-behaved he was. 'How in Heaven's name do you do it?' she asked, when she was giving Veronica and Mark a lift home one day.
It was then that she first heard the fascinating words 'petticoat discipline', which were destined to change her life, and even more pointedly, the lives of her children. 'I don't understand', said Amanda. 'Come in', replied Veronica, and I'll show you what I mean'.
Veronica led Mark by the hand into his bedroom, and when she reemerged, Amanda received a very unexpected surprise. For Veronica, who was in the process of changing for an evening outing, was holding her son like a meek little child, and he was all done up in a little baby dress and soft, fleecy nappies covered by flimsy nylon panties. 'There you are!' said Veronica. 'Now wouldn't you like David to be an obedient little lamb like this?'
'I'm not sure I could manage it', replied Amanda uncertainly.
'You will have to. The way things are going he is not just harming himself, he is harming your two girls too, and they don't deserve it. They are beautiful children'.
'You're right - of course', agreed Amanda.
Once your little terror is in petticoats he will be a very different child. You, or the girls, will be able to do as you wish with him, and easily punish him for the slightest naughtiness. Here, I'll show you what I mean'. And to Amanda's astonishment Veronica put Mark over her ample lap, pushed down his panties and removed his nappy, and proceeded to give him a good spanking on his bare bottom.
'It won't just help your daughters', added Veronica. 'It will help David too. In later life he will make a much better husband'.
After she had returned home, Amanda gave the matter a lot of thought. Certainly something had to be done. And the thought of putting her little Master Troublesome into petticoats and frilly underwear was very appealing. She decided to try a little subterfuge.
Next weekend the family was due to visit another of the single mothers' group. Amanda, in mock dismay, 'discovered' that David had no clean underpants to wear.
'You will just have to wear a pair of Polly's panties', she announced. 'You have to wear something under your pants'.
David was horrified, and shook his head in dismay. 'Then I'm not going!' he cried. 'I can stay here!'
'Oh, no, you're going all right', said his mother, and she went to fetch the strap that she kept on top of the wardrobe.
'Now, put them on this instant! If Polly can wear them, so can you!'
David was blushing and confused, and didn't know what to do. Polly put her hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle. Amanda had not told her daughters her plans, in case they warned David. Blushing sulkily, David pulled up the panties. They felt so soft and funny, he didn't know what to do. Polly had a pair of very pretty panties on too, and she was VERY pleased to see her once so superior older brother's downcast blushes.
'There! Don't you look sweet?' Amanda teased. ' Who's a pretty little girl then?' David started to cry when little Mandy suddenly entered the room and started to join in the giggles. Veronica was right. Petticoat discipline was just what the doctor ordered!
'Now, you'll have to wear tights too, just like Polly. Who ever heard of a smart little girl without tights?'
David was utterly defeated. He didn't know what was happening to him, but the frilly panties had conquered him completely, and he submissively allowed his mother to sit him in her lap like a baby and pull a pair of tights on as high as she could, while Polly and Mandy watched in amusement.
David was allowed to have his boy's clothes this time, as Amanda was experimenting with the possibilities of petticoating. But her friend remarked on how well-behaved he was compared with previous visits, and the two girls could hardly hold back their laughter.
'This is the answer', said Amanda, and to David's horror started to unbutton his trousers. He tried to resist, and so as a punishment was made to stand in the corner like a very young child for the rest of the afternoon, in just tights and frilly panties. He certainly wasn't giving his sisters any trouble now.
Amanda couldn't wait to show Veronica how well things were developing, and so the very next day David was taken by his mother into a girls' and baby wear shop to buy him a pretty baby doll ensemble. Polly and Mandy insisted on coming too, to join in the fun.
And when they later arrived at Veronica's she was absolutely delighted with David's progress! 'What a wonderful job you have done on him', she said, coming out of her bedroom in just a pair of pantyhose, somewhat to Amanda's surprise. She certainly didn't mind showing off her very womanly body. David stood there shyly, his eyes downcast, embarrassed by her undress - and his very frilly and girlish dress. Polly couldn't help smirking at David's obvious discomfort, and it was clear, thought Amanda, that from now on Polly would be the one left in charge when she was out of the house.
The whole thing was eagerly discussed at the very next meeting of the single mothers' club. Nobody could help noticing what a reformed boy David was now, and all the mothers agreed that the wonder-working magic of petticoating would soon be a feature of their own household. The 'Little Miss's Boutique' in the High Street did an excellent week's trading, and the smiling assistants were quite used to the sight of timid, blushing, boys by Friday.
One mother, the very sophisticated Ghislane, even brought her little poppet, who had once been thought a dreadful bully with absolutely no home discipline, and made him lift up the hem of his frock so all the ladies could see that he was properly pantied. And they all gave a loud cheer, which made the poor thing wish that he had never been such a trial to his dear mother.
Maureen, another of the mothers, had two younger children, a girl and a boy. They were both beautifully behaved now - because the boy was kept in very short dresses, and lovely panties and petticoats. But when Amanda's family visited, David, to Amanda's horror, was naughty again. It was a very sweet family scene when Amanda and the girls - I mean David and the two girls - arrived. Maureen, who was a lovely Irish coleen with flaming red hair, was sitting on a rocking horse while little Patrick stood beside her all done up in his short frock and a pretty white Irish blouse.
'This used to be Patrick's rocking horse', she explained, 'but I think it's a bit energetic for him now. I'm afraid to say he's become a bit of a sissy since he was petticoated. But there's nothing wrong with that. I think the change has been wonderful'.
David, probably as a reaction against the terrible teasing he had been forced to endure from his two little sisters ever since he was first put into Polly's panties, actually laughed at dear little Patrick.
'I can see his panties and everything!' he cried out.
Patrick started to cry, but Amanda apologised profusely for her son's unexpected rudeness, and promised Patrick that David would be given a good spanking by his sister Polly, who was now in complete charge of him. And all the children could watch too. In fact Maureen suggested that the children all undress to see who had the prettiest panties. 'I bet it won't be one of the girls', thought Amanda to herself.
And David got the spanking he so richly deserved for his rudeness, watched by all the children, including Patrick and his cheeky little sister Molly, who had more than a hint of Irish about her, thought Amanda. Patrick was rather uncertain at first, probably thinking of the spanking that Molly might give him if were ever rude or disobedient to her, but he cheered up when Amanda solemnly presented him with one of her own daughter Mandy's large collection of teddy bears, as the unanimous winner of the pretty panties competition.
Well, what more can I say? This group of mothers now has the most thoroughly petticoated, and best behaved, collection of little boys in the whole world. And David is a perfect child, who now loves his petticoats, and worships the ground that his sisters, Polly and Mandy, walk on. Sometimes Amanda and David watch television together, only the children's programmes you understand, because it's early bedtimes for petticoated boys, not that David really minds as he pulls on the cuddly flannelette nightie that he wears to beddy-byes now...
Congratulations to Amanda for finding out what punishment works for immature boys. It sounds like she has done a great job with the help of her strict friend Veronica. I feel Amanda or Veronica should be the one to administer the punishment, not her younger daughter. Amanda, with me having been on the receiving end of panty punishment when I was younger and up until I was 16, I can tell you your methods will be extremely effective.
May i recommend a weekly enema session along with the strap to help keep him under control. Just buy get an inexpensive bulb enema and you can fill the bathroom sink with hot very soapy water and fill him again and again while he is over your knee. I would suggest that since your son reacted like he did to Veronica's method of dress, you follow her lead and just wear pantyhose (with a top of course). Once he gets bigger, you can buy a 2 quart enema bag. You can proceed any enema with soap sticks that you cut up from a bar of soap or buy regular suppositories in the store. The soap sticks you make yourself are pretty effective. If he complains, you can have him hold another bar of soap in his mouth while he receives the entire enema. Following the first enema and after he releases it, I recommend one or two rinsing enemas with either plain warm water or warm water and salt to clean out the soap. This is a very effective punishment and if you can get Veronica to help you, he will die of embarrassment.
I'm sure glad my mother did not decide to find a baby/little girls store or I may have found myself dressed the same way. Now that I am nineteen, I am back living with mother and she has decided to continue the punishments she began years before. I now sitting here writing this while I am dressed in sheer panties, tan seamed stocking, a short dress and shoes with a 4 inch heel. Mother did my hair this morning and put make-up on me. I am not gay and do not like to wear women's clothes.
My mother makes me wear this clothing as part of my discipline sessions. These sessions have been used since last year after I turned eighteen. My mother reminds me of your friend Veronica in that she thinks nothing of taking off her skirt and hanging it up before my spanking. Mother then comes to get me out of the corner of her bedroom, which is where I have to stay at least one hour before the regular weekly spanking session. Like Veronica, mother thinks nothing of walking around while wearing pantyhose and high heels. She wears panties under the pantyhose, so it really doesn't show anything. I get embarrassed when he does this because I know I shouldn't look, but I can't help myself at taking peeks. It is just the thought of the shiny silky pantyhose that drives me crazy and knowing that in a few minutes I will be naked while laying over her lap. Mother grabs me by the wrist and walks me to her chair in her bedroom. Mother is the person that removes my clothing, not me. She gets me undressed completely, saving the sheer little panties for last. Needless to say, I have embarrassed myself again by this time and I am stretching the panties in the front. She doesn't make comment on my state, just yanks the panties down and slowly pulls me over her knee. Once she has where she wants me, the spanking seems to go on forever. She starts with her hairbrush and then switches to her short tawse. The tawse feels like it is skinning my bottom, but it isn't. Before long, I am yelping, crying and making all kinds of promises to behave better. After mother is finished with my bottom, she drags me to the corner of her bedroom and makes me stand there for another hour with my nose in the corner. While I am standing there facing the corner, mother changes clothes in preparation of going out. She frequently changes the pantyhose for seamed stockings and a nice dress.
After getting dressed and made-up, mother pulls me into my bedroom and dresses me for bed in a small nighty with another pair of small completely sheer panties. While she dresses me I try not to look at her because she is gorgeous and dressed to kill. I usually can't control what happens in my panties and when she sees what is taking place, mother tells me she is planning to increase the punishment sessions to twice a week. If the panties weren't standing out before, they are now. After she puts me into bed she tells me I am a very naughty little boy becoming excited by my own mother and she should spank me again when she gets home. She has never done it, but the thought of it drives me crazy.
Part of me dreads the thought of it, the other part of me loves the thought of it. I go to sleep imagining mother may come home, take off her dress and pull me over he lap, which is covered only by those beyond sexy and silky stockings. By this time, I wouldn't care if she did actually take the skin off my bottom or not. Just to be over her knee while she has those stockings on would be worth it.
Amanda, speaking from the receiver who has been there and is now back there, I can say your punishments will be very effective.
I was wondering if Amanda continued her son's petticoat punishment? I was also wondering if she and her friend Veronica ever decided to spank their sons together or even swapped places and spanked each others sons?
my brother was put into petticoat punishment at 13 when he started getting a bit unruly,along with next door's son also 13.the two mothers plus my aunt had discussed this.on the day it started both were over at our house,where they were both ordered to strip or be stripped.when they were both naked it was seen that both had been into puberty for a while.
they were then both sprayed ALL OVER with a hair removing cream and bathed.after being bathed all their body hair,including pubes had vanished and now looked like two little was AWESOME seeing them like this.
by now it was time to get them into their first girly outfits,with them begging please dont make us dress as girls
sorry old bean but this blog reads too much like fiction,though i enjoyed quite a lot.

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Yes, There Are More Stories —
She lies forward over the sodomy stool, feeling its hard surface beneath her, listening to him at her rear, preparing her behind for chastisement. Behind her, methodically opening the flaps of the humiliation gown he’s made her put on, exposing the seat of her pantied bottom to the mirrored walls of the punishment room.
She looks straight ahead as he opens the gown to reveal her behind, her red strapped cheeks clenched tight underneath the sheer white punishment panties he’s exposed. She looks at the mirror in front of her, wondering who’s behind it, looking out at her. Who can see her there in that humiliating posture; already disgraced, with the greatest part of the mortification still to come.
He has the humiliation gown completely opened now, and he pauses to admire the view. Then tells her in a loud voice to reach back and pull her panties down below her buttocks. And then, after she’s done so, after she’s felt him strip her panties off entirely, to move her hands up to spread her cheeks and reveal everything between them.
She complies, knowing that the watchers behind t
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