Pantsed Humiliation

Pantsed Humiliation


Pantsed Humiliation
Stories about you or someone you know getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated, this forum doesn't really have to abide by the rules from the forums above, feel free to share stories about you (or someone you know) getting stripped by whatever or however.
I was unfortunately cursed/blessed with a medically diagnosed micropenis. My dr. didn't diagnose me at birth like most of the other .06% of guys with the same issue. She told my mom that although I was abnormally small she had hope that it would grow as I aged. She did talk to my mom abut testosterone but mom had the same hope and wasn't fond of the idea. so skip forward and me taking over my own bathing around 8 or so, meaning after that point mom didn't see me in bath again until the year i got my official diagnosis at 14. there was an incident that i wont go into great detail on but it revealed to her that I hadn't grown. That was my first experience of humiliation over it. she actually laughed when she found out. she apologized so much saying it caught her off guard. She took me to my new doctor and although there was no laughter having my female dr and mom looking at my and hearing her say it was a micropenis was humiliating. After that it was like the universe decided since I had experienced embarrassment already it was time for more. On top of having a micro, i was a late bloomer to puberty. That didn't happen til 17. So the other incidents that happened in those next few years were very humiliating. I realized after a few times of being laughed at that I enjoyed it for some reason. and started trying to find ways to make it happen by about 18 and have been ever since. I have quite a few real experiences of ENM/Sph I will share if anyone is interested. I also have a lot of good fiction idea/writing prompts for ENM involving alot of sph, I'm just not a great writer so if anyone wants to discuss ideas I'm game. I am at peace with my body now as an adult and embrace the humiliation of what it is so dont think I am sad or mopey about it. If anyone wants to hear more let me know.
apologies, that this is not really a story. I will move it elsewhere if needed. I will be posting a short true experience soon though
Would love to hear your real life experiences! On a serious note i'm glad you have found peace and are able to get some enjoyment out of this. Good for you!

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A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


by littl1p » Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:36 am


by littl1p » Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:48 pm


by Redfaced90! » Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:57 pm


by Ryan » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:43 pm

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discuss about anything (related to underwear)
My story would be from back in my college days.... (yes, eons ago),

I was in an international folkdance group. On this particular practice session day, we were learning Hawaiian dances, including a luau dance. As we were learning, I was in the back of the class. Not bragging, but the teacher noticed that I was able to maneuver my hips in Hawaiian 'fashion' quite well. Rather than have me come to the front of the class to demonstrate, she had the entire class turn a 180 from the mirrored wall we usually faced and look my direction. I also turned around. So, I was facing a brick wall with the other members of the group facing me. I was not able to see what was going on behind me.

After about two minutes of demonstrating the movement, one of the guys from the row right behind me came up and yanked my sweat pants completely down, underwear intact. Needless to say the women and the men had a good laugh as I stood there in a pair of colorful bikini underwear. The funny part for me is that I really wasn't the least embarrassed as I loved showing the underwear. The tough part was acting like I was.

I have been pantsed a couple of other times, but this was by far the most public.
I posted this story to another site, but never this one. Thought it was fitting to the topic.
I was about a freshman in high school and was at a school baseball game. It was an important game, and the fields were packed. My friend asked me to get him a soda, but as a joke, I shook it up before giving it to him and he got sprayed. I laughed. A bit later, I was in front of the bleachers talking to someone on the field thru the fence and all of a sudden I feel my shorts drop to my ankles. My friend had gotten me back for the soda incident. I remember it like it was yesterday. I looked down in horror to see my Hanes tighty whities exposed for all to see. It was embarrassing for me, but I enjoyed it at the same time. I remember hearing a guy in the stands shout "Well, I guess we all know his answer to boxers or briefs!"
The guys at work are obsessed with my full cut whites. We mess around at work and my jogging bottoms are quite regularly pulled down exposing my briefs for all and sundry. I kinda worked out they'd get bored if I ignored it but it seems to make them worse!!
I'll admit, the act of "pantsing" has always confused me. I have never been the pantsee or the pantser, although I have frequently fantasized about either. What are the unspoken rules behind it? Who are acceptable targets? Is it just close friends, or can you do it to total strangers? Are there certain places it can or cannot be done? When it has been done, is there a proper response once it has?
I mean, there's not "rules" for it. I would only do it to close friends, but I suppose if you wanted to just pants some random person on the street more power to you. I think you're run the risk of being punched in the face if you decided to just pants a stranger, but whatever swings your string. If it's something you want to try, I'd try on a closer friend and maybe not in an extremely public place at first.

For example, I used to pants my old roommate occasionally, but he was a friend from high school and we had known each other for a long time. I don't think I'd do it to him in front of a group of people, but periodically when it was just us I would. He had a tendency to wear sweatpants around our apartment which made it pretty easy to do...
captaincold1 wrote: Do they make fun of them and say "nice y-fronts" or "nice tighty whities" or anything like that?
I've been pantsed a few times. Typically by my friend who seems to really be into it. The most embarrassing incident was back in college. We were having a conversation about freeballing as we walked into a convenience store. I was against it but he was trying to convince me how great it was. We got fountain sodas and I grabbed both and took them up to pay. When I was about 10 feet from the counter my friend came up behind me and yanked my shorts down leaving me standing there with my hands full of soda. I was wearing nothing but a leopard print bikini and a short white tee. My friend took one look at what I was wearing then started teasing me about my underwear. I shuffled up to the register as quickly as I could, set the sodas down, and pulled up my shorts. That basically started his interest in pantsing me. Since I have been pantsed multiple times, but never in underwear that embarrassing.
I've been pantsed twice. Both times back in my senior year of high school (way back in 92). The first was my own fault. I was wearing light grey sweat pants and my friend Ben asked if I ever tie the drawstring around the waist. Naive me said no and next thing I know I feel cool air on my thighs and my navy blue FTLs are on display for all to see. The second time was not long after and I was walking out of the cafeteria wearing my red Umbro shorts and my friend Greg snuck behind me and yanked them down. All my friends and pretty much everybody else got to see my white FTLs. I still laugh about both of these. I never did get revenge, probably should have as some of my friends wore some sexy briefs of their own!
One guy tried to pants me in high school, but I had tied the drawstring.

I didn't particularly like the guy, so I really wish I'd have said in a loud voice, "you know, if you really want to see my cock, you could just ask..." to embarrass him.
I don't think that I have ever witnessed a pantsing; but, I was pantsed once in 8th grade (14 at the time). At that time I was extremely self conscious, still am, about my looks and I always wore sweatshirts/sweatpants even in the summertime. After school and after play practice I was walking back to my locker to grab my stuff and there were a group of students coming my way. One of the guys was a guy in my grade, one guy was a grade above me, and there were a few other guys. The guy who was a grade above me goes hi Richard and then proceeds to pull down my jogging pants exposing my light blue Hanes briefs with white waistband. I quickly pulled up my jogging pants and was plentily embarrassed. I got teased by the one guy asking me if they were bikinis (which they were not).

Years after though I will say that I enjoyed it and enjoyed the thought of having my underwear on display. I wouldn't make a regular habit of it; but, the ocassional public appearance I am ok with. It was then at that time that I began to also realize I was attracted to guys. Don't know if that was the result of that though?
I thought I would chime in with my pantsing stories. I've only been pantsed once myself, but the ones I have witnessed, including my own were all at summer camp. Such a perfect place for pantsing lol. Anyone have any other summer camp pantsing memories?

The time I got pantsed took place around 13 or 14 years ago I would say at a day camp I worked at. I was around 16 or 17 and my co-counselor was a little younger maybe 15 or 16. We had about 10 8 yr olds in our group, and sometimes they could be a bit out of control. Our free time after lunch was ending and the two of us were trying to gather up a couple kids from the jungle gym. While I was standing at the bottom calling up to one kid, his friend came up behind me and pulled my black shorts down to my ankles, exposing my white Hanes briefs. It was extremely humiliating. A few of the kids laughed and my co-counselor didn't let me live that one down. Luckily he waited until the kids were not listening to say "bad day for tighty whities."

I also once pantsed my older brother during a basketball game with another friend and he was wearing white sport briefs. He didn't like me very much lol.
When I was a sophomore in high school I saw a freshman get pantsed in the hallway. He got his joggers pulled down by a boy who was also a freshman and he stumbled back into the lockers while everyone laughed at his white briefs. The most embarrassing part was that there was a very obvious wet spot on the front of his briefs; he'd obviously just been to the bathroom. I walked by as fast as I could, just glad that it happened to someone else but not me. It wouldn't have been any help to him if I'd tried to intervene and I'd been pantsed as well! I guess he would have felt less singled out if his tormentor had pantsed me too and we were standing there together, him in his tighty whities and me in my royal blue briefs. I was acquaintances with the guy who was pantsed. I would eventually become pretty good friends with him. It was always funny remembering the image of him flustered and blushing with his pants down.

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by MadAboutUW » Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:24 am



by HowlinAtcha » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:33 pm



by lovewhitebriefs » Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:41 am



by BravelyShy » Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:55 pm



by FTL33 » Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:40 pm



by lovewhitebriefs » Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:24 am



by wreckline » Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:38 pm



by Marko01 » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:13 pm



by Barnacle » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:49 am



by richtheman » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:01 am



by basketballshorts80 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 10:14 am



by salmoncash » Sun May 10, 2020 7:51 pm

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Stories from days past, you can find masterposts for series here about older stories, you can also post your favorite older stories here as well, be sure to credit the author.
danddbard wrote:
Stripped And Humiliated in school by danddbard

My name is Collette. I am 19 years old, have brown, frizzy hair, a little overweight, and have 32 c sized boobs. During high school, I got a part time job working as a librarian’s assistant at a local middle school. My job was to shelve books and help the kids find whatever books they were looking for. It was pretty fun at times, but one day at the beginning of my second year working there, everything changed.

A teacher brought her eight grade class in to look for books for a research project, and I was there to help some of the kids find books on the subject they were researching. At one point, 3 boys (chase, john and Adam) came up to me and asked if I could help them find a book about bats. I took them to a section near the back of the library where we had all of our scientific books on animals. The library was very big for the school, so I needed to use a ladder to get to the top of the shelves to get them some books they could use.

Unfortunately, I happened to be wearing a skirt that day, and when I looked down, the boys were taking pictures up my skirt with their phones. I was really angry with them and I told them to delete the pictures. Adam said “I don’t think we will. You can’t make us”. That pissed me off royally, and I grabbed their phones out of their hands and ended up hurting one of them by twisting his arm too much. Instead of leaving, which I thought they would do, they said that they would tell the teacher that I hurt them. I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t want to lose my job, or worse, have assault charges filed against me. I begged them not to and said that I would do anything for them to not tell. That got their attention.

“Alright, we won’t tell the teacher”, said chase, “but you need to do anything we say”

“Fine, I will, just please don’t tell her” I begged.

“Ok then, lift up your skirt”, said Adam. “I want to see your panties”

“No way”, I said “I won’t do that. I’m in public”

“You said anything we wanted. This is what we want. Or we could just leave right now.”

“No please” I said. “I’ll do it. Just don’t tell anyone”.

Reluctantly, I slowly lifted up my dress for the boys. I was wearing black and white stripped panties that day. Not my most revealing pair, but I was still red as I showed it to them. I pulled my skirt above my waist so they could see everything. They were staring at me for a long time and I was really embarrassed to have three 13 year olds looking at me exposing myself. The worst part was that the longer they starred, the more turned on I was becoming. My panties started to get wet, and I couldn't control myself. To make matters worse, they got their phones back out and took more pictures of me, this time with my panties in full view. Luckily, the bell rang before too long and they had to go. However, before they left, they told the librarian how helpful I was to them, and they wondered if they could come in after school to see me.

“Of course you can. She will be happy to see you” said the librarian. And I knew I was in trouble.
After school, the librarian left for the day, and I was alone in the giant library. Not too long after the last bell rang, the three kids showed up. They wanted to go back to the back section, and I complied.

“You know”, said Chase, “we could do a lot of things with those pictures we took of you. I wonder if we should put them on the bulletin board outside of the lunch room”

“What? No please don’t do that” I begged. I knew I was in trouble. I gave into them once, and now they had more ammo to use against me.

“Alright, we will make you a deal” said john “we won’t leak these pictures to the school, but you need to do something for us”

“What?” I asked

“You need to do what we say every day for the rest of the year.”

I didn’t really have a choice so I agreed. “What do you want me to do?”

“For starters, you will only wear skirts and dresses for the rest of the year. The shorter, the better”

I thought that was a little odd, so I agreed.
For the next few weeks I did what they said. We would meet at the back of the back of the library after school where no one would see us and they had me expose myself in all sorts of ways. Most days I would lift up my skirts and expose myself to them. They enjoyed making fun of me and humiliating me as I had to show them my panties. One day, when I was wearing a particularly short skirt, they had me do jumping jacks for their amusement. Every time I jumped, my skirt would flap in the air and they would laugh at my bright blue panties. The same day, they made me bend over to see if my skirt covered myself. Turned out that it didn’t as they could clearly see my panty clad pussy getting wetter and wetter.

They decided that I was a bad girl for breaking the dress code and decided to give me a good spanking. Adam bent me over his knee and lifted up my skirt. I was so humiliated having my blue panty clad ass exposed to the world like that. Even more embarrassing was the fact that my butt would jiggle every time they slapped it. After a couple minutes of spanking, Adam pulled down my panties and began spanking me right on the ass. This gave them more ammo to use against me as the not only took pictures, but filmed me getting spanked. They laughed so hard at my naked ass jiggling after every hit. And every day, I found myself getting more and more turned on by this.
Eventually they got bolder. When we were in the back, I was wearing a flowering pink strapless dress. They started by making me do jumping jacks, like usual. However, after doing a few, my boobs popped out of my dress, leading to my dress falling off my body. I stood there in shock for a second, standing just in my purple flower panties. They wasted no time in taking multiple photos of my nearly naked body. I finally came to my senses and tried to cover up my boobs the best that I could, but they were so big and my nipples were poking out through my hands.

“Wow, check out her tits” laughed john

“And look at those panties. She looks like a baby with those purple flowers”

My face turned beat read as they were
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