Paladins Winter Cup

Paladins Winter Cup

Written by: Flavorz
Paladins Winter Cup

Paladins Winter Cup - Table of Contents

Objective: We the Paladins Winter Cup team are looking to create an intriguing tournament for all the

players in the community. The team will be incorporating new methods to achieve the best tournament

standard possible.

One of these new methods is in the introduction of crowdfunding which engages more players to take

part due to a bigger prize pool. The Paladins Winter Cup team is consisted of highly respectable and

experienced individuals taking on the role of making this a very successful event.

This rulebook will be your guide to having a very entertaining and smooth experience.

General requirements and information:

1.1 Team Eligibility

1.2 Player Eligibility

1.3 Sign-Ups

Season Information:

2.1 Season Format

2.2 Map Bans

2.3 Alternating Region and Map Picks

2.4 Constant Region and Map Picks

Matchday Information:

3.1 Lobby Creation

3.2 Pauses

Player Conduct & Cheating:

4.1 Player Conduct

4.2 Banned Content

4.3 Using Third Party Software

4.4 Stream Sniping

Staff Breakdown:

5.1 Staff

1.1 Team Eligibility

In order to participate in the Paladins Winter Cup, all team applications will be processed and reviewed by

Tournament Staff.

● Teams must be composed of a minimum of five (5) people: 5 players and a maximum of two (2)


● Substitute players may not exist concurrently on the roster for another team.

● Auxiliary roles such as translators or Team Captains are allowed.

1.2 Player Eligibility

In order to participate in the Paladins Winter Cup, all players must meet the following criteria:

● Use your main account or the account that you are known by within the Paladins


● Your in-game account must have public profile enabled.

● Must be in the Paladins Winter Cup Discord server.

● No in-game name changes after registration until the end of the tournament.

1.3 Sign-ups

● All sign-ups will strictly happen in the Discord server, a format will be given in the specific channel

to follow.

2.1 Season Format

All the games within the tournament will be in the following format:

● Double elimination with all matches being best of three (3) with semi-finals being best of five (5)

and finals being best of seven (7)

2.2 Map Bans

Maps bans are to be made at the start of each set.

● There will be four (4) map bans, these maps will not be used throughout the entire set once


● Map banning goes as follows:

➔ Lower seed bans a map

➔ Higher seed bans a map

➔ Lower seed bans a map

➔ Higher seed bans a map

2.3 Alternating Region and Map Picks

(All discussion must be done in the Discord channels provided)

● If both teams are from different regions, lower seed will get the option to pick the region the first

match is played in. However the higher seed team will now be able to pick the map and also have

the preference of first or second pick in the draft.

● The losing team going forward will have the option of either picking the region the game is played

on or picking the map as well as being either first or second pick in the draft.

2.4 Constant Region and Map Picks

● If both teams are from the same region, the game will be played in the home region.

● Lower seed gets map pick while higher seed gets preference of first or second pick in draft.

3.1 Lobby creation

When creating the lobby the player should keep on mind that:

● The lobby should be created after the map is picked. Each team has approximately ten (10)

minutes after the lobby is created to join, or else they'll be disqualified (some exceptions may be


● Teams must be in the Paladins Winter Cup Discord voice channel that was provided to them

before the game starts.

● If a substitute player is being used an admin must be informed.

● When creating the lobby the draft mode must be set to ranked draft and there must also be no

spectator password. Region will be whatever was decided and the password should be 1231.

3.2 Pauses

Pauses are made if there are any technical or in game issues.

● A maximum of two (2) pasues per game per team

● The reason for pause must be stated in the discord text channel that was provided

An admin must also be informed

4.1 Player Conduct

Toxicity will not be tolerated; that includes all rules that are in Discord, and Paladins TOS & guidelines

(cheating, abusive chat, throwing, griefing, poor sportsmanship etc.). This applies to all Community

platforms, including: Discord, Twitch, and Youtube, etc.

There will also be no:

● Targeted harassment of another community member

● Discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, or creed

● Excessively targeted “memeing” of a community member

● Sending or requesting unsolicited lewd photos, videos, etc.

4.2 Banned Content

There is a variety of banned content that must not be played during the tournament.

● Banned content list can be found in the discord server in the #blacklist channel.

● If a player is using banned content it must be reported to an admin before the match is over, the

game will then be restarted without said content in use.

4.3 Using Third Party Software

Any sort of third party software that will give the player an advantage is not allowed.

● Cheats of any kind are not allowed.

● Players that used said software in the past will still be allowed to play but will be heavily


4.4 Stream Sniping

Players will be allowed to stream the tournament, however if any of the other teams are caught stream

sniping repercussions will be made.

● If a player does decide to stream the tournament a one (1) minute delay is required

5.1 Staff

Report Page