Painful Ovulation Endometriosis

Painful Ovulation Endometriosis


Painful Ovulation Endometriosis

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Endometriosis happens when a part of the inner lining of the uterus exits
the Fallopian tubes and sticks to other organs of the uterus, including the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the uterus, and other pelvic tissues. When you menstruate, this extra endometrial tissue bleeds as if it were in the uterus and there is usually extreme pain when having your period.
Ovulation can make the symptoms of endometriosis worse. As the egg is released, it can irritate the endometrial tissue and there can be increased pain with ovulation. You will likely feel this on the side of the body where the egg was released.
Endometriosis affects at least seven million American women and is the leading cause of infertility in females. It often results in chronic pelvic pain and the need for pelvic surgeries to try and break down the scar tissue that may be causing the ovulation pain or may be causing you to fail to get pregnant.
No one knows the exact cause behind endometriosis. The theory is that during menstruation, the tissue meant to pass through the cervix backs up into the fallopian tubes, where it implants on pelvic and abdominal tissues. The backup of endometrial lining is expected to occur in just about every woman but it is believed that those women who are suffering from some type of immune condition develop endometriosis.
There is another theory about why endometriosis occurs. Some doctors believe that the endometrial tissue was there from birth and only begins to bleed when the teenager starts to have periods. Other doctors believe that endometriosis is hereditary as it appears to run in families.
The typical symptoms of endometriosis include any one or more of these symptoms:
There are generally four different ways to deal with endometriosis:
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Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial tissues grow in other areas of the female body. The symptoms of the condition will vary from one woman to another and one of the most prevalent being chronic pelvic pain.
Women that have endometriosis can also experience such health problems as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and an under-active thyroid gland, along with many other issues.[ 4 ]

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