Pain Olympics Pictures
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It's kinda obvious, but I just wanted to point it out to some, "Slow" people. The winner of the Pain Olympics cuts his dick off and squeezes out his testicles. 2 things wrong with that:
1) *NSFW* By looking at this link you can see that your testicles are attached by your Vas Deferens, so you can't push them out without cutting the Vas Deferens first, and on both sides.
2) There is a membrane in the middle of your sack that doesn't allow your balls to move to other sides of your scrotum. Try it yourself if you want, it's impossible.
And that is why the Pain Olympics is a pathetic attempt at a shock site.
"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"
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I have not seen, nor I will, some guy (trying) to chop off his dick.
> z0r. (Random, and possibly NSFW.)
You watched it enough to analyze it that deeply?
I watched it once and it only took me 3 minutes to make this thread.
"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"
you know your cocks and balls, sonny.
Yeah, I kinda realized that when I saw it. Balls don't just rattle around in there attached to nothing.
I will never look at my balls and dick the same way again.
That's horseshit and you know it, also why did you have to spoil the fun? Asshole!
How do you know for sure that in the hacking he did with the hatchet, he didn't also sever the vas deferens? Also, weren't there some cutscenes in there? It wasn't unedited video, he could've done it in one of the scenes that was edited out.
......I only watched it once, and I recall there being no damage to the other side of his sack, also the membrane in your sack still wouldn't allow his ball to pass through.
"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"
Still, that BME shit is nasty. I've seen cocks cut in half and well I'm sure thats real.
My only question is: how the hell did he fake it so goddamn well then? The penis and balls look pretty real to me.
Far away, across the field, the tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees, to hear the softly spoken magic spells.......
I'm not convinced. But, I don't really want to watch it again, myself.
I dunno. He did shove a knife down what's left of his balls before popping them out. Maybe he cut them before popping them out? I still think its up in the air in my opinion o.o
Dildos with stuff injected into them
Nope, it's real, I am the man in it.
Damn people with their non-dick having bodies.
Yes, and knowing that makes you completely normal....
He could've had a vasectomy before hand?
I realise my use of the comma is pretentious as fuck, but it's habit.
Thanks to Mr. MuffDiver for the sig.
So what exactly is this BME Pain Olympics video?
Also, on that finale video he has an erection and ends up slicing his dick off, correct? That's utter bullshit due to the fact that your penis is a main vein and cutting that would probably kill you instantly or close enough.
Also, for those who thought it was real: LOL.
it's just diana ross slowed down 11/10 it's fuckin awful
If it is fake, it may very well be, the best faked mutilation video ever.
I wish I knew how to make a witty sig. :(
I wouldn't doubt that it's real. There are a lot of bored people out there looking for something sick to do.
A robot army has taken over! Drop cannons on vehicles to fight back.
It's a "find the differences" game, but animated :] !
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Pain Olympics | Анти-Скримеры вики | Fandom
BME Pain Olympics — Видео | ВКонтакте
Pain Olympics = fake(proof)
BME Pain Olympics Reaction - YouTube
London 2012 Olympics : the pain Games – in pictures | Sport | The Guardian
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