Package Private Java

Package Private Java


Welcome back fellow dedicated blog reader to yet another exciting topic in Java. Now, as the usual tradition has always been with this blog post, it is expected that the reader of this post is a newbie to programming in Java and is also involved in active coding as i will not be showing snippets of codes but only a graphical representation of them.
Note: the aim of this blog is to share my knowledge in Java as i progress deeper into it. This blog is aimed at simplifying concepts in Java that seem quite vague to beginners in the language through the use of simple terms and graphical images where possible.
Moving on to the topic of today, if you have been following up with my post or have been coding constantly, you have probably come across a bunch of keywords in java like the ones in the title of this post. In java, those keywords are known as access modifiers and are used to grant or restrict access to the various elements(“ classes, class fields and methods ”)in a Java program.
Why would i want to bother myself about access controls in java??? … this is you asking a good question….. and this is me answering you. You will want to do that when you don’t want just anybody tampering with your values stored in variables or with the code logic inside your methods. …. That’s all.
Note: exercising proper usage of the access modifiers is one way a programmer can practice one of the principles of Java programming language which is known as ENCAPSULATION.
I shall hit on the concept of encapsulation later on in this blog series. Lets now dive into what each of the modifiers mean and how they affect things in java.
If you ever want to create a class in java and you wanted anybody to have unrestricted access to the class, its fields and methods??? then the keyword Public is sure to be your magic word. With the keyword public, any programmer wanting access, to your class can do so freely, he can also inherit and override your methods.
Note: When you inherit from a public class, you can make its subclass(“including it fields and methods”)private, protected or packaged. Also, if in the course of inheriting, and the super class has private fields, those cannot be accessed and also for its methods, if they are declared private then you can’t override them.
This is the second level of access control in java programming. Here, a class, class fields or its methods that are declared as protected can be accessed by its subclasses in the same package with it. Also, a package class is accessed by other classes in another package only through inheritance. So if you want only members of the same package, to access your class then use the protected keyword.
As the third level of access control in Java, the keyword package as the name implies is used to allow access only to classes in the same package with it. Any form of inheritance from classes outside the package is not allowed.
Note: when you intend to declare your class as package, you don’t need to use the keyword package coz in java, any class, class fields or methods without any access modifier to it is declared as package.
This is the fourth and final level of access control in Java. Any class, class fields and methods declared with this keyword cannot be accessed from outside, by other classes, no matter where it is, whether in the same package or through inheritance.
Looking at the above pic you can see the level of the hierarchy of the java access modifiers.
I do hope that i have been able to clarify any vague thoughts on the access modifiers in java….. see you next time…. please share/like this effort of mine. Any comments???use my comment box below.
Software Developer @BaryclaysUK Master's student @SussexUni
Understand java in the most GRAPHICAL and FUN and EASY way.
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package parser . xml ;

public class AppMain {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
String data = XmlParserUtil . parse ( "test data" );
System . out . println ( data );

A class member without a modifier has package-private access, i.e. it is visible only within its own package. This is true even for the classes which are defined in different jars having the same package (split packages). Because of this access benefit, developers tend to create split packages (most of the time). Following example shows how Java 9 modules restricts package-private members access in split packages.
This module creates a package-private class.
The compilation will even fail if the member (XmlParserUtil class in this example) is public instead of package private.
Let's compile the application as unnamed modules (using classpath):
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Package Private Java

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