Claudia Lewis

Citizens united v fec dissenting opinion (Seneca) whoa guard Oh Oh good Lewis beat that little guy yellow card passin oh come on Braden Jesus that's a tough hunger stop no he wasn't outside all the linesman's calling it okay hey Kurt have them work on his jumping jacks Braden no the offsides only when they kick it if you're off side when they kick it he's outside but if they go outside after he kicks it it's not outside pushing shoulder the shoulder come on your love shoulder the shoulder no you're allowed to kind of like keep someone beside you with your arms oh but if he actually takes you in shelves in with his hands more critical nice shot that was close to the box oh just off oh it's very rare he doesn't school not a kick come on Shawn get to it nice good job come on somebody nice job other way back back back back Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, East Elmhurst, Queens. https://PaperHelp.space

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