How Korean Plastic Surgery Marketers Manipulate Foreign Patients Online - Part 2

How Korean Plastic Surgery Marketers Manipulate Foreign Patients Online - Part 2

In Summary:

  • HK manipulated and artificially inflated the reputation of Yew Plastic Surgery
  • HK illegally, fraudulently and callously attacked patients and businesses.
  • HK has groomed patients and manipulated people to carry out his scheme.
  • HK spends a tremendous amount of time doing all of this and is the one trying to make commission sales off forums and chats.
  • HK steals patient contact lists and has probably already done this at Yew to move on to his next hospital.

What's Next

Once this article breaks and word gets out. HK and his closest sponsored patsies will go into damage control. They will vehemently deny and dodge all accusations. They will once again try to misdirect and smear the credibility of their accusers (the community), but this time, it will be futile because the evidence against HK is irrefutable.

He and his sponsored patsies are corrupt opportunistic liars who want to undermine other people's attempts to build community and research treatments for their own personal gain and vanity.

Attention Clinics, Korean PS Startup/Apps & Brokers.

HK was not the only one who was investigated, so stop this nonsense, that's a warning. If you persist or call our bluff, then we'll be happy to put you in the Korean hall of shame with HK.

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