Mark ThibeaultAdvanced lab uni kiel (Rensselaer) Oh Jonah 3:24 give me some all right you wanna release it take your fish off and go hey Ethan thinks it's an ice bath look at that in this tiny this is like his PV right here Oh No little guy music oh just cleaning me out what's up give me my bait you got burner cause in your pocket that are mine feel like I'm the bait supplier but no probably snapper and you're gonna get effed up [Music] but you'll not be one of the turtles that swim in the water and the main bait that we've been using the catch fish has been a burner crawl or a creature bait for the 500 I get and a pegged 3/16 out ounce weight on a medium head [Music] jeez Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson.