David AlbrittonUniversity of sussex proofreading (Allegany) so so who makes this Eric it's a Ruger in 77 Safari yeah it's a tang safety gun so it's not a mark - oh that's fine for five a twin mag it's a big box that's a happy box we're gonna shoot this guy a little fun not yet I do everybody going hi Rosita okay here we got ears noise dead well that's fucking fun to see with glasses on slide it back that area I don't - damn it your brass oh yeah I'm not gonna hurt it yeah thanks good yeah I say it's like like you said a little sharper than like a variable that would have been a dead Cape Buffalo right nice yeah [Applause] calm it I knew I was gonna be the first one to miss try again I thought I think I know if I ever take him up on glasses [Music] in a spa [Music] [Music] and I wanted him [Music] you Clinton Community College.