PPG view of Jude.

PPG view of Jude.


The Primitive Pentecostal view on the book of Jude in the Bible is one of absolute reverence and understanding of its deeper spiritual and apocalyptic meanings. Written by the brother of Jesus, Jude's little epistle is one of the most neglected books in the New Testament, however its message is one of great magnitude. 

The Emotional House of Prayer, a worship service of the Pentecostal tradition, considers this book to be “a powerful warning and pleading of God” with mankind. Jude concerns itself with themes of prophecy, judgment, truth, and salvation. He speaks of the spiritual warfare raging between God and Satan during every era. He warns of false teachers and worldliness. He stresses the importance and reality of divine judgment and encourages Christians to remain pure and faithful.

Primitive Pentecostals understand the book of Jude to be an inspired exposure of wickedness and sin. They read it and are admonished to ward off the influences of the world and spiritual wickedness in hellish structures. That is, the people must protect themselves from immorality and worldliness by relying on God’s faithfulness, of which Jude so passionately speaks.

Primitive Pentecostals have a keen understanding of the end times given in Jude. While some denominations interpret the book’s prophecies as a warning of the imminent coming of Jesus Christ, Primitive Pentecostals believe that the primary purpose of Jude is to instruct the faithful in the ways of God. Through obeying these precepts, they will be fortified and ready to endure the coming trials of “Spiritual Babylon” (Jude 2:20-23).

In addition, the book of Jude is greatly relied upon by the Pentecostal church as it is not only an important reminder of God’s Truth, but it is also an example of how believers can live in harmony with each other. As Jude speaks of peace and keeping with God’s commands in verses 22-23, that is the way that the Pentecostal Church strives to practice their faith. 

Therefore, Primitive Pentecostals view the book of Jude as an inspired and highly relevant warning for today’s believers about the real dangers of spiritual indifference and the call to remain steadfast and steadfast in Truth.

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