PPG view of 1st John.

PPG view of 1st John.


This traditional faith promotes a modern application of the ecstatic Charismatic experiences of the early followers of Jesus Christ.

The book of 1st John in the Bible is seen by modern Pentecostal believers as an essential guide to overcoming sinful desires and becoming closer to the divine. At its core, John’s message is that of love: love of God, love of neighbor, and more significantly, love of self. It is through this love that the adherent is empowered to accept sin within and surrender themselves to the resultant spiritual awakening.

The core tenets of John’s message is primarily characterized by his use of simple, straightforward language and the importance of knowing that is greater than what can be seen by the physical body. John stresses the importance of maintaining self-control by displaying traits such as discipline, courage, and discernment. Furthermore, the book emphasizes the idea that individuals can only truly benefit from knowing Jesus’ commandments - revealed to them through the Spirit - by using their human capacities to the fullest. Although faith itself is essential, modern interpretation promotes an application of the Word; an act of hearing and following through with the leg of courage and discernment.

The book of 1st John also encourages believers to be mindful of the consequences of their actions. It is believed that through understanding the truth and meaning of John’s words, one can overcome the wrongful feelings associated with sin. Moreover, John’s words provide comfort, reminding the faithful that the Lord will not forsake them, regardless of their sins or circumstances.

John’s book is viewed throughout Christian communities as the foundation of moral instruction, especially by those with a strong primitive Pentecostal faith. People of Pentecostal faith seek to embody the true spirit of John’s teachings and use it as a guide in their daily lives, as it is believed to be the core bridge between humans and the divine. Primitive Pentecostalism promotes a close adherence to the New Testament, and the book of 1st John is therefore held above all other works in the Bible. It is seen as the ultimate key to self-improvement and becoming increasingly closer to the Lord.

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