PPG Christians view the book of Luke.

PPG Christians view the book of Luke.


Primitive Pentecostal Christians view the book of Luke in the Bible as providing important and foundational evidence for their beliefs. Primitive Pentecostals focus on the Gospel and the Preaching of the Apostles, highlighting the book of Luke as a key source of these teachings.

Primitive Pentecostal Christians find evidence of their beliefs in the book of Luke such as the belief in the Holy Spirit and the power He gives. In Luke 1:35, it speaks of a power coming down in the form of a dove and resting upon Jesus at His baptism. This is seen as an allusion to the Holy Spirit’s role in the Father’s plan in sending his Son to suffer, die, and be raised to life again. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is promised to the disciples in the form of a mighty wind and tongues of fire (Acts 2:1–4). This is seen as a sign of God’s presence and power and is the source of the Pentecostal experience of Spirit-filled living. 

The book of Luke further supports Primitive Pentecostal beliefs in its emphasis on the importance of holiness and purity as well as outward signs of faith. In Luke 3:11, John the Baptist encourages people to produce “fruits worthy of repentance.” This is seen as an important call to faith-filled living and actions that demonstrate an inward holiness and outward change in behavior. Furthermore, in Luke 7:50, Jesus proclaims that the faith of the woman who washed His feet (a task symbolic of humility and reverence) is greater than those who did not. This is seen as a sign that faith should be acted out in visible ways and outward displays of devotion are highly important.

The book of Luke also speaks of healing miracles and the importance of faith as seen in Luke 5:20 where Jesus tells a paralyzed man his sins are forgiven and in Luke 8:43–48 it speaks of a woman who was healed after touching the hem of Jesus’ garment. These verses affirm the view that faith and repentance can lead to physical healing and salvation.

Primitive Pentecostal Christians view Luke as a source of teachings that demonstrate their beliefs. It speaks to the power of the Holy Spirit, the importance of holiness, outward displays of faith and healing miracles. The book of Luke provides evidence for the Primitive Pentecostal view of the importance of Spirit-filled living, faith, and repentance.

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