Foto lama


The World's First User Curated Social Fashion Marketplace on Blockchain

POZESS is a place to discover exclusive modern fashion, lifestyle and tech products, curated by the user community. Users earn cryptocurrency rewards for social activities like posting photos, likes and shares.

Real-Time Discovery

Discover the latest designs of fashion, lifestyle and tech curated by the user community from various parts of the world.

Save Money

Participate in real- time live sales by unlocking the lowest prices for a limited time

Networking Opportunity

Follow, message, share with other members and merchants of the community. Participate in voting and forum discussions

Blockchain Rewards

Earn rewards in crypto tokens for network building activites such as posting photos, liking, sharing, following and inviting friends

Shared Services

Merchant storefronts are created automatically. The platform provides omni-channel marketing, dashboard to monitor sales and service to ship products conveniently

User Driven Leads

Users invite merchants to list on Pozess when they like, share or add new products

DApp Store

A storefront is automatically created for sellers and merchants.

Trust & Transparency

Smart contract eliminates middleman fees and secures the entire transaction. Merchants are paid only when product reaches the buyer

A Marketplace For Social Sharing & Curation

Purchase using PZS tokens, cryptocurrencies or Fiat!

Discover Unique products curated by the user community.

Boutique Merchants invited by the users

Token Rewards for Posts, Likes and Shares.

Verified Sellers and Reviews.

Social Networking and Interaction Opportunities

Smart Contract based Secure Transactions and Shipping

Token Sale

Total Token Supply: PZS

Accepted Currency: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Project Protocol: ERC 20

Circulation Supply: 504.000.000 PZS

Soft Cap: 2.5 M USD

Hard Cap: 40 M USD

Token Distribution

50% Crowdsale

Tokens distributed to the general public and investors

15% Team

Tokens reserved for team members

10% Reward

Tokens reward for early adopters for creating value

7% Advisors

Token rewards for the advisor team

5% Partnership

Tokens reserved for key strategic partnerships & merger

3% Bounty

Tokens distributed to the participants of the bounty program

10% Company

Token reserved for company use and mitigating risks

Fund Allocation

28% Business Development

Business Development and Market Penetration

27% Marketing

Omnichannel marketing and promotions

5% Salaries

Team salaries and expenses

10% Operations

Operations & Support

10% Technology

Platform development, future enhancements & research

10% Admin & Legal

Admin & Legal Expenses

1o% Company

Contingency fund for company use and mitigating risks


We believe that behind every successful venture is a vision, a great team and a well executed plan.Our roadmap below is our plan to achieve success.

2017 AUG

The idea of Pozess and initial design

2017 SEPT

Formation of core team, requirements, design, and development

2018 JAN

Complete Blockchain component requirement and analysis and begin Blockchain and tokensale design

2018 JULY

First version of Website, iOS, and Android app completed.


White paper development, review, and token sale preparation complete


Start Token Private Sale. Bounty and Airdrop campaigns.


Start Public Crowdsale. Initial Merchant Aquisitions & Key Partnerships

2019 MAY

End Crowdsale. Distribute Tokens

2019 JUNE

Complete development of smart contract and blockchain components

2019 JULY

Launch of omnichannel marketing campaign for Pozess

2019 AUG

Release Beta version of the Pozess Platform

Author: Foto lama

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1957113

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