PODMINERS! A blockchain based platform to express your views and promote your brand.

PODMINERS! A blockchain based platform to express your views and promote your brand.


Blockchain Digital Radio and Podcasting Platform!

PodMiners is a digital radio and podcasting platform that allows the content creators, consumers and advertisers to collaborate on a global level. The platform is based on the blockchain technology.

Blockchain is a public ledger that allows everyone to check the data records. The transaction once recorded can not be manipulated. Combining blockchain with podcasting will bring transparency and trust to the ecosystem and solve many problems that exist in the podcast industry.

The platform has its own digital currency named PodMiners Token (POMT). The value of the Token will increase with time as the consumption will increase.

The radio industry is a vast one and being a small entrepreneur, and it is always a struggle to compete with the big fishes in the industry. Being independent has been my mission since the beginning of this venture.

My show is fairly popular and incases people want to advertise on it, and the advertisers have to cough up huge amounts of money. This is definitely a burden that I would love to see lifted. There is a need to reach out to a wider audience but doing so doesn’t have to be so expensive. The cheaper I charge for ads, the more advertisers I attract.

It has come to my realisation over time that audiences prefer on-demand news services and music which they can download and then listen to or read later. This means that the ever-growing digital medium is no doubt threatening our industry.

What I tend to focus more as a source of my revenue income are advertisements. It is clear that the digital revolution has made it hard for me to maintain this as many of the listeners tend to lean more towards digital products.

I must find a solution to these common challenges. My business depends on it. Technological advancements have come to revolutionise every industry in our daily lives. Blockchain specifically is doing so by providing solutions which are much more favourable.

The radio industry has not been left behind. As I was researching ways to help me deal with the challenges I face as a podcaster, I came across this amazing platform based on blockchain technology. Let me tell you about Podminers.

Blockchain Solution

  • Discoverability

PodMiners provides a provision to auto publish the content across multiple platforms. It will increase the chances of discoverability of your content.

  • Monetization

By enabling the in show advertisement model, PodMiners will allow ecosystem users to monetize their content globally subjected to the terms and conditions.

  • Ad Fraud

The automated bots has already lead to the ad frauds. PodMiners is working to make a difference by creating a bridge for its consumers and advertisers.

  • Intermediaries

Blockchain eliminates the involvement of third parties and allows micropayments. It helps advertisers, content creators and consumers to deal directly and build a strong community.

  • Random Fake Reviews

Random fake reviews hurts the reputation. At PodMiners, chances of fake reviews will be reduced. People who actually have consumed the paid content will be able to review the content creators.

  • On-time Payments

Blockchain smart contract implementation is making PodMiners a fair and open platform for all that allows creators to get paid instantly on meeting certain requirements.

  • Security

Blockchain makes PodMiners, a highly secure and transparent system with improved efficiency in various processes. This blockchain based platform will provide secure medium for the publishers.

  • Micropayments

Creators will be able to get micropayments from consumers in the form of monthly subscription for their show or a small amount to download a selected episode.

Our Vision

To have a transparent, decentralized product and service ecosystem for the global community with ability to track the content ownership, reward content creators.

Development of new models to make the podcasting, live radio streaming and ROI on ad spending even better by eliminating ad frauds.

Our long term vision is to become one of the best marketplace that users will love, built on top of the blockchain technology platform utilizes a personalized cryptocurrency- PodMiners Token, for the internal operations.

This is a platform which is based on blockchain technology and has a lot to offer to me as a podcaster. It is basically a platform for podcasting and live radio streaming. On Podminers, I can register and authorise my content as a programmed contract directly to the blockchain.

I will be able to monetise my content, and with these contracts, I have control over the collection and distribution of the payments. Advertisers too are not left behind on this platform as they also greatly benefit.

I believe that this platform will allow my listeners to have consistency and also have access to Podminers APIs via a developer marketplace. This will be an exchange medium whereas a creator I will get to collaborate with consumers and advertisers on the same platform through building a global community.

Social Contributions

PodMiners aims to focus on the women and child empowerment and will come forward for any contribution needed. The PodMiners Organisation also supports the immediate cause like hunger, medical care, and war. We believe that in this growing industry our organization has to take the social step when increasing the market hare or having profits. With the increasing competition in any industry, every user needs quality services and products but they also care about their contribution they can make for the betterment of society. So being a part of PodMiners you also indirectly take part in our organizational growth & social cause of making this world a better place together. Thus in return, it helps the business to participate in the social welfare programs and contributions also.

  • Awareness programs & seminars for the women to spread knowledge about their health, rights, home-based working and more.
  • To help for food, medical services, clothes in case of immediate cause or disaster.
  • Primary education of the children.
  • Availability of books, uniforms, and other educational material.
  • Practical knowledge of the computer with proper training by professionals.

The token will be used to:

  • Reward the content creators.
  • Access the applications and services like audio recording, sharing and publishing.
  • For podcast ads.
  • Rewards to consumers by brands on the completion of some simple tasks.
  • Rewards to the creators on the basis of votes, remarks and sharing of their content.

 WEBSITE: http://ico.podminers.com

 TELEGRAM: http://t.me/podminers

 WHITEPAPER: http://ico.podminers.com/content/whitepaper.pdf

 BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5183955.0

 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podminers/

 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PodMiners

 MEDIUM: https://medium.com/podminers

 REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/PodMiners/

 LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/podminers/

 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/podminers_official/



Bitcointalk username : Driean

Fropil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=545651

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