Wale Bello

Podcasting was known "audio-blogging" prior to it popular name now, and started far back in the 80's. Whem the innovation of ipod technology became more accessible, podcasting began have relevance in the broadcasting and information sharing of this generation, the relevance of podcast begin it contemporary journey in late 2004.

Today, more than 100,000 English-language podcasts is available on the Internet, and dozens of websites available for distribution at little or no cost to the producer or listener. In a survey, about 42 million Americans above the age of twelve were found to listen to podcasts at least on a weekly basis.

First generation of modern Podcasting was believed to have being developed in 2004 by video jockey Adam Curry and software developer Dave Winer. Curry wrote a program, called iPodder,that enabled him to automatically download Internet radio broadcasts to his iPod. Other developers later improved this idea, and modern podcasting was officially born.

It's important to know, podcasting is free from government regulation. Pod-casters are not required to buy a license to broadcast their programming as radio stations do, and they don't need to conform to the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) broadcast decency regulations. That means any information can be passed around provided someone find the need to even including age rated platforms like sexually explicit content. Copyright law does apply to podcasting, though. Pod-casters can copyright or license their work -- Creative Commons is just one online resource for copyrights and licenses.

In the next 10 years, say year 2029 it is estimated that over 65% of industries around the world will use the blockchain technology as a reference point around their business activity. This is an obvious signal that blockchain technology is a progressive idea and will continue to be relevant across various sectors and industry’s indefinitely.

2019 marked 10years since introduction of Bitcoin—the first ever decentralized cryptocurrency and the first used case of Blockchain, was unveiled. technically, Blockchain solved the decades-long double spending issues faced that had stopped cryptocurrencies from being created and deployed. Many people, doubted its potentials when it was initially lunched.

Its important to know that in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, you are only as good as the community that supports your project. Hence it important that a community based project on a podcasting ideology, will succeed on a blockchain technology its also important to know that the blockchain technology is the center of new financial community and the strength is built by the people that support your ideas and community.

Social profiles in the modern world are extremely powerful and far reaching. By combination of organic referral system aided by the social and media platforms, organisations and individuals can give directly to the users who help to establish new trends on their behalf.


Podcasts are arguably becoming peoples favorite medium of information access and content consumption. Just like other sectors podcasting also has its own barriers. To reduces these barriers and to and to provide a smooth platform for content creators and consumers as well as the advertisers.

Podminers is implementing block chain technology and introducing the first ever global digital radio and podcasting platform on the blockchain technology.

With the advertisement model, blockchain based review system, and video streaming model. Podminers will excel in the podcast industry as the favorite podcasting platform on the blockchain.


Podcast industry is growing every year, but some major areas demands attention. Advertisement fraud, intermediators, security, fake remarking etc are few major challenges in front of podcast industry. Though blockchain technology can change the scenario but it is not widely adopted till date.

How PodMiners is solving existing industry problems?


PodMiners provides a provision to auto publish the content across multiple platforms. It will increase the chances of discoverability of your content.


By enabling the in show advertisement model, PodMiners will allow ecosystem users to monetize their content globally subjected to the terms and conditions.

Fake Reviews

Random fake reviews hurts the reputation. At PodMiners, chances of fake reviews will be reduced. People who actually have consumed the paid content will be able to review the content creators.

On-Time Payments

Blockchain smart contract implementation is making PodMiners a fair and open platform for all that allows creators to get paid instantly on meeting certain requirements.

Ad Frauds

The automated bots has already lead to the ad frauds. PodMiners is working to make a difference by creating a bridge for its consumers and advertisers.


Blockchain makes PodMiners, a highly secure and transparent system with improved efficiency in various processes. This blockchain based platform will provide secure medium for the publishers.


Creators will be able to get micropayments from consumers in the form of monthly subscription for their show or a small amount to download a selected episode.

PodMiners Token Distribution


To continue the functions of PodMiners ecosystem, PodMiners Token, the internal cryptocurrency, is introduced. Podminers is integrating its open and sustainable product and service ecosystem for the global community of podcasters, online broadcasters and online publishers.

The token will be used to:

  • Reward the content creators.
  • Access the applications and services like audio recording, sharing and publishing.
  • For podcast ads.
  • Rewards to consumers by brands on the completion of some simple tasks.
  • Rewards to the creators on the basis of votes, remarks and sharing of their content.

PodMiners' team is continuously making efforts to integrate the latest technology to make this platform open and fair for creators, consumers and advertisers. The blockchain implementation will help to control the major existing issues in radio and podcast industry. PodMiners, with the aim of encouraging the development of a vibrant economy, sees itself as a participant, rather than a landlord and assures its users to promote the product and services from ecosystem. With time the PMRE (PodMiners Rewards Engine) will be introduced to reward the content creators and consumers. PMRE will also help in building a marketplace of developers, advertisers, and content creators. PodMiners will be a highly transparent platform connecting consumers to the content creators, developers and service providers.


white paper : http://ico.podminers.com/content/whitepaper.pdf

website : https://www.podminers.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PodMiners

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podminers/

ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5183955.0

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/podminers/

Author details :

bitcointalk name : sobaint01

bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2536787

eth address : 0xd1E7Ff1cf68b9935C7e1aF2a3936bB5e487B0FF6

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