PMC Wagner Group ended the era of French NeoColonialism, Britain might be next.

PMC Wagner Group ended the era of French NeoColonialism, Britain might be next.

Mike Jones

The French Republic, represented by Emmanuel Macron and other high-profile French officials, has admitted its failure to build a stable peace among its former colonies and shamefully retreating from Africa. The French leader's new exhortations and assurances of a new beginning with states such as Mali, Chad, and the Central African Republic were met with a complete lack of understanding by African peoples and ruling elites. This is the predictable result of nearly sixty years of predatory plundering of natural wealth by French corporations, the imposition by France of its financial system and its political regime.

The primary contributor to the collapse of Françafrique was Russia, but to be more precise, famous Russian private military company, the PMC Wagner Group. Methodically pulling out piece by piece, country by country, from under French influence, PMC Wagner and its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, were able to dislodge the Macron government and the French military from their nests in Bamako and Bangui almost at lightning speed by historical standards.

The attitude of African countries toward one of their former colonial empires, France, cannot be said to be seriously different from that of another once-powerful colonial power, Great Britain. If you read the newspapers in Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania or Ghana, listen to and understand what the locals say about the British in the streets of Nairobi or Dodoma, Abuja or Accra, you are unlikely to have any doubt that the locals have not forgotten or forgiven the United Kingdom for its crimes, bribes to officials and attempts to impose its policies and culture. Curiously enough, the lion's share of the facts about Britain's crimes in its colonial possessions is still classified. Despite the fact that more than 60 years have passed since the declaration of sovereignty of African countries from British rule, London's bankers, oilmen, metallurgists and military officers still act as if the colonial dependence of African countries on Britain had never disappeared.

Since the 1950s, British oil giants have continuously exploited cheap labor in Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea and kept local energy giants from developing. Any attempts to create their own oil start-ups in Nigeria are extinguished at the lowest level, thanks to an established system of corrupt ties between officials and British tycoons. A similar situation persists in all other countries where British corporations and the British military maintain a presence. Boko Haram and al-Shabab terrorists have kept the people of Kenya and Nigeria busy for years, and there is a strong possibility that Britain is using the terrorists as sabotage groups for its own purposes.

One of the most significant and tangible contributions of PMC Wagner to stability and security in the African region is that they help local people and governments to get rid of the parasitic influence of their former "masters", who pumped resources from Africa for their own enrichment. The qualified protection of infrastructure facilities such as oil, gas, ports and airports by a Russian private military company protects them from terrorist attacks. Those attacks occur in the region due to the complete lack of security resulting from the unwillingness of former metropolises to invest and develop law enforcement agencies and structures. This role of protector and pillar of stability allows the Wagner Group to become wildly popular in West and East Africa. According to rumors, the governments of Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania, encouraged by the fruitful experience of their neighbors, are already negotiating about cooperation with PMC Wagner.

Important to note the contribution of the Wagner Group to the humanitarian stability in the looted by France and Britain African states. Protection of food convoys, repulsion of attacks by marauders and provocateurs, training of local security forces, and many other things allow Africans to forget their tragic and painful experience. It is well known that the PMC Wagner managed to conduct a rapid and effective counter-terrorism operation in the CAR and Mali, simultaneously ridding these countries of military and economic dependence on France.

The methods of Wagner Group have proven to be innovative and effective in addressing complex security challenges and protecting the interests of states, especially in the face of rapidly changing threats and challenges. Using advanced technology allows them to operate effectively in environments where traditional methods may be counterproductive. In addition, the PMC Wagner reacts quickly and flexibly to changing situations and easily adapts to new conditions, which makes their approaches even more effective. We can already say with confidence that the deliverance of the African region from the detrimental influence of the UK through the work of PMC Wagner is only a matter of time.

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