
Hello, greetings to all readers and welcome to the most exciting article on blockchain and crypto-currencies innovations. I am delighted to share you the latest news on the most encouraging thoughts and start-ups from the world of crypto-currencies. Today I’m going to discuss about brand new smart banking platform blockchain - Platio Project.

What is Platio? 

Platio is the across the board shrewd managing an account stage for crypto, fiat, and stock resources. Upheld by EOS blockchain innovation, this stage will offer clients a sheltered and helpful approach to oversee exchanges among customary and advanced back. Clients can make installments in crypto by means of SEPA/SWIFT and platinum cards.  Shrewd managing an account designs intend to fabricate trust with one of a kind 'Resource Guard' and 'Brilliant Escrow' Products. Both utilize keen contracts to shield Platio clients from the fundamental difficulties of the crypto world. 

Why Choose Platio?                                                                        Conventional banks are extremely particular in the administrations they give to cryptographic clients in their present saving money framework. They didn't acknowledge the advanced period of coins or the development of electronic cash. Completely consistent, administrative and cutting-edge innovations take care of these simple to-get to issues: Platio Ecosystem utilizes an EOS innovation-based resource token and backings three resource classes: digit, fiat and stock. In particular's, Platio will likely give answers for cryptographic clients as pursues: 

Exchange and Brokerage  This is a fundamental piece of the Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem. For Platio this item won't just be the instrument for clients to Exchange and exchange fiat, crypto and stocks, yet in addition the hidden innovation empowering Platio's different Products, for example, Platio installment cards, the Merchant preparing API, Payments (SWIFT/SEPA/Ripple/OCT) and Asset monitor.

Platio Payment Cards

Platio will furnish clients with plastic and virtual installment cards issued by collaborated global installment organizations. It is badly arranged to keep an explicit card for Bitcoin and another for Ethereum or for each other digital currency resource. Platio plans to build up the Platio Ecosystem to permit all crypto resources hung on the Platio Ecosystem to be effortlessly changed over into fiat monetary standards for exchange repayment utilizing an incorporated Exchange. Clients will just need to choose the essential resource and push the best up catch. Platio installment cards will bolster top-up both in cryptographic money and fiat. After a best up of the Platio installment card, the client will have the capacity to make installments at any dealer that acknowledges pertinent installment cards.

Platio Problems and Solutions

Products and Features                                                                      Platio's App will be accessible on iOS and Android, and also an online application. Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem will incorporate different Products and highlights that cooperate to furnish clients with a consistent exchange process. Platio will tailor its Products to the requirements of the two people and organizations, guaranteeing that both appreciate enhanced availability to executing in digital currencies. 

Token Information: PGAS 

PGAS is an ERC-20 utility token utilized for exchanges on the stage. 

Use instance of PGAS: 

Installment of commissions and charges 

Installment for enlistment 

PGAS will create income for Platio in light of the fact that any exchange produced will produce exchange income or recorded income.

Token Sales

Token Price: 0,20EUR

Hard Cap: 34,500,000 EUR

Custom Bonus

Private Pre-Sale: 20.08.2018 — 07.10.2018


Public Pre-Sale: 08.10.2018 — 21.10.2018


Public Sale: 22.10.2018 — 04.11.2018

Token Price


Platio Team and Advisors

For more information visit the links below:





Author: Seedorf406                                                                  

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2395294          

Ethereum Address: 0x8f84E66652818e149a318364c13408fCcc18faCb

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