Prayers By Satyavrata

Prayers By Satyavrata


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations

Chapter 24: Matsya, the Lord’s Fish Incarnation

Text 46 - 53

Text 46




yadṛcchayopasṛtā yam āpnuyur

vimuktido naḥ paramo gurur bhavān

The King said: By the grace of the Lord, those who have lost their self-knowledge since time immemorial, and who because of this ignorance are involved in a material, conditional life full of miseries, obtain the chance to meet the Lord’s devotee. I accept that Supreme Personality of Godhead as the supreme spiritual master.

Text 47

jano ’budho ’yaṁ nija-karma-bandhanaḥ

sukhecchayā karma samīhate ’sukham

yat-sevayā tāṁ vidhunoty asan-matiṁ

granthiṁ sa bhindyād dhṛdayaṁ sa no guruḥ

In hopes of becoming happy in this material world, the foolish conditioned soul performs fruitive activities that result only in suffering. But by rendering service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one becomes free from such false desires for happiness. May my supreme spiritual master cut the knot of false desires from the core of my heart.

Text 48

yat-sevayāgner iva rudra-rodanaṁ

pumān vijahyān malam ātmanas tamaḥ

bhajeta varṇaṁ nijam eṣa so ’vyayo

bhūyāt sa īśaḥ paramo guror guruḥ

One who wants to be free of material entanglement should take to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and give up the contamination of ignorance, involving pious and impious activities. Thus one regains his original identity, just as a block of gold or silver sheds all dirt and becomes purified when treated with fire. May that inexhaustible Supreme Personality of Godhead become our spiritual master, for He is the original spiritual master of all other spiritual masters.

Text 49

na yat-prasādāyuta-bhāga-leśam

anye ca devā guravo janāḥ svayam

kartuṁ sametāḥ prabhavanti puṁsas

tam īśvaraṁ tvāṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadye

Neither all the demigods, nor the so-called gurus nor all other people, either independently or together, can offer mercy that equals even one ten-thousandth of Yours. Therefore I wish to take shelter of Your lotus feet.

Text 50

acakṣur andhasya yathāgraṇīḥ kṛtas

tathā janasyāviduṣo ’budho guruḥ

tvam arka-dṛk sarva-dṛśāṁ samīkṣaṇo

vṛto gurur naḥ sva-gatiṁ bubhutsatām

As a blind man, being unable to see, accepts another blind man as his leader, people who do not know the goal of life accept someone as a guru who is a rascal and a fool. But we are interested in self-realization. Therefore we accept You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as our spiritual master, for You are able to see in all directions and are omniscient like the sun.

Text 51

jano janasyādiśate ’satīṁ gatiṁ

yayā prapadyeta duratyayaṁ tamaḥ

tvaṁ tv avyayaṁ jñānam amogham añjasā

prapadyate yena jano nijaṁ padam

A materialistic so-called guru instructs his materialistic disciples about economic development and sense gratification, and because of such instructions the foolish disciples continue in the materialistic existence of ignorance. But Your Lordship gives knowledge that is eternal, and the intelligent person receiving such knowledge is quickly situated in his original constitutional position.

Text 52

tvaṁ sarva-lokasya suhṛt priyeśvaro

hy ātmā gurur jñānam abhīṣṭa-siddhiḥ

tathāpi loko na bhavantam andha-dhīr

jānāti santaṁ hṛdi baddha-kāmaḥ

My Lord, You are the supreme well-wishing friend of everyone, the dearmost friend, the controller, the Supersoul, the supreme instructor and the giver of supreme knowledge and the fulfillment of all desires. But although You are within the heart, the foolish, because of lusty desires in the heart, cannot understand You.

Text 53

tvaṁ tvām ahaṁ deva-varaṁ vareṇyaṁ

prapadya īśaṁ pratibodhanāya

chindhy artha-dīpair bhagavan vacobhir

granthīn hṛdayyān vivṛṇu svam okaḥ

O Supreme Lord, for self-realization I surrender unto You, who are worshiped by the demigods as the supreme controller of everything. By Your instructions, exposing life’s purpose, kindly cut the knot from the core of my heart and let me know the destination of my life.

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