Shaw Merchant Group powered by North American Bancard


One of the most lucrative fields that you can get into as a salesperson is selling to other businesses and especially selling merchant services. Unlike most end consumers, business owners keenly understand the value of investing wisely in long-term solutions, and not merely throwing away their money on something cheap. If you want to truly contribute value to other business owners, while making a decent paycheck every month yourself, one of the best ways to do that is to offer quality merchant services. You will be invaluable to your clients, and if you serve them well, they will continue to look to you for ways to make their business more efficient

Why start selling on your own, though? Isn't that a lot more work? What are the benefits if you're already working in a commission-based kind of job? Well, here are a few of the major ones:

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Do you want to become a merchant services agent, and you are wondering where to start? You might be convinced that this is what you want to do. It is true that payment processing is a highly lucrative industry, and this makes it attractive. Becoming a successful merchant services agent is not easy because you will need some training to learn how to do this successfully.

The earning potential of a merchant services agent is incredibly high, but to get there, you will need to take steady steps towards attaining success. One of the steps is to seek merchant services sales training. Merchant services have some key pillars that you need to be aware of in order to be successful.

The following are the crucial credit card processing sales training structure that will increase your chances of becoming successful in the merchant services industry.

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Wondering what it takes to be a legend merchant services sales rep? We will tell you exactly the things you require! This guide is specially designed to help you take off your career and get so many sales that it might become hard for you to handle.

But all of this will require you to work hard, give your 101%, put in several hours a day, and have patience. If all of this seems feasible, then congrats, you are the perfect candidate for merchant services sales jobs. Now you just need to work on the five important tips we have mentioned below, so let’s start:

Work on Your Business Plan

Being a merchant services sales rep has many perks, and one of them is freedom. You are your own boss; you don’t have to answer to anyone. However, this freedom means that you need to work and think like a business owner, and that’s why you need to have a business plan. Yes, having a good credit card processor on your back is helpful as you will get credit card processing sales training, but you will have to embark on this journey on your own. So to ensure you have a solid plan for taking your business to the height of success, you need to answer the following questions:

  • How will you approach the market? (Your method for getting clients)
  • From where will you get your revenue? (Will you only be selling merchant accounts or the technologies like POS terminals as well?)
  • Will you leverage the internet to get leads?
  • Will you use cold calling to promote your product(s)?
  • Will you personally reach businesses and pitch?
  • How will you pitch to get as many clients as you can?

These are a few major points you need to include in your business plan. We suggest that you just focus on a few approaches at the start and measure the results. Selling credit card processing service is something that needs a strategy, implementation, evaluation, and continuous fine-tuning.

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Merchant services is quickly becoming one of the hottest industries to be in. There are a variety of factors that are attracting people in masses to this industry including flexible work schedule, increased earnings, and an exciting, fast-paced career in business. However, not every corner of this industry is a cookie-cutter example of the perfect life. There are certainly benefits to be had by working in merchant services, but there are also things that you should know beforehand if you want to really get the most out of your experience. With these facts in hand, you can be sure that your career in merchant services more closely follows what you actually want to be doing and how you envision your perfect work life.

Different Types of Merchant Service Careers

The first thing to understand if you are thinking of a career in merchant services is that there are several different areas within the broad umbrella of merchant services that you can do. Merchant services such as processing are offered by more than one company and is a highly competitive industry. This means that not only agent positions are available, but also various other support positions that surround sales. If you want to become a merchant services agent, there are a couple different ways that you can go.

The first way to become a merchant services agent is to apply for a position at a large corporation or bank in a standard sales role. In this role you would be expected to meet sales goals, have a manager to answer to, and otherwise be restricted by the rigidity of how they do business. The other option is to become a merchant services agent that is independent and works with a merchant services partner program to earn a commission of each sale. Each of these positions have their benefits, and we will review them here.

The first type of merchant services sales position that we mentioned was with a larger company that has a manager to answer to. In a position like this, a merchant services sales professional would have a very small territory that doesn’t generally expand much beyond where they are based out of. As a result, commission opportunities are rather limited. Someone that works in this position would have very limited upside potential and room for error if they want to earn a good living with selling merchant services. In addition, they would be limited by the corporate structure of the company that they are working for. In this situation, it is hard to find passion in the job because you feel more like an account manager than a real sales professional with control over their destiny.

That brings us to the other type of merchant services sales position. This sales position is much more independent and operates on a commission structure out of their home or wherever they would like their office to be. Because they are not beholden to corporate offices or territories, their sales scope is much larger and they can serve almost anybody that they please. They can travel to visit their merchants, forming a tighter and more lucrative bond. Their earnings potential is unlimited because their merchant selection is also unlimited. They are happier in their job, make more money, have more flexibility, and are not tied to the desk. Someone in this position is usually much more pleased with their career in merchant services and generally makes more money, as well.

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Payment processing is the most profitable business. That’s why most of the agents who want to learn about merchant services or start your own credit card processing company, step into this industry. The credit card has become a necessity these days, and people prefer to use it as a primary mode of payment than cash. On the other hand, a debit card is used for online payment. The number of credit and debit card users is growing exponentially. So, the demand for credit transaction processors becomes higher due to the high volume of transactions. The credit card processing companies play a key role in customer payment processing and merchant services. However, the payment processing industry is profitable, but you can’t deny the fact that it can be cut-throat. All you need to go head to head against your rivals. But how do you get started? Here’s how to become a credit card processor.

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If you are looking for a fast-paced, rewarding, and lucrative career in merchant services, then now is the time to become a merchant processor. North American Bancard sales partners enjoy a variety of benefits that set the program apart from all the rest. For those that want to make a difference in the industry and build a vast network of revenue-generating accounts, this ISO partner program is the solution for you. Our suite of best-in-class products combined with premium sales support set you up for success in this very lucrative sales industry. As a partner of the North American Bancard Agent Program, you will have access to various benefits and bonuses that can be achieved through hard work and diligence. These available bonus programs will maximize your earnings potential and make it easier for you to achieve the salary that you want. With various bonuses available to all sales reps, you can create a robust and passive income that increases with time.

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Do you want to become a merchant services agent but don’t know how to make a massive income selling credit card processing? Well, don’t fret, we will help you not only choose the best career in the merchant services field, but we will also help you understand how you can truly help your merchants save tons of money in fees while doubling your own income. If you are excited to know all of this then we suggest that you stick to this guide till the end:

Which Career to Go For?

When you are selling merchant services, there are different models that you can choose from. You can go for the typical model of trying to reduce the fee paid by merchants in credit card processing. Or, you can also try to eliminate this fee, yes you read it right, you can make it vanish. The latter one is a more attractive career option as there are more chances of earning a decent amount.

Most of the agents selling credit card processing will be trying their level best to reduce the fees that businesses pay for each transaction. However, if you come with your zero-fee solution, then who wouldn’t get your services? Every business likes to make as much profit as it can, which is why you will have a better chance of converting the merchants.

Besides the merchants, you will be making way more money than you would’ve made when trying to reduce the merchant’s fee. Now you might be thinking, what is this zero-fee merchant services reseller program? Well, why not we explain it to you in detail and show you how it can increase your income.

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If you've done any research at all, you've probably already realized that getting into credit card processing sales field can be extremely profitable. Just about every serious business needs a merchant account, so the number of prospects that you could work with are countless and the market is ever-expanding as the economy recovers.

You might also realize, though, that becoming an ISO or a credit card processing company yourself can be expensive, but luckily this is not your only option when you're looking to break into this field. One of the best ways to get into the credit card processing industry is to start your career out as a sales agent. The upfront costs are minimal, and you can learn the business inside and out with a lot of room for growth. It's one of those coveted sales positions where you not only get commission at the time of the sale, but you usually receive residuals for the life of the account.

The key to success as a sales agent is choosing the right partner company to work with—this is an ISO whose products and services you will be offering to merchants. Since finding the right sales agent program is so imperative to your future, take your time to consider who will be the best fit for you.

Top 5 Merchant Services Agent & ISO Programs

In order to help you get started on your quest, here are five of the best agent programs out there that you can look into:

Looking for a company that has a lot of experience and support? This can be especially important when you're first starting out. You don't want to just be left in the dust whenever you have questions or if something goes wrong. They're very committed to offering the best service possible to not only their end-users, but more importantly to their sales agents. They'll provide you with the latest technology, varied offers to give to your clients, and top-notch service. They also offer extremely fast payments, and in fact will pay you every day instead of making you wait for weeks.

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If I had to make a rough estimate, it seems to me that about 90% of merchant services agents aren't actually very familiar with their residual splits and how they work. This isn't a great position to be in and you don't want to be in the dark, so take a look at these tips to get a good grasp on the subject:

1) First of all, do you actually own your residuals for the life of you account? If not, then years of work on your part could just disappear literally overnight. You could have been working tirelessly to build up a huge portfolio, but it would all be down the toilet simply because you stopped selling for awhile. Many ISOs have these stipulations, where you're required to bring in new accounts every certain amount of time, or your residuals are lost. Does that sound fair to you?

So many agents fall for this racket. Don't do this, no matter how much bigger your part of the split will be. Over the long-term, it's just not worth it. You're trying to build long-term passive income here, not turn your work in sales into an ordinary job—that's a waste of a great opportunity. Make sure you ask about this before you choose a merchant services ISO program. Tell them to give you an exact play-by-play of what will happen if you decide to leave the business. If the answer is “You will lose your residuals,” then walk away. Also, if you can't sell your residuals, then reconsider as well, since this is an indication that you don't really own them.

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© Shaw Merchant Group, LLC. Our goal is to gather accurate, updated information and assist you in your research. We recommended that you check with your service provider or financial institution directly and get independent financial advice before making any commitments or business decisions. 

Company logos, names, and trademarks mentioned on this site belong to their respective owners.

All merchant related services and products are referred to North American Bancard for first right of refusal. All information generated on this site is shared with NAB. North American Bancard is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Walnut Creek CA, of BMO Harris N.A., Chicage, IL and The Bancorp, Philadelphia, PA.

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