PAUKENSCHLAG: US-Behörde (NIH) bestätigt: 5G-Strahlung kann Corona-Erkrankungen verursachen!

PAUKENSCHLAG: US-Behörde (NIH) bestätigt: 5G-Strahlung kann Corona-Erkrankungen verursachen!


PAUKENSCHLAG: US-Behörde (NIH) bestätigt: 5G-Strahlung kann Corona-Erkrankungen verursachen!

Eine internationale Studie, die neulich auf der Website des National Institute of Health veröffentlicht wurde, ergab, dass die 5G-Strahlung von Hautzellen absorbiert wird und die DNA so verändern kann, dass tatsächlich Corona-Erkrankungen im menschlichen Körper verursacht werden.

Die Studie, die gemeinsam von Wissenschaftlern der Guglielmo Marconi University, der Central Michigan University und der First Moscow State Medical University erstellt wurde, kam zu dem Schluss, dass 5G-Millimeterwellen die DNA so stimulieren, dass die Zellen so erkranken, wie man es von COVID-19 erwarten würde.

Das Abstract der Studie:

„In dieser Studie zeigen wir, dass 5G-Millimeterwellen von dermatologischen Zellen absorbiert werden können, die wie Antennen wirken, auf andere Zellen übertragen werden und die Hauptrolle bei der Produktion von Coronaviren in biologischen Zellen spielen. DNA besteht aus geladenen Elektronen und Atomen und hat eine induktorähnliche Struktur. Diese Struktur könnte in lineare, toroidale und runde Induktoren unterteilt werden. Induktoren interagieren mit externen elektromagnetischen Wellen, bewegen sich und erzeugen einige zusätzliche Wellen innerhalb der Zellen. Die Formen dieser Wellen ähneln den Formen der hexagonalen und fünfeckigen Basen ihrer DNA-Quelle. Diese Wellen erzeugen einige Löcher in Flüssigkeiten innerhalb des Kerns. Um diese Löcher zu füllen, werden einige zusätzliche sechseckige und fünfeckige Basen hergestellt. Diese Basen könnten sich miteinander verbinden und virusähnliche Strukturen wie Coronavirus bilden. Um diese Viren in einer Zelle zu produzieren, muss die Wellenlänge der externen Wellen kürzer als die Grösse der Zelle sein. Somit könnten 5G-Millimeterwellen gute Kandidaten für die Anwendung beim Aufbau virusähnlicher Strukturen wie Coronaviren (COVID-19) in Zellen sein.“

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Das ganze Dokument via Infowars:

Fazit: Diese brandneue und hochbrisante Studie bestätigt vieles, was in unabhängigen Medien über 5G und Corona bis anhin in Erfahrung gebracht wurde. Auch bekannte Persönlichkeiten wie Woody Harrelson, John Cusack oder die britische Sängerin M.I.A. vertreten ähnliche Thesen und argumentieren mit wissenschaftlichen Quellen.

Besonders interessant ist auch, dass die bahnbrechende Forschung im Rahmen einer russisch-amerikanischen Kooperation entstanden ist. Noch interessanter ist, dass sich die Studie inhaltlich von der korrupten und limitierten Mainstream-Wissenschaft abhebt. Nachdem sich Präsident Trump im Rahmen der Corona-Krise bereits für alternative Therapien, die nota bene aktuell klinisch getestet werden, stark machte, liegt mit der Veröffentlichung dieser Studie ein weiteres Indiz vor, dass der langersehnte Paradigmenwechsel endlich stattfinden wird und die gestohlenen Technologien von Nikola Tesla demnächst freigegeben werden.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Da sich Bill Gates neulich über eine zweite Corona-Welle freute und meinte, dass diese nicht unbemerkt daherkommen werde, müssen wir leider davon ausgehen, dass die Machtelite noch einen Trumpf im Ärmel hat. Auch die Massenmedien wollen partout nicht lockerlassen. Falls es in der nächsten Grippesaison zu einem Strahlenangriff auf die Bevölkerung kommen sollte, macht es absolut Sinn, sich darauf vorzubereiten. Die ersten Opfer werden wieder einmal diejenigen sein, die bereits vorerkrankt beziehungsweise übersäuert sind. Übersäuerung geht gemäss Prof. Warburg mit Sauerstoffmangel einher und wird primär durch falsche Ernährung und Stress verursacht. Wer seinen Lebensstil entsprechend anpasst, lebt allgemein gesünder und hat die besten Chancen, dem Mikrowellen-Inferno standzuhalten. Atemschutzmasken sind gemäss diversen Experten eher kontraproduktiv, weil sie unter anderem den Sauerstoffhaushalt im Körper beeinträchtigen. Wer nach wirklich effektiven Lösungen sucht, sollte sich bei erfahrenen, freien Wissenschaftlern wie Peter Andres, dem Gründer und CEO von ac blue planet, erkundigen. Peter Andres arbeitet seit Jahrzehnten mit einem internationalen Forscherteam im Bereich der Bioresonanz. Er gehört zu den führenden Informationsmedizinern der Gegenwart und hat eine Technologie auf den Markt gebracht, die sowohl auf 5G geprüft ist, als auch die Zellen nachweislich verjüngt.

In der folgenden Abbildung wird mittels Dunkelfeldmikroskopie illustriert, was Mobilfunkstrahlung mit unserem Blut anrichtet. Links sieht man ein Blutbild ohne Mobilfunkeinfluss, in der Mitte erkennt man die sogenannte Geldrollenbildung, die bereits nach einem einmütigen Handy-Telefonat gemessen wird und das rechte Bild zeigt ein wesentlich gesünderes Blutbild, auch nach einem einminütigen Handy-Telefonat, aber mit dem Vita System 8 von ac blue planet.

Anmerkung: Bei der Dunkelfeldmikroskopie genügt ein einziger Bluttropfen, um weitreichende Schlüsse über den Gesundheitszustand eines Patienten zu ziehen und eventuelle Krankheiten sicher zu diagnostizieren. Mit dem Begriff Geldrollenbildung (engl. rouleau formation) wird die reversible Bildung von kettenartigen Stapeln roter Blutkörperchen bezeichnet. Durch das Verkleben der Blutkörperchen verringert sich die für den Sauerstofftransport verfügbare Blutkörperchen-Gesamtoberfläche, was zu einer lokalen Verringerung der Sauerstoffversorgung und infolgedessen zu Infektionskrankheiten führen kann.

Tipp: Wenn du mehr über die Informationsmedizin und die Funktionsweise des Vita-Systems erfahren möchtest, kannst du dir hier und jetzt ein spannendes E-Book von Peter Andres herunterladen. (Ein Geschenk von Peter!)

 0393-974X (2020)

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is the main  problem this year involving the entire world (1). This is an infectious disease caused by a newly-discovered coronavirus. This virus is a member of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and  birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes,  predominantly rhinoviruses), and others that can  be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Among them, COVID-19 is an enveloped virus with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses ranges from approximately 27 to 34 kilobases, the largest among known RNA viruses

(2, 3). To date, many scientists have tried to nd a

method to cure this disease (4, 5); however, without success. COVID-19 may have effects on different types of cells. For example, it has been argued that this virus may have some effects on dermatologic cells (6). On the other hand, it has been known that some waves in 5G technology have direct effects on the skin cells (7). Thus, there are some similarities  between effects of COVID-19 and waves in 5G technology.A new question arises regarding a relationship  between 5G technology and COVID-19. The 5G

technology is the fth-generation mobile technology

in which its frequency spectrum could be divided into millimeter waves, mid-band, and low-band. Low-

 Key words: dermatologic antenna; COVID-19; 5G technology; millimeter wave; DNA; inductor 

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in

liquids within the nucleus. To fll these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced.

These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

Corresponding Author:

Dr Massimo Fioranelli, Department of Nuclear, Sub-nuclear and Radiation Physics, Guglielmo Marconi University, Via Plinio 44-00193, Rome, Italy

e-mail: m.

5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells



, A. Sepehri


, M.G. Roccia


, M. Jafferany


, O. Yu. Olisova


,K.M. Lomonosov


 and T. Lotti



 Department of Nuclear, Sub-nuclear and Radiation Physics, G. Marconi University, Rome, Italy;


Central Michigan Saginaw, Michigan , USA;


 Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia Received May 13, 2020 – Accepted June 9, 2020 EDITORIAL


technology and transfer them to host cells. Then, DNAs within host cells interact with these waves and move. By motions of a DNA, some hexagonal

and pentagonal holes emerge. To ll these holes,

some bases are constructed within cells. These holes  join to each other and form RNAs of COVID-19.MATERIALS AND METHODS

 A mechanism for exchanging waves between towers and dermatologic cells in 5G technology

Skin cells are in close connections with nerve bers. These bers in the nervous system play the role of wires

which carry some electrical currents; these currents  produce some electromagnetic waves. These waves and currents are taken by melanocytes, keratinocytes and other dermatologic cells and transmitted to the medium. On the other hand, skin cells could take waves of towers and transfer to other cells and neurons. Thus, dermatologic cells could act as an antenna (Fig. 1). An antenna could take waves in which their wavelengths are equal to its size. Thus, millimeter waves in 5G technology could be taken more by dermatologic antennas. These waves could pass the cell membranes, enter the nucleus and interact with DNAs. Previously, it has been shown that a DNA could act as the inductor and receiver or sender of waves (16). Thus, a DNA within a dermatologic cell like a keratinocyte receives external waves and sends them to DNAs of other cells like melanocytes. Waves in 5G technology and higher technologies could contribute in gene expressions, turn on some genes and turn off others (Fig. 2). The question is whether millimeter waves in 5G technology could contribute in constructing some viruses like COVID-19 within a cell. To reply to this question, we should consider the electronic structure of a DNA and its emitted waves. A DNA is built from atoms and electrons. These particles have some electrical charges

and emit electrical elds. Also, by each motion of a DNA,

its atoms and electrons move. According to the laws of  physics, by motion of charged particles, some magnetic waves emerge. Consequently, a DNA emits both electrical

and magnetic elds and plays the role of electrical

devices within a cell. The structure of a DNA within a cell is similar to the structure of an inductor. When a DNA coils around a nucleosome, it takes the shape of a toroid

 band uses a similar frequency range as the predecessor, 4G. 5G millimeter wave is the fastest, with actual speeds often being 1–2 Gbit/s down. Its frequencies are above 24 GHz, reaching up to 72 GHz, which is above the extremely high frequency band’s lower  boundary. Millimeter waves have shorter range than microwaves, therefore the reactive cells are those with smaller size (8-10). Consequently, biological cells also could act like a receiver for these waves. Many researchers have considered the effects of 5G technology on human health. For example, it has  been shown that 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, but will have adverse systemic effects as well (11). In another study, it was argued that 5G technologies cause great harm to human health. Cancer is only one of the many problems. 5G causes 720 (factorial) different diseases in human beings, and can kill everything that lives except some forms of microorganisms (12). To consider the effects of 5G millimeter waves on biological systems, we propose a model which describes the process of exchanging waves between 5G towers and host cells.To date, some researchers have tried to propose a model for using waves in extracting information within cells (13, 14). These waves could be transverse

electromagnetic elds or longitudinal ultrasound

waves. A DNA is built from charged particles and according to laws of physics, by any motion of these particles, some electromagnetic waves emerge (15). Also, the structure of a DNA is similar to the structure of an inductor (16) in a receiver and can  produce some waves. Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could  penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5 G technology. Thus, towers in this technology could exchange waves with DNAs within cells and produce various types of diseases such as COVID-19. In this study, we propose a mechanism for exchanged waves between towers and host cells to obtain effective wavelengths. In our method, skin cells act as dermatologic antenna, take waves in 5G



Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents

Fig. 1.


Some waves in 5G technology could be taken by dermatologic antennas, however radio waves could not pass the skin cells

Fig. 2.


Waves in 5G technology pass the cell membranes and contribute to gene expressions

Fig. 3.


 A similarity between different states of DNA with different types of inductors


waves could have the main role in the emergence of COVID-19, however radio waves could not have any effect on the evolutions within a cell (Fig. 5).


 Effective wavelengths within a cell in 5G technology

We propose a model to obtain a probability for the

amount of effects of external elds on the evolutions

of cells within a cell. This probability is related to the number of microstates of a DNA within a cell:P


 = Ω


 / Ω

DNA, tot


Where Ω


 is the probability, Ω


 is the number of microstates which are produced by the interaction between DNAs and electromagnetic

waves, and Ω

DNA, tot

 is the total number of microstates. These microstates have direct relations with entropies:S


 = K 




) (2)Where S


 is the entropy and K 


 is a constant. On the other hand, entropies have direct relations with energies:S




 / T


 (3)Where E


 is the excited energy of a DNA and T


 is the temperature within a cell. Excited energy of a DNA depends on the linear and curved energies of hexagonal and pentagonal bases:E


 = U

B, linear,5


 B, linear,5

+ U

B, curved,5


 B, curved,5

+ U

B, supercoil,5


 B, supercoil,5

 + U

B, linear,6


 B, linear,6

+ U

B, curved,6



inductor. Also, by coiling around another axes, a DNA  becomes very similar to round inductors (Fig. 3). A DNA coils several times around different axes within chromosomes and produces different types of inductors and electronic devices. Thus, any state of a DNA is similar to a type of an inductor and emits a special wave. Some of these waves are linear, some are curved and others have toroidal shapes (Fig. 4). A DNA, as an electronic device within a cell, could exchange waves with medium, especially when an electromagnetic wave passes the cell membrane and the

nuclear membrane, it induces an extra magnetic eld within the DNA inductor and interacts with its elds.

This interaction causes extra motions of this DNA, and through the motion of this DNA, its charges move and emit electromagnetic waves. The wavelength of emitted waves from a DNA is equal or less than its size within a cell. Also, shapes of radiated waves by a DNA have direct relations with the shapes of their genetic source. A DNA is formed from hexagonal and pentagonal manifolds; thus, its emitted waves have hexagonal and pentagonal shapes. These waves produce hexagonal and pentagonal holes

within the liquids of a nucleus and a cell. To ll these

holes, hexagonal and pentagonal molecules are built. These extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases may join to each other and form structures like RNAs of COVID-19 viruses. To produce these viruses, it is necessary that the

wavelengths of external electromagnetic elds be equal or

less than the size of a cell. For this reason, 5G technology

Fig. 4.


 A DNA within the nucleus acts as the inductor and emits magnetic waves



Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents

 (40)Consequently, substituting above results in equation (4), total energy can be obtained from the following equation:E


Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents

or less than the size of a nucleus, they can pass the nuclear membrane and interact with DNAs. These DNAs are built from hexagonal and pentagonal  bases and, by their motions, some holes emerge.

These holes are lled by hexagonal and pentagonal

extra bases which are constructed by cells. These  bases could join to each other and form some viruses such as Coronavirus. It is concluded that in the next generation of mobile technology, emitted waves of towers will have more effects on biological cells.In this research, we have shown that new generation mobile technology, like 5G, could have the main role in constructing various types of viruses, such as Coronaviruses, within a cell. Some wavelengths in these technologies are smaller than the size of biological cells and could pass the cell membrane and enter the nucleus. These waves could  be taken by dermatologic antenna, transfer to host cells, interact with DNAs and move them. A DNA is formed from charged particles and, by its motions, electromagnetic waves emerge. These waves  produce hexagonal and pentagonal holes in liquids

within nucleus and the cell. To ll these holes, bases

are produced. These bases join to each other and can construct viruses like Coronaviruses. REFERENCES

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