P Shot Penis

P Shot Penis


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The Official Website. Description of how the penis can be rejuvenated and enlarged using platelet- derived growth factors (or Platelet-Rich Plasma).
Priapus : The Greek god of fertility
priapus : (without a capital "P") synonym for " penis"
Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®) : A SPECIFIC Method, protected by the US Patent & Trademark office of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis (also known as the P-Shot®).
 WARNING: Only members of our Priapus Shot® provider group are understanding of the method and in agreement to follow our standards which include the use of lab equipment approved by the FDA for the preparation of platelets to go back into the body and the use of very specific methods. Others may be doing a similar process or they may be doing an inferior process but only those physicians listed in our provider group are licensed to use the name. Anyone else using the name is possibly doing an inferior or even dangerous procedure. At best, they are illegally claiming to be in a group to which they do not belong.

When I first started doing cosmetic procedures using Juvederm and Restylane to sculpt the face, it occurred to me that it would be wonderful to do the same thing for the penis.
If you can inject the mouth to give it a larger & younger shape, then why should you not be able to do the same thing with the penis?
{Important Note: The Priapus Shot® procedure does not work well in smokers for the same reason that a plastic surgeon would never do a facelift or breast implants on a smoker--the poisons in the cigarettes will kill the growth of the stem cells that are recruited and fertilized by the PRP. But, do not give up! Simply go here first and stop smoking--the easiest way possible }
Since 2006, published research showed that hyaluronic acid fillers, like Restylane formed new and permanent collagen (the filler goes away but is partially replaced by new tissue). So, I became even more interested and considered injecting my own penis with Restylane.
So, I never injected my penis with Restylane.
After studying the biology of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), I designed a way to rejuvenate the face using this natural product (from the person’s own body). I called it the Vampire Facelift ® and registered it with the US Patent & Trademark Office.
I think that you can see that all of the 6 advantages listed above would be good for the penis as well.
So, then I went to the medical literature, to see what other experts around the world think about PRP--here’s some of what I found:
When researchers injected PRP into nasolabial folds, improvement seen immediately . There was some fading of the improvement over the first few days, then the tissue continued to regenerate and return to near the state of injection by the 12th week. At no point did the tissue go back to the state before injection. None of the patients had any fibrosis, harness, lumpiness, irregularity, or restriction of movement. There have been over 100,000 injections of PRP in the face with no serious side effects.
If you are a health care provider and wish to have training in this method of therapy for the penis, then click here now to learn more about the Priapus Shot®.
So, if the Priapus Shot® does what it should, then using it on the penis should result in all of the following:
Increase circulation within the penis for a healthier organ.
Make other therapies work better (if you still need Viagra or Cialis, then it will work better for you).
Increase sensation and pleasure (helps correct the damage from diabetes).
Increase size by design (Can place more in base or in the head or wherever makes for best result)
No allergic reactions (using your own body’s fluids).
Minimal pain (no burning from the PRFM since it’s from your own body)
Now, after actually doing the procedure, the results have been as expected.
Here’s the words of the lover of a man who was treated with the Priapus Shot® :
I hesitate to report this (it sounds too much like an infomercial) but I don’t want to hold back the whole story. The lover of a man I treated actually said to him, “This feels like I’m having sex with my hard plastic dildo!” He reported that she came back the next day for quick sex and just to play with her new toy–his penis.
Another patient wrote to me in a text, “One inch longer in girth and length and concrete!”
Here’s the Steps of the Priapus Shot®
I think the day will come when these injections are given routinely in the same way we tune-up a car with a little STP to clean the fuel injectors. Instead, we will use PRFM to clean out the circulation of the penis and grow new blood vessels.
I recommend that you do the Priapus Shot together with the techniques taught here in this course on enlarging the Penis . The course is included for free if you book an appointment for the Priapus Shot.™
Answer: If you read the numbers on the PRP research that I posted above, then you will see something similar to what I have observed. The initial volume is from the combination of the platelets and the serum (or water) in the blood plus all the growth factors in the water that the activated platelets are starting to release.
Then over the next three days some of the the water is absorbed by the body. Then there is the growth of new tissue that continues for at least 12 weeks–bringing the volume back up to close to where it was with the initial injection.
So, volume goes up IMMEDIATELY, then goes down to various degrees but slowly over the next three days. In some people this decrease in volume is very small, in others it is a more noticeable decrease. In some, I’m seeing a growth back to where it was with the initial injection or better. In others, there is growth but not quite back to where we started. Smokers have the least amount of growth.
Again, I am speaking mostly from my experience with injecting the face. I see no reason why the same would not happen with the penis, but my experience there is less.
Answer : 10 to 20% increase in length and girth. An inch in length (a little more) and in girth was seen in the first two patients in the first month. Girth came first (with the injection), then length (with continued growth). I do not yet know if a second injection at 4 to 8 weeks will cause another growth spurt.
Answer: Directly into the corpus cavernosum with a small needle, and into the head of the penis–in a way almost exactly as done with those who use injections for erectile dysfunction.
Answer: If you look at men who inject 3 to 5 times a week over many years for treatment for erectile dysfunction, there is about a 10% incidence of scar tissue formation. This is with multiple injections for years. With this procedure, there is only one injection, so the chances of scar tissue should be almost nothing. In the face, there has not been the report of any fibrosis or scar tissue formation.
Answer: I use a lidocaine cream (a strong version of what you might find in a spray to kill the pain of sunburn). It’s the same cream I use on the face before injecting the lips or other areas with Juvederm. The pain is about the same as a normal shot to the buttocks, perhaps less.
P.S. If you are a health care provider and wish to have training in this method of therapy for the penis, then click here now to learn more about the Priapus Shot®.
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P Shot Penis

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