Ovipositor Erotica

Ovipositor Erotica


Ovipositor Erotica
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An old apartment traps its new residents in a web of lust.
Lisa meets the queen, and she'll never be the same.
A dhampir is used by a strange creature to bear its children
They try to escape but it seems like the world's gone crazy.
His walk home from work is derailed. By tentacles.
A demon cougar lays his eggs inside his dragon wife...
Lisa tries to rescue her friend and escape.
Too late, Lisa finally starts to understand what's happening.
A mermaid finds herself prey to a tentacled predator...
Chad is back, but there's something differant about him...
Alchemist explores a changed world for unusual experiments.
Chad finds something out of this world.
Cassie travels far from home to capture a special Beedrill.
A man becomes a vessel for a strange creature.
She makes eggs when she cums, a curious partner learns.
A furry stumbles upon a kinky tentacle monster...
Our Heroine Gets Severely Bugged By Some Thing.
Katy relives the loop as she is altered further.
32k word: Ocean world survival with slow burn tentacles.
A runaway princess is forcibly impregnated by a giant spider
A frog lady is discovered and decides to have a snack!
Scuttling treachery awaits two humans within a tangled wood.
First Story In a Long Series (No sex in first chapter).
Connor wants to feel helpless. His friend has a solution.
Crystal comes into possesion of a strange necklace.
A tentacle parasite takes me into the nest.
Lucy bargains with a deity of life.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
Helen can't remember her intimate communion.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
Can Lessie keep her aunt's business going?
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
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In a world where losers get fucked.
Segami gets her big fat butt stuck in a hole in a cave.
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John finds himself at the mercy of a Succubus.
The group arrives and begins to set off.
The Lady Paladin returns home, and gets a surprise.
Al and Sam encounter a plant woman in the Dampest Dungeon.
A test subject turns into a broodqueen filled with eggs!
A young woman finds a special flower in the woods.
Exploring a cave leads Isaac into the den of a Spider Queen.
An Ash Elf finds herself at the mercy of a Matriarch.
Anne's short-lived escape ends with a giant spider.
Mistress' Tentacles invade the ship. Will all be made Wet?
A landing party is sent down, and Rosanna gets podded.
Salvage workers encounter humanoid octopus aliens.
A young woman draws the attention of something awful.
Lily tries to get curvier... with interesting results.
A tale of love, science and tentacles.
You wake up without memory of how you got here.
It has come time for a dragon to lay...
A young girl gets lost then impregnated by tentacles.
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Space explorer meets dormant tentacle creature.
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An uncovered gate leads to incredible adventures.
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Tentacle Invasions on Human Space, via the Internet.
Five college kids have encounters on Halloween.
A new swimming costume has unexpected results.
An anthro-cat discovers an alien while alone in the park.
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You head back to your ex's and find more craziness.
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Favorited by MasonDragon , bsracer , BiancaBazongas and 21 others
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It's not long after your first crazy experience at your ex's house that you wish you could go back. You're still not sure if what happened was real or not, but it was absolutely the weirdest and hottest experience of your 19 year old life. That's when your phone lights up from a new text, "You gotta get over here quick. We found something in a clearing! Back of the house by the trails."
Immediately your pussy starts to gush with moisture. You throw on another cute little sundress and get over to your ex's house as quickly as possible.
Once again, when you get there, there are tons of cars in the driveway. You run past his house and by the pool. You shutter as you remember that whole experience.
You head deeper into the backyard and see your boyfriend waving you down from the trail to the woods. You immediately give a smile and a quick wave of acknowledgement and head in his direction. Walking briskly, you're eager to find out what is going on, and where all these people are. They must be with him looking at whatever weird thing he found.
"Hey! So glad you made it, you gotta check these out," he says to you as he takes your hand and pulls you with him. "Oh and wow you look cute," he adds.
The two of you make your way through the woods quickly. At this point you're dying to see what he's talking about. Down one long trail and into another, you head pretty far back into his woods. His little fuck shed is the other direction, at this point, so you're kind of bummed out. But maybe this thing he's talking about will be more fun.
"Oh, and don't be alarmed. Everyone is fine, they're just enjoying these things," he tells you almost cautiously.
"Things?" you ask. He's piqued your interested now.
"Yeah, it's hard to explain. They're like plants, but they're alive. And they do stuff..." he stops walking and turns to you, "like crazy stuff, and..." He's looking at you.
"Crazy stuff? What are you talking about?" You stand still staring at him.
"Look, I think you'll enjoy it, especially considering your recent text messages. But just..." He pauses again, "You just gotta see it." He grabs your hand again and pulls you along.
Your mind is going crazy now too. Crazy things?! With plants? Come on, what is he talking about? But you follow regardless.
It's as you come to the end of the trail that you begin to get a feeling of what he was talking about. You start hearing moans and grunts. You hear laughter and some crying. There is obviously a bunch of people ahead.
As you emerge from the trail into the clearing, you are absolutely shocked by what you see. There are probably twenty people in the clearing, you'd guess half male and half female. They're all in different states of undress. There are two guys sitting on a picnic table, fully clothed just taking video. There are groups of two or three people in the rest of the clearing. Some are having sex with each other, others are with... something?
Your mind is trying to comprehend what is going on, but it looks like a massive outdoor orgy. The two people closest to you, both women, are facing away from each other on all fours, and between them is a large weird looking plant. It looks like a Venus fly trap, about 4 feet tall, but it has several branches they look like going into each of the girls pussies. Both girls are clearly fucking backwards into them and, from the looks of it, having a great time.
You nod as you look around the area. You see several different types of plants all engaging in this erotic behavior. Some look like cactuses, other like dandelions, others like roses. You have no explanation for it. But you do know the nakedness of those around you and the obvious pleasure they're all receiving is making you instantly wet.
"Over here, this is the one I've been playing with," he says as you pulls you into the clearing towards an empty blanket rolled out. The one he's talking about looks like a large bulbous based cactus with some purple flowers on top. The flowers come off in long strands, and the prickles look fairly thick and long.
He strips off his clothes and sits on the blanket, patting the spot next to him for you to come join him.
The girl right next to you is being deep throated by another type of plant, while its braches work over her tits and nipples.
You pull off your flimsy sundress and sit next to him.
"Watch," he says as he pulls himself closer to the plant, his ass on the blanket with is legs spread out in front of him. He touches the bottom large prickly bulb, making sure to caress three of the thorns, and opens his legs up. Then he lays back giving you a smile.
Slowly, you see some of the prickles start to elongate at the base of the cactus, the ones closest to him. They started out as probably 3 to 4 inches long, but continue to push out of the base of the plant, until they're much longer, probably to several feet by the time they're done. They still look fairly pointy, and you would imagine about a half inch thick at most, maybe a quarter inch.
You watch in fascination as three of them in particular start to interact with your ex. He's already moaning at their slightest touch. First, two of them start wrapping themselves around the base of his scrotum, in such a manner so that his balls are pulled away from his body a bit, like what you've done to him a few times in the past with rope. Once they wrap around the base of his scrotum about 5 or 6 times, and his balls are clearly visible through the now tight skin of his sack, they start to touch and prick at his testicles. These ones look sharp in particular.
The other one hovers over his hard cock. It seems to figuring out its avenue of approach, or deciding what it wants to do. You notice that the tip of this one doesn't seem as sharp, and that it also has a droplet of liquid bubbling out at the end. You find yourself fascinated watching it, between his moans from the ministrations on his balls, you can tell this isn't the first time any of this has happened.
The tentacle, for lack of a better term moves itself to the head of his cock, near the opening of his urethra. The small droplet of liquid is then spread onto the opening of his cock. You can sense an immediate difference in your ex. He goes completely still in anticipation.
It only takes a moment after that, for the thin tentacle to enter his urethra. He has never once ever mentioned being interested in that, but you watch in enthralled fascination has it starts to descend into his cock. He lets out an incredible moan, like relief it's happening again. He grips the blanket in his hands and spread his knees out as much as possible and seems to push his cock upwards, eager to penetrated.
The plant's tentacle is certainly less than a half-inch wide, but you can clearly see the bulge of its presence in his urethra. And you watch eagerly as it plows its way into his cock. Halfway, it keeps going, pushing towards the base of his cock, three quarters in, his moaning and panting get louder, and then the bulge pushes past the base of his cock, into the depths of his body.
At this point, he is shuttering and shaking. Lost in whatever is happening in his cock. But now your wetness is spilling out onto the blanket. You need this too. Like he did, you spread your legs, opening them up for the purple cactus, and move your ass closer and closer to it's base. It seems like he touched the ones that are currently pleasuring him. How many should you touch?
You decide to touch a whole bunch of them. You're eager to see what it does to your teen body. But now that you're this close, you realize there are definite differences in each one of the prickles. Some are incredibly thin and sharp. Some are much thinker and blunt at the end, and others are somewhere in the middle.
You decide to choose a variety of prickles. You find the biggest thickest one you can, it's only about an inch thick, but you definitely take that one. You rub two of the thinnest and sharpest ones, then one of the thinner ones, that isn't as sharp, and finally, one of the more normal ones. After making your selections, you lie back in eager anticipation for what's to come.
Slowly, you watch all five of those you touched come alive. The bigger one pops out first and you watch with eager excitement as it widens and lengthens. That one gains most of your attention as it grows from probably an inch wide and, perhaps four inches long to over three inches wide and several feet long. The two little sharp ones stay very thin, the size of needle, but grow many more feet long. The other two grow as well, the one stays about a quarter inch to inch wide, and the other one gets a bit thicker, but both very long.
As with your ex, the plant's tentacles seem to over your body as if deciding what to do with you. As you wait, you happen to hear another girl near you scream out in ecstasy. When you look over, you can tell a massive tentacle is plowing one of her holes. Her eyes are practically rolling back into her head in pleasure as the huge mass works her hole open.
You feel a light caress on your nipple that draws you right back in to your situation. The extremely thin tentacles have both found your nipples and start to go to work. You watch in fascination as the needle like tips touch your sensitive nipples and push down slightly. They're very thin, almost the size of acupuncture needles you imagine. They're made exactly for this and your shocked how little resistance the flesh of nipple provides, and the needle pushes into your tits.
You gasp expecting pain, but there isn't at all what you were braced for. They feel like someone is just pinching your nipple, perhaps using a bit of their nails. But from the inside. They're caressing your nerves!
And yet there are 3 more tentacles about to have their way with you too! You feel another one touch the delicate folds of your pussy. You can't tell which one it is, but it has to be one of the smaller ones. It works its way slowly up and down, and you can feel your pussy drenching with liquid, whether it's your own or from the tentacle, you're not sure.
As it slides up one last time, it also pushes forward while just inside your pussy. You spread open your legs as wide as they'll go then also reach down to your sex and spread your pussy lips open for the tentacle. You're not sure what it wants to do, but you want to help it.
It accepts the invitation happily and pushes into your sex, but in a very foreign way. It's right below your clitoris, is it pushing into your urethra just like the one that is bringing your ex so much ecstasy next to you?
Inch by inch, you feel it push into your piss hole, and you welcome the bizarre sensations. It pushes past any resistance your hole might have provided with it's slick lubricant. The deeper it pushes in, the wilder the pleasure it causes. It doesn't have long to go before you're sure it'll find its way to your bladder.
The next up must be the thinner one that finds your tight rosebud. For some reason, you knew it was coming, and you were even hoping for it. It must've provided its own lubricant too as you feel it push into your opening. You're just glad it was the massive one that wanted to go there. Though, 'maybe next time' you think to yourself as you grin.
The thinner one in your ass immediately stops moving forward. You open up your eyes in surprise. You feel it gush out some liquid into your ass then pull free. You look down at your tight body and realize what just happened. It must be able to read minds? You see your little nipples being pierced and pleasured by the small ones. The thin one still pushing and working it's way into your urethra. But now the big one is lining itself up with your lower half, and it doesn't take long before you feel it's mass pushing up against your asshole!
You cry out as it pushes forward, lined up directly with your ass. Its most narrow part on at the tip pushes in through your tight hole first, gaining initial entry. Your not sure if the liquid is also a relaxing agent or what, but it doesn't quite hurt yet. But you can see the massive tentacle and you know it shouldn't fit in your tender ass.
You grunt as it pushes more into you. Your ass has simply never had something this big in it before. A cock, a dildo, some fingers etc, but nothing like this. It's huge! You moan loudly as you feel it pushing in deeper and quickly expanding out your rectum. You try your best to open up your butt cheeks now with your hands, resigning yourself to the intrusion that is certainly coming.
Inch by dreaded inch, the apple width tentacle pushes into your back door. Incredibly, and now you're definitely sure with the help of the lubricating agent it filled your ass with earlier, the tentacle finally pushes through it's full width into your once tight asshole. You cry out as the huge plant begins to pummel it's way even deeper into you.
Next up, is your pussy. Which by this point you almost forgot about, with all the incredible sensations already being delivered to your body. The thinner tentacle pushes into your pussy hole quickly, and without any sort of hesitation. Its certainly fairly typical for something you would have in your pussy, and perhaps even thinner than your usual dildo. Even with the massive bulge in your ass squeezing your pussy tighter, the tentacle had no real issue getting in.
Once all the tentacles of the plant found their correct spots, the real fun seems to begin. Your nipples, already overwhelmed with sensation, start to almost pulsate with pleasure. The needles aren't exactly deep in your nipples, but they're all over your pleasure centers there, causing a crazy amount of pleasure. You like having your nipples pinched as it is, and this is causing that sensation ten fold.
Your ass is a whole other story. You have no idea how what it's doing to you is even possible, but the huge tentacle continues to push into your rectum, deeper and deeper. You try to cry out, but it's almost too much for you. You feel like you easily have a fist in your ass, and it's going
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