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Overwatch vs Valorant: Why I prefer Overwatch : OWConsole
Overwatch vs . Overwatch 2: What's the difference? | Windows Central
So… I wanted to check out Paladins just to see what they offer compared to Overwatch and why everyone keeps saying Overwatch is better…and I have to say after checking out Paladins, I am disappointed in Overwatch.
I used to just laugh at Paladins because it looked so bad, but after checking it out Im am so impressed with everything they offer for a free to play game
Overwatch is missing some basic things that Paladins can offer
We NEED to see our team (especially our healers) through the walls and at the VERY LEAST we need new chevrons.
You can see your team through the walls no matter what class you play
A loadout option for the overall hero pool and then individual hero loadout options. (and ways to sort cosmetics)
I haven’t even talked about the heroes or the hero balance yet.
There is a version on Hanzo in Paladins which has the lunge and rapid fire but it better than in Overwatch. There is even poisons, someone who uses a pet, a flamethrower, a crossbows, and even a hero that rides on a permanent mount as part of the hero… all things we’ve asked for in Overwatch.
Also, someone has a Flashbang that actually works like a Flashbang should, it blinds the player for a very short time.
Even though Paladins has healers, there are no health packs because everyone has a health regen after being out of combat for so long.
Im very surprised that Overwatch can’t offer these things 2 years in. I mean… Moira still has a victory pose bug on console where there is no liquid in her flask.
I am just mind blown with all the work that has been put into Paladins that Overwatch can’t even come close to
Orisa doesn’t even have a HUD shield timer yet…
If you are frustrated with Overwatch, I recommend checking out Paladins. You might be surprised.
Ive made posts about Overwatch and things that it could do to improved but there is never any dev feedback… nothing but silence.
If they need some ideas, they should take a look here:
What features would you like to see in Overwatch that the game should have had by now?
There are 534 replies with an estimated read time of 75 minutes .
Paladins, less of a Budget with all the fixes.
Even Comp in Paladins is taken more seriously.
Honestly. I feel bad for saying bad things about that game without even checking it out. Im honestly mind blown with everything that game has to offer compared to a giant billion dollar company… its laughable
Agreed, I was very surprised by how much I actually liked the game. It’s fun and have several things that I wish Overwatch had. The fact that it’s free to play and only offer cosmetic items for real $$$ is a plus. Overwatch still plays smoother in my opinion, but Paladins is much more fun in it’s diversity on how each Hero/Champion plays.
Exactly. I mean, sure it is missing the polish that Overwatch has, but overall, I think every hero is MUCH more fun. The supports are 100% more fun. Im just sitting here in shock… I can’t believe how much I liked it
I also can’t believe all the missing features and bugs that Overwatch has in comparison.
I would have much rather payed for new heroes in Overwatch if it meant we got the things Paladins has
Paladins has become a great game. Ive always found overwatch to be more exciting with powerful ultimates, the fast paced nature, and higher skill cap heroes. It allows for more epic plays and outplay capabilities. But the direction overwatch is headed with the addition of Moira and Brigitte where these low skill cap heroes can outplay a 500 hour experienced genji by left clicking, just kinda ruins what made overwatch better than paladins in the first place. I’ve been playing more paladins recently and the game is actually more balanced than overwatch right now.
From my limited first try today, I agree 110%
Having more fun with more diverse heroes and it seems to be better balanced.
Ive played comp in paladins this season because i wanted the Vivian skin.
In comp each team gets to ban 2 champs before picking.
The way picking a champ in comp goes is that one team will pick 2. Then the other picks 2. And back and forth until everyone has selected a champ. One character cant be on both teams on comp which is really unique. It adds counterplay from the start of a match.
Also to add. There are 5 tiers in bronze to diamond. And you can jump tiers if your doing exceptionally well. For example when I got promoted I went from Silver 2 to Gold 4.
You can see your team mates through walls though…?
There’s a chevron over each of your team mates when there’s at least one wall between you and them…?
He means like the full body yes you can see the chevron but you can’t tell which ally that is just that there is one there
You can see your team mates through walls though…?
In literally the most unhelpful way ever
I think being able to see full silhouettes at all times would be too much visual clutter.
Something that was clearly priority 1 for OW, as your teams health bars aren’t even pasted to your screen.
That used to bother me, but now I just find the clutter annoying in other games.
So, because this post begs this question: Why are you still playing OW?
I think being able to see full silhouettes at all times would be too much visual clutter.
It’s your own personal HUD, just don’t turn it on if it’s too much clutter for you
So, because this post begs this question: Why are you still playing OW?
Honestly, because all my friends still play Overwatch but even as I type this, most of the people I play with are downloading Paladins so we will see how much longer I can hold on to Overwatch.
The only other thing about Overwatch that I like is the lore but I dont even know when we had the last comic or short and in 2 years the story hasn’t moved forward in 2 years soo…
I’ve tried Paladins a few times for a while. Overwatch is just far more appealing to me tbh.
Why? Is it because of the lore and setting? Like less fantasy kinda thing?
I played Paladins for a while, I actually liked it
I do think they got some things very right, and especially in regards to hero leveling and rewards - I also enjoyed their competitive experience a lot more because of the banning and alternating between teams for picks. It meant to play comp in Paladins you really need to know how to play multiple heroes
OW is still my favorite, though I admit they could take some notes from Paladins. I play them both
I say all of the heroes in paladins are playable unlike overwatch where only a few heroes are playable
So I actually have the paladins founders pack (check my very first post)
I will be sure to check it out! (eventually. Anniversary starts tomorrow )

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