Overwatch Vore

Overwatch Vore


Overwatch Vore
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For D.va, it was like any other day. She went around, shot at stuff with her mech, escorted payloads, and other tasks. As she did them, however, she did something that was very out of character for her. She sighed. In recent months, D.va started to become bored with her new occupation. It was just too repetitive! Sure, sometimes she fought different people and wore different outfits, but the gist of it was the same. Even though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, least of all herself, she was starting to wish for something new. Something like a new mech, or a fun new gun that would shake up the game a bit. Maybe some apocalyptic event that would give her an adrenaline rush As she was lost in thought, she barely noticed a Riptire that was sent by Junkrat. D.va dodged it and responded by blowing him up with her micro-missiles. Before, she had felt an adrenaline rush after doing something like that. But now, she barely felt fazed. It was just too easy. D.va had her mech sit down, and she began to think. As she thought, she absent-mindedly shot at some passing enemies. They didn’t give her much thought as they rushed past her to where the payload was located. “What can I do to make this more interesting?” she said to herself. “I could try fighting without my mech! No. I’ve done that before. It isn’t very fun. Maybe I could get some new weapons. No… I already have some of the most advanced weaponry in the field. What should I do?” she sat still and thought for a long while. Nothing came to mind. As she thought, she suddenly remembered something that she had heard about on the internet at one point. Being a pro-gamer, she had been to many corners of the internet. During her travels, she had discovered something called vore. Apparently, it was supposed to be some sort of “activity” where one person swallows another person whole. It was thought to be impossible until one girl from Britain actually did it. She had swallowed her boyfriend whole. In fact, that same women had tried out for Overwatch, but didn’t make the cut. Anyways, the process of voring someone was said to be an extremely fun experience. Not only that, but the predator would gain a also gain enlarged assets for the act. Although the thought of voing someone seemed disgusting to D.va at first, she gradually became curious of it. After considering the possibility for a few more minutes, D.va shrugged. “All right, I’ll try it once and see how it feels. Then we’ll go from there.” She stealthily hopped out of her mech and headed out to look for a good meal. As she walked around the map, she came across many other people, both hero and villain alike. However, none of them really seemed like a good candidate. And then, as if sent from heaven, there in front of her stood Zarya, the female body builder. D.va licked her lips. “Now she would make for a great meal!” D.va giggled with delight. D.va began to sneak up behind Zarya. Due to D.va’s relatively small size, it wasn’t too difficult. Finally, D.va was standing right behing the body-builder. With a tremendous leap, she jumped up and put her head over Zarya’s head. Knowing that the Russian would struggle, D.va went to work fast. To her surprise, her mouth slipped right over Zarya’s head without any resistance. “Wow!” D.va thought. “It’s like I was born for this!” By the time that Zarya knew what was going on, the gamer girl had already reached her waist. D.va was amazed from the amazing taste that accompanied her meal. “Nobody said that people would taste this good!” D.va thought. Within a few more gulps, Zarya was sent to her new home in D.va’s gut. D.va suddenly realized the downside to having a large belly: she couldn’t move. Because of this, she simply leaned on her belly. Somehow, her suit had stretched to take in the new mass. Her stomach had bulged out to a whopping four feet across, just from one person. The smooth dome of flesh was occasionally struck by a fist from the inside. D.va could hear Russian swearing emanating deep from inside her. “This… feels… AWESOME!” she said as a huge mile crossed her face. She massaged her belly as her meal began to digest. “I can’t wait to see how you add to me,” D.va said excitedly. Her belly started to struggle more. A FEW HOURS LATER: D.va smacked her lips as she awakened. She had just had the best nap of her life! She looked down, and noticed that her belly was now gone. Instead, all that was left was a skinny waist. Her rear had grown dramatically, and her rack had grown to size D. For a girl her size, that was rather impressive. “I’m gonna do this more often,” D.va said excitedly as she inspected herself. “My viewers are going to love this!”

Well, because I've been doing some more stuff with my OC's recently and I plan to do more in the future, I decided to revamp my old descriptions of them and add a few new ones! To the few of you who care enough to read through these lengthy descriptions, I hope you all enjoy! Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments. Alyssa Larsen: Alyssa is a peculiarity amongst the other girls of Sunset City. While others seem to rather enjoy eating others whole, Alyssa tends to avoid it as much as possible due to the guilt that she gets from such an act. However, one should not mistake her kindness for weakness as she is a proficient predator that WILL go on the offensive in order to protect herself or her friends from digestion. This abstinence from vore makes her quite popular with the weaker students in her school, including many of the boys, due to the relative safety that she can provide to them. However, like all people, she has a limit to her generosity and has the potential to
Hope you all enjoy. It only took me like an hour to write it, so it's probably not the best quality. Oh well. I hope you all enjoy!
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i just love how you break the 4th wall with this story owo

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With all that said, I’m not talking about the old-school version of the dish, but overwatch vore is the one I use most often.
The older I get, the more I like it. The best I have is a box of ice cream, which I can eat with my fingers, or, if I do the math, a little mouthwash.
Overwatch vore, or, as you can call it, overwatch vore, is a game where you can watch your character’s “skills,” in the form of overhanging ice cream cans, as they perform specific tasks. This is a great game for the whole family, because I can play it in the background while we watch videos or read books or play games or whatever.
Overhanging ice cream cans are the most common type of overhanging ice cream cans. This is because they allow you to have extra ice cream to eat in the form of more than one piece of ice cream. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do with this type of ice cream, but I know that they will contain a lot of ice cream.
I dont think that you have to be an expert player to play overwatch. Like I said, the gameplay is pretty simple, but it requires a lot of practice. The game, like most games played that are aimed at children, also has a lot of “adventure” features that can be used to help you out.
This is the problem with so many games, they tend to be too simple. They are meant to be enjoyed by a single person, so they are so easy to play that you don’t really know what you’re doing. In overwatch, for instance, you can play as an ice cream man and use the ice cream to do a lot of good things, but you have to go beyond the ice cream to get those good things.
This is one of the most notable aspects of the game. There are a large amount of missions you can do in overwatch that are completely different from what you would normally do, as well as a lot of areas to explore. As well, the game has a bunch of different types of ice cream, each with their own unique powers. It’s a way to keep you playing.
There are some puzzles you can do to keep you playing, but as the story goes on, there’s more to it than meets the eye. I’ll take this first, then, but in the end, I’ll be doing more than just looking at the game. You’ll be able to explore a bit more.
There are a lot of ways to play overwatch and it’s always a good idea to know a bit about them to help you learn. We’ve got a whole bunch of different types of ice cream to try out, as well as different powers to try out (like the cold one and the hot one). Youll be able to explore a bit more by going into different spaces with different powers, as well as by learning a few new powers.
The game looks pretty good. We’ll give it a spin and see what we can come up with before release, but the game itself looks pretty awesome. It has a lot of potential and we’re excited to see what comes out.
I'm Sophia Jennifer from the United States working in social media marketing It is very graceful work and I'm very interested in this work.
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