Overwatch Triggerbot

Overwatch Triggerbot


Overwatch Triggerbot
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First of all this is not my script tho
AHK Trigger bot for overwatch

works best with characters like reaper due to it only shoots 1 bullet at a time but constantly...

so on soldier it fires 1 bullet then 1 bullet etc

- works only in 1920-1080 resolution.
- works only in close range.(about <15m?)
- reaction time is not very satisfying. but ok...
- shoots if you look at something reddish.(when you're not supposed to shoot)

how to use:
run "Over.ahk" as administrator.
move your aim to any enemy.
hopefully the script will send left click for you if you're aiming at an enemy.
Right mouse button - Pause's the script
Numpad2 - ends the script

how it works:
it looks for "red" in the vertical centerline.
if there is "red" in both top half and bottom half of the screen, it sends left click.
(enemys have red outline)

if it doesn't work:
1. change game resolution to 1920-1080.
2. change to borderless windowed if fullscreen, change to fullscreen if windowed
3. change texture render scale to 100% (in advanced graphic settings)

works well with

Pharah - okish
Junkrat - if you land the shot
Ana - aslong as you dont scope in (unless you change pause key)
virus scan https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f...is/1471627243/

01dominator  (09-09-2016), 1599790707  (06-23-2017), 292979319  (09-15-2016), 360nose_scope  (06-30-2017), 3ff5u5  (12-04-2017), 710688289  (08-24-2016), a1838493632  (05-12-2017), a2314493478  (09-15-2016), A97G  (12-11-2016), Afizixu  (07-29-2017), Ajaxmejia  (12-22-2017), akeas123  (08-20-2016), alexjb75  (12-10-2017), algzar4ever  (11-28-2019), Amiiira  (03-20-2019), amkash  (02-21-2019), Antexz  (11-09-2016), aperturesc  (04-02-2018), apollo69678  (09-13-2019), Aponka  (06-19-2018), Aqqua92  (09-02-2020), aramirez86  (06-23-2017), aras90  (05-18-2017), arek1425  (01-29-2017), arek142555  (03-11-2017), aresemre  (09-07-2016), Armageddonº7  (11-13-2016), Asclebian  (07-14-2017), asd156824  (08-23-2016), asdfasdfree  (12-09-2019), awessx95  (09-13-2017), ayaya1  (04-02-2019), ayylmaoishere  (10-23-2016), baaadmojo  (12-29-2019), babdy31  (12-08-2019), bak5923  (08-12-2019), bennykielaz  (08-20-2016), bilha  (01-29-2020), billcatfish  (06-20-2017), bitebleu  (01-08-2017), bizzron 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Originally Posted by Hydra Jr. slave

Ana - aslong as you dont scope in (unless you change pause key)
I am not a middleman nor do I buy/sell anything. If you are being contacted by someone off-site from MPGH then it's not me! Please report these to me via PM. Don't be stupid, think first.


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/Approved, next time include two virus scans (virustotal and jotti), also you have 24 hours to upload a video of proof showing the bot. And credits to whoever made it.


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Originally Posted by Hydra Jr. slave

the owner of the the script did not make a video thouh i will try to ask users here
I am not a middleman nor do I buy/sell anything. If you are being contacted by someone off-site from MPGH then it's not me! Please report these to me via PM. Don't be stupid, think first.


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this script is already avilable on the this site and many others, its also the script that is currently in my multihack,

only difference is i have updated my triggerbot slightly

this is also an exact match for a thread layout i used on a different forum! lol i find it funny that alot of it is reposts of stuff i have posted,

anyway triggerbot maker is called jj1286 from a different from


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its detected, 10s thousands of ppl already has been banned in a 3 banwaves for using this script and Blizzard has source code of this. thats why its free and public now.


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Thanks, but do you got something for PS4 too?


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It would be great to include a ahk guide here


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PareidoliaTriggerbot - Hypervisor-based, external Widowmaker triggerbot
Overwatch triggerbot | Forum
ULTRA BOT | Overwatch Aimbot | Triggerbot
Overwatch Triggerbot - chens.cafe - YouTube
[SOURCE] Overwatch Aim Assist & Triggerbot [Pixelbot] | Forum

“Completely satisfied ! been using for 18 days now, No bans, and having lots of fun. I wanna stay masters for ever .”

” ULTRABOT is amazing. I really like it. And he is very helpful and kind person. Much recommended..””
Overwatch Aimbot is a premium aimbot designed to help you start destroy your enemies with precision. We provide the most excellent and advanced  OverwatchAimbot & hacks for PC and PS4. This helps in boosting your gameplay, stats and ranks.Our advanced and accurate cheat software helps you to see every hidden enemies or item as well as get headshots with the aimbot of Overwatch.
Overwatch Aimbot can recognize both HP and Nametag with 100% Accuracy.
Efficient Tracing and smooth Aimbot. Powerful and Accurate Triggerbot used all
You’re able to customize the Aimbot in your needs by modifying countless Settings. Preset HERO Profiles are provided upon Delivery.
Are you worried about Banwaves? That’s not an issue with Overwatch . Our ULTRABOT has never been affected by any Banwaves.
Our staff will help you with any issue that you may have. Including Settings, Setup, and anything else
All updates are provided for free with no exception forever.
When you buy our ULTRABOT here ultrabot.win you assure yourself of 3 important things
Awesome aimbot that will let you beat any opponent no question
Safety to use the cheat with the assurance you will not get detected
Support for when there is any issue, small or big
Our hacks are handpicked from coders we know and trust. We then thoroughly test each and every version before publishing it on our downloads page. We make sure the status of each hack is updated multiple times everyday to make sure there will never be any moment you are detectable.
All our hacks are not only optimized in the features they offer, but also in the amount of hardware resources they claim. Each hack is designed to ensure your framerate remains at the highest possible so you can keep dominating and looking good while doing it!
Our hacks are designed to give you the competitive advantage you need to ensure your victory on Overwatch.
Your satisfaction is our top priority! With that comes safety and quality of everything we offer. At ultrabot.win we dare say our hacks have the lowest detection rate and we have been the most reliable choice in this industry.
We only provide game hacks that are made by top coders and that we have verified ourselves after extensive testing so we can offer full support on all our products! 
You can expect our full support with any issue you encounter, no matter how big or how small!
Do not waste more time playing hours of hours without winning a game, acquires handmade work Overwatch Aimbot and start destroying your enemies.
Overwatch hackers include scripts that have been developed for additional functionality on board.
For example, if your hero cannot survive two attacks, a hacker will need more power to survive more than two attacks. These hacks are 100% configurable and allow you to play freely with any Overwatch hero:
First of all, overwatch hacks allow you to customize your game to suit your needs. You’ll see a wide range of options to change settings. You can have several configuration profiles at the same time and control your enemies without raising suspicion.
If you continue to destroy your enemies with only one profile, enemies can see your profile and keep track of your extra powers. This allows them to report their profile, which can later lead to your account being blocked or suspended.
So, the first trick is to create multiple profile settings and not to worry about them.
The Overwatch development team has created trackers that detect suspicious and illegal activities processed online. If you use a locally developed tip, your script may be caught and your account may be suspended.
Overwatch hooks are designed with several security levels in mind. Overwatch hacks are very well tuned and provide undetectable detection, so there is no way to track your movements.
What are your hero’s strengths and weaknesses?
If your opponent already knows your weakness, you can’t win. With Overwatch tricks, you get extra powers that give you more power than your opponent. How about flying and catching enemies without warning?
Many other features, such as this one, are equipped with supervision to guarantee your victories.
If you have problems with manual scoring and shooting, there are sights to automate automatic scoring.
The robots are designed to hit precise targets and shoot directly with ease. Point the cursor at the enemy, press the fire button and the enemy will turn off. Make sure you know the weak point of the crippled hero standing right in front of you to kill him and take the battle crown.
Because Overwatch is a first-person shooter (FPS) game, accuracy and good aiming are the most important aspects of the game. The dice keep the weapon pointed at the opponent’s head for accurate and stable shots. This eliminates the problem of running opponents and the inability to accurately aim.
What new players or winner mentality are looking for in aimbots is cheats. These are scam codes or scripts designed to help you see through solid objects.
Imagine if you look at your enemy from the nearest building and approach them without warning, this is how wallhack works. You have the maximum advantage to win as many victories as possible.
After the Overwatch goals and wall hacks, we have ESP and triggers. ESP (extrasensory perception) can be associated with features that are not available through the usual tricks and tricks, such as
ESP Skeletons: See your enemies through walls as skeletons that should be considered dead or wandering robots. This way, you can defeat your enemies without using energy.
ESP Boxes: ESP boxes offer the ability to adjust colors, sizes, screens, and other things that cannot fit the original surface.
Wallhack ESP: Just like Wallhack ESP tricks, Wallhack ESP can tell you everything about your enemies. You can see the health of your enemies, know the exact distance and reach the superpowers of your hero.
Overwatch Triggerbot: Better than aimbot, Triggerbot is the opposite of a key to a target. It is the most commonly used overwatch hack, because it effectively kills enemies without constantly pressing the target key. Actually, Triggerbot does not aim, but when the target is above the target or an opponent, an automatic shot is fired. Once Triggerbot is activated, you no longer need to press the target button, just move the target to the enemy’s weak point, and Triggerbot fire will do the rest.
Tracer:  Scripts are used to automatically trigger her Recall / Blink to avoid damage as an avoid death button if health gets too low. McCree:  Overwatch Aimbot is incredibly powerful on this one. Hitscan, incredible heatshot damage, good DPS, but no avoid death scripts. Mei:  Another auto-avoid death at %health script with her Cryo-Freeze. However, scripting that one can screw you over as well, since you usually want to combine your freeze with your ice wall. Mercy:  Her ult (Resurrect) can be auto triggered using  macros  if 3 or more people can be revived, taking human reaction time out of the game. Aiming is obviously less important on her. Roadhog:  This one requires advanced aimbot apps, since his hook has travel time and therefore aim tracking has to be enabled to increase the hit rate for hook. Once a target is hooked it is simple to script an auto headshot and melee attack to finish off the target. Scriptable and very OP. Ana:  Her stun (sleep dart) is very important and can be made very OP using aimbots, same goes for her Biotic Rifle both for healing and DPS. She is the best healer for Overwatch hackers. Bastion:  Turret Form + Aimbot + Reinhart + Mercy. enough said.
  Zarya and Reaper:  Bot can avoid death and damage with their respective Particle Barrier and Wraith Form, they can both benefit from auto aim as well, but it’s not too OP. Zenyatta, Lucio, Genji:   All these have projectiles with travel time, which are hard to hit using aimbots, but if aim-tracking software is included it is possible. They also have an auto-activatable avoid death/god mode button in Transcendence / Deflect / Sound Barrier. Phara:  Again, needs aim-tracking software to hit the rockets even remotely, since they have atrocious projectile speed. Very hard to script. Widowmaker:  Her ult is kind of useless if you have wallhacks activated, but her sniper rifle is still very auto-aiming friendly, if very obvious if you are using aiming software without aim-smoothing. Soldier 76:  Always ultimate? Sounds overpowered, right. Auto activate heal (Biotic Field) and auto fire Helix Rockets? Hacks are very powerful on Soldier overall. Doomfist, Reinhardt, Tornbjorn, Junkrat, Sombra, Orisa, Symetra, D.Va, Windston: Nothing special here. They are all useable, but not ideal for the use of any hacks, auto aim or scripts
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