Overwatch Tanks

Overwatch Tanks


Overwatch Tanks
Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture

Artwork by: Mikky C, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dOWxQw
Griffin is a writer from Colorado, who tries to spend as much time outdoors as his passion for games and reading will let him.
Top 3 Favorite Games: Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition, Sid Meier's Civilization V, South Park: The Stick of Truth
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Roadhog's most positive victory pose

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Blizzard’s Strategy To Fight Overwatch Hackers
Blizzard bans 22,865 Overwatch accounts in Korea
On February 2, 2017 thousands of Overwatch accounts were banned in South Korea. Blizzard also suspended 3,100 accounts late January in their crusade to stamp out hacking in Overwatch, especially on the Korean ladder. But amidst the waves of bans...
Golden guns used to be a way to signal your favorite character but these days they're usually ignored especially since if you've been playing competitive since the beginning or if you're really good you likely have most if not all the gold weapons you want and have probably have started collecting...
Zarya Guide: How To Be The Best Zarya In The World
Zarya, a former weightlifter, gave up fame and fortune when her country needed her.
Hailing from the “Motherland” of Russia, Aleksanrda Zaryanova is one of the strongest women in the world, and she was ready to prove it in the weightlifting world championship. But, after years of training and...
Blizzard's New Overwatch Game: 10 Essential Things You Should Know
Overwatch: A 6 vs 6 First Person Shooter
Overwatch game cinematic trailer
Blizzard is a new contender to the FPS genre with their new hi-tech future shooter Overwatch. Though the FPS genre is new to them it is not in their nature to flop completely on any game. From what I've...
[Top 10] Overwatch Best Brigitte Skins
What are Brigitte's best skins?
Brigitte has been a controversial hero since her release early last year. Some players find her stun ability pretty annoying, and bemoan the amount of damage she can output just as a healer. However, others enjoy her sustainability and brawl-centered heals that...
The Best Overwatch Players in the World Today
Who are some of the best Overwatch players to watch and learn fromin the world?
The Overwatch League might be closed to the public due to the international quarantine, but that doesn’t mean the events, and especially the all-star players can’t still be enjoyed! Listed below are some of the best...
Why Overwatch Is Bad: 5 Things Blizzard Needs To Fix
Overwatch Isn’t All That Bad, But Blizzard Can Certainly Make It Better
For those of use that have taken the dive into the world of Overwatch, many love and hate the game at the same time. I, for one, love the lore behind the game and appreciate the detail that are put into each map. There are,...
[Top 10] Overwatch Best Roadhog Skins That Look Awesome

In a fast-paced game such as Overwatch, Roadhog wins by slowing it all down. Landing a hook as Hog often means a free trip back to the respawn room, and even if you manage to corner him it seems he’s always able self-heal and...
Overwatch: How To Get Loot Boxes in 2019
What are loot boxes?
Loot boxes, we’ve heard of them, we’ve seen them, hell we’ve probably bought one or two in our favorite games since they’re so prevalent in the industry these days. So, instead of complaining, let’s instead discuss the method of obtaining these lucky boxes quickly and freely...
Overwatch vs. Battleborn: 5 Differences That Make Them Unique
Even though Blizzard’s new game, Overwatch, was just released a little over a week ago, it’s already been constantly compared to the new title that Gearbox released a few weeks ago, Battleborn. I’ve played both games thoroughly, as I’m a huge fan of Blizzard’s recent releases, and I’m writing...
Overwatch Widowmaker: 5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Her
“Widowmaker Here”
The powerful sniper Widowmaker is one of a kind. With the ability to instantly kill quite a few heroes with a headshot, she is an excellent choice when looking to defend a point from attackers. But what makes Widowmaker tick? And what’s in store for her future?
Overwatch Best Aim Techniques That Give You an Advantage
What's the best way to 'git gud' with any character?
Overwatch is all about aiming. We’ve all had that panicked moment where we can’t get that final shot to line up and we die thinking if only I had been a little more accurate, as the person you’re facing off goes off to get healed, needing only...
The Best Overwatch Tips and Tricks to Trash Your Opponents
Win More in Competitive Play With These Overwatch Tips
Whether you are new to the game or a casual veteran, these are essential tips to utterly trash your opponents so they can be the salty ones.
With over 40 million players across the globe, Overwatch has exploded onto the scene of team-...
[Top 5] Paladins Best Flank Champions

"I was born in the dark"
Hey, gamers! Today it’s a great day to talk about Paladins: Champions of The Realm, a Free-to-Play objective-based team first-person shooter game from Hi-Rez Studios. I think most of you know Paladins by his popularity and similarity with Overwatch, although it is...
Top 15 Overwatch Best Workshop Games (2019 Edition)
Get ready for the most hilarious Overwatch ideas you've ever seen! 
Workshop is a new customization part of the Overwatch Game Browser where you can create a game with your own unique twist. The modding tools allow you to make all sorts of changes: from the heroes, to the game mode, to the...
Blizzard’s attempt to censor backfires
When Overwatch was released Blizzard wanted it to be an inclusive video game that everyone could enjoy. This was an unprecedented move in the gaming industry that got a lot of people excited for roles and body types that aren’t always in games. But that...
[Top 10] Overwatch Best Korean Players in the World Today
Few countries have produced as many Overwatch League, or OWL, stars as Korea. Even today Korean players still dominate the league from all roles. Let’s take a look at some of the best the country has produced and what they’ve been able to achieve on Overwatch’s biggest stage.
10. Libero...
Winston Guide: How to Be the Best Winston in the World
Although his name is technically Winston, he is often affectionately referred to as “monkey” in the Overwatch chat. But Winston isn’t your average ape; he is a genetically engineered evolutionary masterpiece, who also happens to be a scientist.
Originally a test subject in Dr. Harold Winston’s...
Overwatch: Blizzard Releases New Gameplay Footage of Pharah

She shoots rockets and makes people cry
Blizzard has just released the latest footage in their Overwatch preview series. Today’s feature shows Pharah, an offensive hero class that uses a rocket launcher and her jetpack to slay her enemies.
If you aren’t familiar with Overwatch, this game...
What are D.va's best skins?
D.va is one of the most well-loved heroes by Overwatch fans, and it’s not very hard to see why. Who wouldn’t love a sassy yet badass young meka pilot from Korea? To top it all off, she’s a strong off-tank in game, with an ultimate that’s capable of turning the tides...
Who are the best ranged hitscan heroes in Overwatch?
The following list takes a critical look at ranged hitscan heroes, and their ability to provide damage with pinpoint precision. Hitscans, also happen to be some of the highest skill caped heroes, making them difficult for newbies to the game,...
The 12 Best Overwatch Characters Who Will Get You More Wins
The Best Overwatch Characters That Will Bring You More Wins
Overwatch, being the newest golden child from blizzard, is always changing, always evolving, always growing. From the new maps, to the nitty-gritty stats, lots of changes are bound to come with each patch, making the players happier and...
[Top 10] Overwatch Best Torbjorn Skins That Look Awesome

The brilliant engineer for the Overwatch team, Torbjörn, tears through the opponent’s offense by outmaneuvering and outsmarting the enemy team. Armed with a hammer and a molten pellet gun, don’t let his small stature fool you...
Pharah Counter: The Best Way To Counter Pharah
Who is Pharah?
Fareeha “Pharah” Amari, the self-titled “Rocket Queen,” from Egypt is perhaps one of the most popular characters in all of Overwatch to play as, especially when we're talking about comp. From Bronze to Grandmaster, to PC to Console, Pharah dominates the scene, bringing untold...
24 Best 2-Player Games to Enjoy With Your Best Friend in 2016 (PC)
Why play solo when you can enjoy these awesome 2 player games with a friend?
Gaming’s detractors like to say that video games turn us into basement-dwelling misanthropes, utterly incapable of social graces, or even of making friends. That, of course, is wrong. Gaming has served as bridges...
Overwatch Tracer: 5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Her
Meet the Poster Girl for Overwatch, Tracer
Tracer is arguably the best-known hero in Overwatch. With her face plastered on the game's box, as well as log-in screen, it’s hard not to see Tracer. But what do we really know about the face of Overwatch? Let’s take a look.
5) Tracer Started as a...
Top 7 Skins for Overwatch's Echo
Echo is Overwatch's 32nd hero to be introduced to the game. She is a robot created to mimic other great heroes of Earth. Being a robot that can literally change her form lends to her having some great skins. This list will rank her best 7 skins that she has...
Overwatch League: Everything You Need to Know
Overwatch League 101
Skeptics didn’t believe that the Overwatch League was going to see a lot of success, but the league is currently thriving. If you are new to OWL, read on to learn more about this revolutionary eSports league.
When Blizzard announced the Overwatch League at Blizzcon in...
[Top 5] Paladins Best Attacker Champions

"Welcome to the battefield"
Well, gamers of the realm, today we are going to talk about the best attacker in Paladins, the one who can destroy his enemies without any effort, the one who possesses many skills and abilities to counter everyone and everyone with his strength! 
[Top 10] Overwatch Best DPS Heroes 2019 (Ranked)
Overwatch heroes with the highest DPS
Nowadays, you can defend calling almost any Overwatch character a DPS. Even heroes who were previously in the "Defense" category live up to the title. However, this list contains the best DPS heroes of them all due to their unique abilties and weapons....
Beyond Uprising: Why Overwatch Needs a Single Player Mode and Doesn’t Have One Already
How Overwatch's story mode could be even more amazing than a mere patch to the game
Overwatch has been one of Blizzard’s biggest success stories and more impressive considering it rose from the remnants of a scrapped MMO. While it’s one of the most casually played games right now and the...
Top 10 Overwatch Best Junkrat Skins That Look Amazing
Top 10 Overwatch Best Junkrat Skins that Look Amazing
Junkrat is an explosion loving, thieving manic who (in the Overwatch’s universe) has been going around the world stealing the world's most priceless treasures alongside his bodyguard Roadhog (another playable Overwatch hero). Now that...
Overwatch Guide to Grandmaster (Step by Step Guide)
Hey there Overwatch community! Have you been drowning in your current Overwatch rank? Desperately trying to climb up to the top, but just don’t know how? Well I understand your pain. Since Overwatch is so team-based, climbing the ranks can be a nightmare for the vast majority of...
Overwatch: Blizzard Releases New Gameplay Footage of Winston

How To Be An Angry Gorilla By Blizzard
Blizzard has released new footage of one of their tank characters, Winston.
Winston looks as though he’s going to play similar to the Pyro from TF2 in terms of offensive capabilities with a small bit of utility support on the side. ...
What are Mei's best skins?
Mei is one of Overwatch’s most loved heroes, and it’s not very hard to see why: she’s adorable, has a cute little robot companion, and she can hold her own as a DPS. As the events have come and gone, she’s also gotten some of the best skins in the game.
Before we...
Overwatch Aiming Guide (How To Aim in Overwatch)
How do you improve your aim?
One day at a time!
The purpose of this guide is to discuss some of the challenges and benefits that come with aiming in FPS gameplay, on a PC. All of the tips provided below are generally accepted by professional players and the Overwatch...
Overwatch Competitive Play: 25 Things You Must Know To Play Like A Pro
Have you ever wondered what the Pros do to excel at Overwatch Competitive? 
Have you ever wanted to belong to the holy grail of high level players? I’ll tell you exactly what you need to know to play like a pro.
So you’ve been playing Overwatch for a while now and, finally, you’ve...
[Top 15] Best Heroes in Overwatch 2021
Since the start of Overwatch at beta launch, I have played the game throughout its evolution. While there are 32 heroes in Overwatch, here are my personal choices for the top fifteen best heroes in Overwatch in no particular order.  
Overwatch has 32 heroes, each unique in...
Overwatch Nevix: The Most Interesting Facts About Him
Nevix Biography
You know his name, you’ve seen him on the highlight reels, but how much do you really know about this feared Overwatch champion? Read on, and don’t worry! This guide is as quick, calculated, and thorough as Nevix himself.
Name: Andreas Karlsson
Birth Date: June 24, 1996...
What Are The Most Played PC Games in 2016?
Only half-way through the year, and 2016 has proven to be a great year for PC gaming. Whether you like to play online multiplayer, or go it alone, you have many fantastic game options to choose from. Let’s take a look at our top 21 most popular pc games...
Overwatch Mercy: 5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Her
Begging For Mercy
As one of the strongest healers in Overwatch, Mercy is almost a staple of any defense team. Her resurrection ability alone makes her a very powerful tool to use at the right moment. But what do we know about Mercy?
5) Mercy is Weakest Against McCree, Tracer and...
[Top 5] Overwatch Best Ashe Skins that Look Amazing
5 Top Overwatch Best Ashe Skins that Look Amazing 
Rich girl turned gang member, Ashe built an empire for herself as leader of the Deadlock gang alongside her butler B.O.B. Her philosophy is “ Keep your word, don’t work for the law, respect each other's territory, and always punish...
Which teams are the best in the Overwatch League? Spoiler: It isn't Shanghai Dragons.
Overwatch League is taking the eSports world by storm. Starting out as a fun idea by Blizzard = to change the world of eSports, this league has taken off. This article takes a look at the best teams OWL has to...
[Top 10] Paladins Best Controller Settings That Give You An Advantage

God Azaan
Paladins: Champions of the Realm has many options and settings to set up the best mode to give you some kind of advantage. I’ve been playing Paladins for at least four years now and I know a couple things that could help you guys to be better at gaming while using a controller...
Each map calls for a different strategy; knowing which heroes to use is key!
One of the most fun parts about Overwatch is the strategy involved. You can't use just any hero on any map; the map needs to be nearly memorized and each hero's abilities known well to figure out just who works well in...
Huge New Overwatch Anniversary Event
Overwatch's First Anniversary
The popular first-person shooter brought to the world almost one year ago has already passed the milestone of 30 million accounts in its playerbase. Overwatch is renowned for its energetic gameplay, engaging characters, and unique design. Additionally, the story is...
Top 10 Overwatch Best Emotes That Are Super Cool
Top 10 Overwatch Best Emotes that are Super Cool
Ah emotes, one of the best ways to demonstrate your dominance over an enemy or to use when celebrating a team kill with your teammates. But, out of the hundred or so emotes that Overwatch has to offer only 10 rain supperer over the rest. So...
[Top 10] Overwatch Most Used Heroes
Since its 2016 debut, Overwatch has gone through a drastic number of changes to its meta. While plenty of the adjustmensts were no brainers (such as obvious bugs, glitches, broken characters, Mercy Rez LOL, etc.), a lot of changes have been very controversial to players ranging from the Overwatch...
Overwatch: Blizzard Releases New Gameplay Footage of Widowmaker

The itsy-bitsy spider has a perfect shot on your head
This week’s newest hero video (after Winston) features the sniper Widowmaker.
Widowmaker is an assassin and is classified on the Overwatch website as being a defensive class. Good positioning is the name of her game since anything...
[Top 10] Overwatch Best Mercy Skins
What are Mercy's best skins?
Mercy is one of the most-played heroes in Overwatch, not only because she’s easy for anyone to pick up, but because of her high mobility and the sheer amount of healing she can put out. It’s only fitting that such a well-loved hero would acquire some pretty awesome...
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[Top 10] Best From Soulsborne Games (Ranked Fun To Most Fun)
What the success of Demon’s Souls did was it brought From to the attention of the world and eventually paved the way for one of the most brutal yet rewarding video game series to...
[Top 10] Movies Like The Hunger Games That Are Fun To Watch
The list of movies that I have coming at you are movies that are like the Hunger Games and I find them fun and suspenseful. There are 10 on this list and I believe they are all worth the watch:...
Top 50 Comedy Horror Movies to Watch with Your Buddies
The Best Funny Horror Movies To Watch Right Now
50. Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead Official Trailer
When a zombie apocalypse takes over London, Shaun must step up to save...
[Top 10] Games Like Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen (Games Better Than Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen In Their Own Way)
[Top 10] Games Like Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen (Games Better Than Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen In Their Own Way)
While Dragon's Dogma offers a lot of content, and a great reply value, some may want...
[Top 10] Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen Best Builds
[Top 10] Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen Best Builds
Dragon’s Dogma is a game with hard RPG mechanics, that are also far more luck and passive-progression-based than most casual players will...
Creating a City Layout is an understatement - one wrong setup can limit the spaces of the game. If a player wants to have a successful city,
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