Overwatch Tanks

Overwatch Tanks


Overwatch Tanks

Overwatch Tank Guide: How to Pick the Best Tank and Carry (2020)
Best Tanks In Overwatch ! - Top 5 Tanks ! - YouTube
Main Tanks and Off Tanks - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums
Overwatch : Ranking All 8 Tank Heroes | Game Rant
Overwatch : 10 Tips To Carry Games As A Tank | TheGamer
Just to clarify, not trying to start flame wars or anything, but Winston’s a Main Tank, right?
I don’t see why not. He has a shield/bubble. And a Shield Tank is a Main Tank.
A lot of people in my ranked games call him and Off Tank, or flame me for playing Winston in dive saying “Can we get a Main Tank? Why are you going Winston, we already have a D.Va”, or something like that when I decide to play Winston.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
P.S. For anybody who doesn’t know what Main Tank and Off Tank means, Reinhardt, Orisa, and Winston are Main Tanks because they have shields, and D.Va, Roadhog, and Zarya are Off Tanks because they don’t have shields.
Main tanks are people who can reliably protect their team, like Reinhardt, Orisa and, yes, Winston. D.Va isn’t classed as main tanks because she doesn’t reliably protect her team because her matrix doesn’t last long and doesn’t eat up most things. Off tanks are the rest of the tanks.
Wait WInston is main tank? I was out of this game to loong i gues…
He’s been a main tank since day 1 lol
People in your ranked games are wood-tier which is why they think Winston is an off tank.
What? in day one his shield had cd that was making him away from main tank as possible, so why he was a main tank since day one?
And for hornet, what rank have to do anything for you in this?
Cooldowns don’t matter, it’s the fact that he has a bubble, which is a shield that can protect his team. (Imo.)
Also, he was just making a joke saying they were really bad so they thought he was an Off Tank.
Having shield that protect team make you main tank? So brig? Zarya?
Off Tanks: D.va, Roadhog, Hammond, Zarya.
You generally mix and match one of each.
Main Tanks are Rein, Orisa, Winston.
Offtanks are Zarya, Roadhog, D’va.
They’re main-tank because they’re the most effective tank hero to take/control space due to their high sustain capabilities. Off-tanks support the main-tanks by providing utilities to make their job easier.
i think main tanks and shield tanks get confused i mean technically winston is a shield tank but he really isnt a shield tank, if you are trying to solo shield tank as winston its not going to work well
In that way Winston will not be main tank, he have less sustain capabilities than Zarya i belive (or she get nerfed?)
Generally the ideal tank pairings are:
Reinhardt + Zarya
Winston + D.Va
Orisa + Hog
Hammond…not really sure where he slots in just yet. But yeah, Winston is considered a main tank and if anyone is telling you not to pick him with D.Va…Well, they really need to brush up on their game knowledge.
Winston is both. In Dive he is a main tank because fights don’t last long. In other comps he is an off tank.
A lot of people in my ranked games call him and Off Tank, or flame me for playing Winston in dive saying “Can we get a Main Tank? Why are you going Winston, we already have a D.Va”, or something like that when I decide to play Winston.
Bruh…People flame you for playing the main tank that was literally made for dive? That’s where you mute idiots because that is literally the stupidest thing. You definitely need to explain to them that Winston is 100% a dive tank and that if either dive tank could switch it would be D.va because you technically could play a Hammond instead of D.va now (not saying it’s the better option but it is an option) . I’m not sure how ignorant people would have to be to get mad at you for playing a dive tank in dive. No other main tank is equipped to dive really.
That actualy make some sense, better than say that he is main tank just because he work with off tank XD
I think Zarya only got nerfed recently. But before that happened Winstons shield CD got shortened which makes him better at initiating and peeling. He is also considered main tank because he is the only tank with high mobility and a shield (DVa’s DM isn’t really a shield, more like a 2 sec vacuum but not reliable protection).
This is correct. D.Va pairs well with nearly every main tank, but her synergy with Winston is fantastic.
Not really. Winston has a lot of sustain if you play him right, his bubble and his ability to leap in and out of teamfights is a nightmare for the enemy to deal with. Winston can jump in, drop a bubble, shield dance around it, distracting the enemy team. All while his team can properly execute a dive or a push. Plus Primal Rage gives him a 1000 hp and more leap abilities.
Coming from a guy who plays a crap tons of Zarya, I can tell you that Zarya has the least sustain out of any of the tank. Her bubble is on a 10 seconds cooldown and it only has 200 hp. Without her bubble, Zarya is a sitting duck, easy picking for everyone. She is an off-tank because her bubble ability allows her to shield her main tank which protects and allows them to do their job of making space. She is like a glass cannon.

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