Overwatch Talon

Overwatch Talon


Gabriel is out there. Talon is getting more powerful. They need to be stopped, and everything that we’ve suffered—everything that you’ve suffered—needs to be made good on. I’m going to take them apart, piece by piece.
Talon's area of operations in this period was focused in western Europe, and its activities at this time included arms trafficking, smuggling, illegal substances trade, and assassination.[7]Overwatch carried out operations against Talon, spearheaded by Gérard Lacroix.[8]Blackwatch was able to procure some information on Talon's inner members, and the status of its paramilitary forces.[7]
One of our enemies is growing bolder. Over the past year, they have targeted us in cities across the globe. They're resourceful, they're determined, and they are not bound by the same rules as us.
You know how Doomfist has been shaking up the Talon hierarchy? They've started to make some mistakes because of it.
After the Venice Incident, Talon gained a new recruit in the form of Akande Ogundimu, whose Social Darwinist philosophy aligned with Talon's. Talon saw great potential in Ogundimu, with his intelligence and ability to inspire as a commander. Ogundimu killed his mentor, Akinjide Adeyemi, and took on the moniker of Doomfist. As the new Doomfist, Ogundimu rose high in Talon and helped to orchestrate a conflict that the organization hoped would someday engulf the world.[2] As Ogundimu rose through the ranks, Talon's leaders began to get sloppy as the organization's hierarchy was disrupted.[10]
There's been a serious increase in Talon activity lately. Something's brewing, and if we don't know what it is, we can't do anything to stop it.
Why now all of the sudden?
It's Doomfist. He's pushing the world to war, and he's transforming the entire organization to deliver it.
Talon made several attempts to assassinate Overwatch member Gerard Lacroix, but failed. They settled on a different approach by kidnapping Lacroix's wife, and subjecting her to neural conditioning. Overwatch agents eventually recovered her, but she ended up killing her husband in his sleep two weeks later.[8] At some point afterwards, Overwatch launched an operation to rescue a number of scientists who had been kidnapped by Talon, held hostage in an urban area. The scientists were successfully extracted, with both sides losing agents in the firefight.[13]
When Overwatch disbanded, Talon was able to increase its strength, due to the resulting power vacuum.[14]
Days after Mondatta's assassination,[18] Talon operatives accompanied by Reaper entered Watchpoint: Gibraltar to retrieve a list of all Overwatch operatives. They encountered resistance from Winston, but were able to incapacitate him long enough for Reaper to gain access to the Overwatch agents database. However, Winston was able to overpower the operatives and defeat Reaper before proceeding to interrupt the hack. As a result of the failed operation, Winston initiated the Overwatch recall, bringing all former agents back onto active duty.[19]
Talon tried to steal artifacts unearthed in Ilios. Athena brought in Overwatch agents to protect the relics.[20]
There’s been an attack on the Anubis facility. We need to go. Now.
Helix will get the situation under control. You’ll only get caught in the crossfire.
It's Talon.
~ Jack Morrison and Angela Ziegler discussing the Talon attack
Lead by Reaper, Talon forces attacked the Temple of Anubis in Egypt. Their troops engaged in a firefight with Helix Security International forces, causing collateral damage and civilian casualties. However, in addition to battling the HSI forces, Talon also had to contend with former Overwatch members Jack Morrison and Ana Amari.[21]
Vialli dispatched Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra to Volskaya Industries in an attempt to assassinate its CEO, Katya Volskaya, as he was tired of how intractable she was.[12] Sombra was able to deactivate the site's security, giving Reaper and Widowmaker access to the base. Widowmaker lined up her shot, but an alarm sounded, alerting security, and sending Katya to her panic room. Widowmaker and Reaper failed to take her out, and Sombra engaged in pursuit. She reached Katya, but made her own deal, revealing that she had been the one to set off the alarm. Leaving the safe room, she reported that Katya had escaped. The operatives returned to their ship.[22]
~ Doomfist's declaration to the council.
Talon has employed a variety of paramilitary forces. During the period of Overwatch's activities, these forces included heavily armored soldiers with specialist roles.[7] In the modern day, Talon has utilized more lightly armored soldiers, with a lack of heavy armor or armament,[24] though retain access to the more heavily armored soldiers as well.[21]
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Talon is a terrorist organization that serves as the main antagonistic faction in Overwatch's narrative.
Talon is comprised of a variety of individuals, each with their own goals and ideals. Through de facto leader Doomfist, the current manifesto is that humanity is made stronger through conflict. Consequently, Talon seeks to sow turmoil across the globe to strengthen the human race. Repeatedly, Talon has demonstrated disregard for the standard rules of engagement, attacking both military and civilian targets with impunity.
Talon was operating as early as the years following the end of the Omnic Crisis. In the time since, they have steadily grown more bold and powerful. Members of Talon are clad in black body armor, complete with helmets and face-obscuring ballistic masks. However, these soldiers appear to be mere rank-and-file grunts; Talon commands enough technological and scientific talent to create and field far more lethal operatives, such as Widowmaker.
Eight years before the present day, Overwatch was well and truly committed to stamping out Talon. Talon, for its part, wasn't going quietly, and struck against Overwatch targets across the globe. Under the orders of Antonio, one such attack was launched on Overwatch's Oslo facilities. Not long afterwards, a Talon agent infiltrated the Blackwatch facility in Rome, where a meeting was being held by Overwatch members Gerard Lacroix, Gabriel Reyes, and Jesse McCree. The agent planted a bomb in the facility, and the resulting blast leveled the structure. Reyes, McCree, and Lacroix (albiet heavily injured) survived, but many of the base's staff didn't. In response, a Blackwatch team, consisting of Reyes, McCree, Moira and Genji was sent to Antonio's manor in Venice. What happened next was classified within Overwatch, but it apparently resulted in the death of Antonio by Reyes's hand. Numerous Talon soldiers were dispatched, but the Blackwatch agents were able to fight their way out of the manor.
After Antonio's death in Venice, Talon gained a new recruit in the form of Akande Ogundimu, whose survival of the fittest philosophy aligned with Talon's. Talon saw great potential in Ogundimu, with his intelligence and ability to inspire as a commander. Ogundimu killed his mentor, Akinjide Adeyemi, and took on the moniker of Doomfist. As the new Doomfist, Ogundimu rose high in Talon and helped to orchestrate a conflict that the organization hoped would someday engulf the world. As Ogundimu rose through the ranks, Talon's leaders began to get sloppy as the organization's hierarchy was disrupted, following the rise of a new Doomfist.
Six years ago, Overwatch turned its attention to Talon's financial handler, Maximilien, knowing that he'd be likelier to negotiate. They launched an strike team operation in Havana to retrieve him in Havana, Cuba. Despite the efforts of the Talon soldiers in his convoy, Maximilien was captured by Overwatch agents: Tracer, Winston, Genji and Mercy in the Havana Sea Fort. He told Overwatch that Doomfist would be in Singapore in three weeks, and in exchange requested that Overwatch not tell Doomfist nor Talon of his betrayal. Meanwhile in Cairo, Doomfist approached unanimous Omnic, praising the mystery character for their organization's noble goals to fight for their own people, but Akande claimed these goals were doomed to fail unless their organization chose to work together with Talon. The omnic expressed interest in the offer.
Three weeks later, Doomfist was defeated by Winston and captured. After Doomfist's incarceration, Talon council member Vialli began to steer Talon into a more profit-orientated direction.
In the animated short "Alive", Widowmaker was sent by Talon to eliminate Mondatta, an omnic looking for peace between humans and omnics. Despite Overwatch agent Tracer's best attempts at preventing this, Widowmaker put the bullet in Mondattas head before fleeing without a scratch.
In the animated short "Recall", days after the death of Mondatta, Reaper accompanied by Talon soldiers were sent to Watchpoint: Gibraltar to retrieve a list of all Overwatch agents. They encountered resistance from Winston, but were able to incapacitate him long enough for Reaper to gain access to the Overwatch agents database and their locations. However, Winston was able to overpower the operatives and defeat Reaper before proceeding to interrupt the hack. As a result of the failed operation, Winston initiated the Overwatch recall, bringing all former agents back onto active duty.
Vialli dispatched Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra to Volskaya Industries in an attempt to assassinate its CEO, Katya Volskaya, as he was tired of how intractable she was. Sombra was able to deactivate the site's security, giving Reaper and Widowmaker access to the base. Widowmaker lined up her shot, but an alarm sounded, alerting security, and sending Katya to her panic room. Widowmaker and Reaper failed to take her out, and Sombra engaged in pursuit. She reached Katya, but made her own deal, revealing that she had been the one to set off the alarm. Leaving the safe room, she reported that Katya had escaped. The operatives returned to their ship.
After the failed Russian assassination operation, Talon Leader Reaper assaulted a maximum security prison to rescue Doomfist, a member of the Talon inner council and former mastermind of a plot to sow chaos across the globe that was cut short years before by Winston, Tracer, and Genji. The relative ease of the operation led some to believe that Talon had moles within Helix Security International.[1] It would be three months before news of the incident became public. After being b Doomfist went to Monaco to meet with Maximilien to catch up with events involving the organization. Doomfist's return wasn't greeted well by Vialli, who sent his men to assassinate him in Monaco. The attempt failed, and Doomfist, Sombra, Reaper, and Widowmaker headed for Venice. The three agents eliminated Vialli's men, while Doomfist met with Vialli himself. Vialli's profit-orientated goals differed from Doomfist's Darwinian ideology, and Doomfist killed Vialli by throwing him to his death. Alongside Reaper and Maximilien, he met with what remained of Talon's inner council, declaring his intent to start a war.[2]

Talon appears to be connected closely to Blackwatch. McCree, a former member of the covert division, noted that Talon operatives were using Blackwatch tactics during an attempted raid on a hypertrain, and at least one member of the strike force appeared to recognize him, raising implications about the two organizations.[3]
At the moment, very little is known about Talon's overarching objectives or the reasoning behind their actions; however, their methods are undeniably villainous. They are exceptionally ruthless and perfectly willing to kill civilians and other noncombatants simply to cover their tracks. Recent activities suggest they may have an interest in rekindling the conflict between Omnics and humans.[4]
Gérard Lacroix was their most hated enemy for a time, the Overwatch operative heading attacks against their network. After multiple failed assassination attempts, they resorted to kidnapping and reconditioning his wife, Amélie, sending her to do what they could not. Gérard was murdered in his sleep by his brainwashed wife, and Talon's nemesis was out of the way. After the success of her mission, Talon completed the process of turning her into a living weapon. As Widowmaker, she is their most successful assassin and sniper and has had all traces of her humanity stripped away.
Overwatch later attempted to rescue hostages from Talon. Talon's aim was to extract important projects from the captured scientists. Widowmaker was deployed and killed several Overwatch agents. Captain Ana Amari, an Overwatch sniper, was able to shoot her and break the visor covering her face. Ana recognized Amélie, which gave her pause; using this opening, Widowmaker delivered a seemingly fatal shot to Ana's right eye.[5]
In the present, Reaper appears as one of the Talon's leading figures. Although the exact extent of his affiliation is unclear, he is clearly involved with their operations, given his past as the leader of Blackwatch, and has recently been seen working closely with Talon strike teams.[6][7][8] Recently, Talon also expanded their power and influence by recruiting some underworld talented individuals, like Sombra.
Several recent Talon operations have struck devastating blows to the world. There was an attempt to raid a hypertrain in the United States;[3] an attack on Watchpoint: Gibraltar in order to steal information about Overwatch's former agents;[7] and the successful assassination of Tekhartha Mondatta at King's Row.[4]
Recently, Talon's operations in Egypt was sabotaged by a vigilante "Shrike". The operation might have a connection to the Temple of Anubis, under guard by Helix Security International; and Sombra was involved in the operation. Reaper, Soldier: 76 and "Shrike" (revealed to be Ana) had a clash at Hakim's base, and resulted in the shutdown of the base.[9]
Talon also launched an assassination operation on Katya Volskaya. It was carried out by Reaper, Widowmaker and Sombra. Unbeknownst to Reaper and Widowmaker, the operation was secretly sabotaged by Sombra for her own gain.[10]
Later on, Talon infiltrated a maximum security prison owned by Helix Security International to free Doomfist. The operation was done by sending a plane with only Reaper in it to get past security and pick up Doomfist. After being freed, Doomfist went to Monaco to meet Maximilien, a fellow member of the council, in order to catch up with events involving the organization. Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra, and Doomfist later went to a meeting in Venice to plan their next move.
Various agents who act out Talon's commands without leading operations.
During the cinematic ending of the Storm Rising event, Doomfist was speaking to an Omnic in Egypt. The community is still making theories about the Omnic's identity.
Objective: Capture Amélie Lacroix
Participating members: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Media: No appearance in media
Result: Success
Objective: Assassinate Gérard Lacroix
Participating members: Amélie Lacroix
Location: Unknown
Media: No appearance in media
Result: Success
Objective: Capture scientists and extract information
Participating members: Widowmaker, multiple unnamed Talon agents
Location: Unknown Talon's base
Media: Ana Origin Story, Legacy
Result: Partial failure
Additional details: Hostages were rescued by Overwatch. Successfully eliminated Overwatch Second-in-Command, Ana Amari.
Objective: Retrieve the locations of former Overwatch agents
Participating members: Reaper, 4 unnamed Talon agents
Location: Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Media: Recall
Result: Partial success
Additional details: A small roster of Overwatch agents was retrieved rather than the entire roster.
Objective: Assassinate Tekhartha Mondatta
Participating members: Widowmaker
Location: King's Row
Media: Alive
Result: Success
Objective: Retrieve Doomfist's gauntlet.
Participating members: Reaper, Widowmaker
Location: Unknown museum
Media: Cinematic Trailer
Result: Failure
Objective: Steal a valuable object from a civilian train
Participating members: Multiple unnamed Talon agents
Location: Hypertrain, US
Media: Train Hopper
Result: Success
Objective: Assassinate Katya Volskaya
Participating members: Sombra, Reaper, Widowmaker
Location: Volskaya Industries
Media: Infiltration
Result: Failure
Additional details: The Talon operation failed, due to Sombra's intervention for the sake of her personal agenda.
Objective: Free Doomfist from prison
Participating members: Reaper
Location: Helix's classified security installation
Media: Talon Involvement Confirmed, Doomfist Origin Story, Masquerade
Result: Success
Objective: Retrieve Doomfist's gauntlet
Participating members: Doomfist
Location: Numbani's Heritage Museum
Media: Orisa Origin Story
Result: Success
Objective: Assassinate Vialli and other rogue members of Talon
Participating members: Doomfist, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra
Location: Venice
Result: Success
Objective: Assassinate Daniel Fernandez
Participating members: Cuerva, Baptiste, Mauga, Doubleday, Mezzai, Pacanowsky, multiple unnamed Talon agents
Location: Monte Cristi
Media: What You Left Behind
Result: Failure
Additional details: Target was not found. Cuerva also orders an attack on the town. Baptiste deserts Talon
Objective: Assassinate Vernand Sainclair
Participating members:Mauga, Trung Le Nguyen, and Baptiste
Location: Port-de-Paix
Media:What You Left Behind
Additional details: Baptiste escapes with Sainclair

Objective: Capture Dr. Siebren de Kuiper
Participating members: Reaper, Widowmaker, Moira
Location: Unknown secret government facility
Media: Sigma Origin Story
Result: Success

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