Overwatch Symmetra

Overwatch Symmetra


Overwatch Symmetra
Symmetra’s weapon emits a ranged beam. It deals continuous damage that increases the longer it is connected.
7 per second +7 per second gained against barriers
Short-range beam weapon with increasing damage. Damaging Barriers does not consume ammunition.
Levels up by hitting an enemy or an enemy object (e.g. barrier, turret, mine, etc.) for 1.33 seconds. If the beam is not hitting anything, it decays from level 3 to level 2 in 4.0 seconds and from level 2 to level 1 in 2.0 seconds.
Generates ammo instead of consuming it when attacking barriers .
When the beam starts or hits a new target, it temporarily does less damage than normal. If left uninterrupted on a single target, this will yield to 23 less damage.
The projector can also release an explosive energy ball that deals high damage on contact.
Direct hit: 120 (full charge) Splash: 15-60 (full charge)
9 rounds per second while charging (max. 9) 0.25 second recovery
Hold to charge, release to fire explosive orb.
Takes 1 second to fully charge and can be held for 1 second.
Automatically consumes 1 round when fired, meaning the minimum number of rounds consumed is 2 and the maximum is 10.
When spamming small orbs, sometimes this does not apply and orbs that only consume 1 round can be fired.
If there is only 1 round left, an energy ball can still be fired.
The damage is scaled off charge time, not ammo consumption.
Projectile (before deployment) Beam (turret beam)
Symmetra launches a small turret that automatically fires speed-reducing blasts at the nearest enemy within range. Up to three turrets can be built on the battlefield at once.
0.5 seconds (cast animation) ~1 second (deployment)
Deploy a small turret that damages and slows enemies.
Turrets are projectiles until they hit a wall, at which point they will deploy.
While in the air, Sentry Turrets cannot attack but can still be destroyed. They pass through enemy barriers .
Unaffected by Defense Matrix , Deflect , or Kinetic Grasp .
Symmetra places a temporary teleporter exit pad at a distance and connects it to a teleporter entry pad at her current location. Allies (and some of their abilities, such as Junkrat’s RIP-Tire) can travel from the entry pad to the exit pad instantly.
Regenerates 30 shields per second, after avoiding damage for 3 seconds
30 meters (placement) 40 meters (max. absolute range)
Create two teleporters that enable instance travel between them.
Requires the player to use the Interact key to activate, unless it's an entity separate from a player, in which case it will teleport automatically. (Turrets, D.Va 's MEKA when self-destructing, etc)
Cannot be used while in spawn.
Can be manually destroyed by pressing the ability key again, including while dead.
If the entrance and exit are more than 40 meters apart, they are automatically destroyed.
After Teleporting, there is a 1 second cooldown before it can be reused again for that same player.
Symmetra deploys a massive energy barrier which prevents ranged attacks and is big enough to cut through the entire map.
Can be placed from anywhere (including from the spawn room), since it covers the entire map.
Orientation can be changed by pressing the Ultimate key again (like Mei's Ice Wall ).
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;Hero Balance Change (PS4 and XB1 exclusively)
Turrets damage decrease by 30%

↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Symmetra , Blizzard Entertainment . Accessed on 2015-03-09

↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Cite error: Invalid tag;
no text was provided for refs named StoneByStone
↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Overwatch: Symmetra: A Better World

↑ 2016-05-13, Confirmation of "spectrum" in A Better World referring to the autism spectrum ("ASD" refers to "Autism Spectrum Disorder"), Twitter .

↑ 2014-11-24, BlizzCon 2014 – Overwatch Unveiled Panel Transcript . Blizzplanet , accessed on 2015-03-08

↑ 2015-08-16, Reddit Q&A about Solider [sic] 76 | Overwatch . Blizzplanet , accessed on 2015-08-06

↑ 2016-03-26, Blizzard Patches Masturbation Gag Out Of Overwatch . Kotaku , accessed on 2016-03-26

↑ 2016-12-10, Blizzcon 2016 Overwatch Q&A Panel Transcript . BlizzPlanet , accessed on 2018-11-16

↑ Game Informer #81: Designing Overwatch: From Titan to Torbjörn

↑ 2018-10-09, OVERWATCH HALLOWEEN TERROR GEAR AVAILABLE NOW . Blizzard Entertainment , accessed on 2018-10-10

↑ Blizzcon 2017, Overwatch: Archives

↑ 2015-12-10, How Blizzard is making up Overwatch's story as it goes . PC Gamer , accessed on 2015-12-24

↑ 2017-03-09, Overwatch fan theory about Symmetra finally confirmed by Blizzard . Polygon , accessed on 2017-03-10

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Symmetra is a Damage hero in Overwatch .

Symmetra utilizes her light-bending Photon Projector to dispatch adversaries, shield her associates, construct teleportation pads and deploy particle-blasting Sentry Turrets.

Sentry Turret 's damage per second is 30 instead of 40.

Symmetra's abilities provide both defensive and positional advantages to her team. She can cover chokepoints with her Sentry Turrents, deploy a Teleporter to provide teammates higher ground or ambush the enemy team, and split the map in half with her Ultimate. Her low health and mobility means that she must coordinate with her team in order to survive.

Photon Projector (weapon): Symmetra's main weapon. The projector has two modes of fire, a short range beam, and a chargeable, explosive energy ball.

Sentry Turret : Symmetra launches a small turret that fires slow beams at enemies.

Teleporter : Symmetra builds a teleporter between two locations.

Photon Barrier (Ultimate): Symmetra sets up a barrier that cuts the map in half.

Symmetra literally bends reality, [1] and she is the Vishkar Corporation 's premier hard-light architech. [2] By manipulating hard-light constructs, she crafts the world as she wishes it to be, in hopes of engineering a perfect society. Symmetra believes her actions serve the greater good in society, though there are times when she wonders whether the control and order she desires are truly best for humanity. [1] When light-bending, Symmetra uses Kathak dance movements. [2]

Symmetra is on the autism spectrum ; [3] [4] She has demonstrated traits associated with the condition such as having trouble with social interactions, suffering from sensory overload and preferring environments that are structured and harmonious. [3] She finds it hard to sit still. She has set routines, which ensure there is always order and calm in some part of her life. Even in hotels, she has time alone and cleaves to her routines as much as possible. As a child, she struggled with understanding metaphors, though as an adult, she is more adept at understanding such figures of speech. [2]

While Symmetra does not hesitate to carry out missions of dubious morality for her company (such as digging up blackmail material to sabotage competitors), she dislikes killing and only resorts to lethal force if she has to. [3]

Satya Vaswani grew up in desperate poverty [2] in Hyderabad , India . By her recollection, it was not a pleasant environment to grow up in; [3] hunger was a constant issue, the village was overcrowded, and the drinking water was murky. As a child, she danced, finding it would calm her anxiety. She was able to make a few visits to temples, but over time, she forgot about them. She would later reflect that she was not old enough to understand faith and religion at the time. [2]

Following the Omnic Crisis , the Vishkar Corporation of southern India began the laborious process of creating new, self-sustaining cities to house the nation's displaced population. One such city, Utopaea , was created using radical hard-light technology that enabled its architechs to shape the city's streets, utilities, and living spaces in the blink of an eye.

After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar's Architech Academy , never to return home. Isolated and lonely in her new life, Vaswani immersed herself in her education and training. She quickly grasped the applications of the technology and was one of the top students in her class. Vaswani approached hard-light manipulation differently than her peers, with their more procedural, mechanical constructions, instead weaving her constructs in the motions of the traditional dance of her homeland.

Though she was one of Utopaea's top architechs, the Vishkar Corporation saw far greater potential in Vaswani's abilities. Giving her the moniker "Symmetra," Vishkar sent her on clandestine missions around the world to uphold its corporate interests and expand its influence into other countries. [1]

Vaswani was present in Rio de Janeiro as Vishkar tried to secure a deal with the mayor to re-develop the city's slums with its hard-light technology. However, the mayor favored a deal with Calado , a prospect that left Vaswani frustrated, as she believed Calado's proposal to be inferior and impractical. Storming out of the mayor's office, she came across a crowd of protesters who were against the re-development of their neighborhoods. Due to her own childhood experiences, Vaswani couldn't understand how they could bear to live in such "disgusting" conditions. As she tried to navigate through the protesters, she became overwhelmed by the sounds and the smells, leading her to lose her way. Then, a young girl called out to Vaswani and offered to guide her back to her hotel. Motivated by the encounter, Vaswani vowed that Vishkar would secure the deal and help Rio's people, no matter what.

That night, Vaswani, on the orders of Sanjay Korpal , infiltrated the Calado building to find information Vishkar could use against him . Breaking into Calado's vault, she managed to find some compromising material, but nothing substantial. Vaswani was then discovered by Calado's guards, but she created a barrier to deflect their shots, following which she used her photon projector to drain their energy. Sanjay questioned why she didn't just kill them, but Vaswani insisted she only resorted to lethal force if she had to. She subsequently escaped the building, with her pursuers being impeded by traps she had set up in advance.

Outside, Vaswani contacted Sanjay, confirming that she didn't have enough on Calado to bring him down and suggesting they try to get to the mayor instead. Sanjay simply responded with "so be it," and a second later, the Calado building was consumed in a fiery explosion. While Sanjay explained that Calado wouldn't stand in their way, Vaswani stared in shock as the building collapsed, with debris falling into the adjacent slum that she had passed through earlier that day. Vaswani made her way down to the favela, which had become enveloped in flames, and spotted a woman that was pointing towards a house while crying for help. Realizing there was still someone inside, Vaswani used her photon projector to forge a path and protect herself from the fire. Eventually, she found the young girl from before, trapped underneath debris, and freed her. Upon carrying her back to her mother, Vaswani realized the girl's face had been severely burnt and feebly hoped Vishkar could "fix it," along with the favela.

A few months later, the situation had indeed been "fixed," as Vishkar had carried out its redevelopment of Rio's city center, now that Calado had been taken out. Standing with Sanjay as the mayor gave a speech, Vaswani observed that new housing had yet to be provided. Sanjay affirmed that "appropriate" housing would be provided in time, to which Vaswani responded by questioning whether the favela's destruction by fire had been intended by Vishkar. To this, Sanjay stated it was "the price of rebirth and growth." Looking out over the crowd, Vaswani tried to convince herself that Vishkar was indeed, making a better world. [3]

Vaswani attended a Vishkar meeting with Sanjay, head geologist Harita Patel , and PR rep Tamir Chandra . Development in Roshani had triggered a tremor in the region, which had caused damage to a temple in the neighboring village of Suravasa , and a statue inside said temple to collapse. Chandra stated that if Vishkar didn't sort the issue out soon, they could kiss development rights in the area goodbye. Sanjay turned to Vaswani, 'suggesting' that she could volunteer in the village, pointing out her small village background, and her role as Vishkar's premiere hard-light architech. She would give the villagers anything they wanted, as no matter the cost, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the financial loss of losing development rights.

Going over the hologram of the site, Vaswani asked who the statue was of. Chandra stated that it was of Aurora ; the first omnic to achieve sentience. Vaswani, familiar with Aurora's history, told them that the villagers would want more than just money, that they would want something better. Sanjay told her to find out what that was, and do whatever it took to make it happen. [2]

Vaswani arrived in the village. Word of her coming had spread ahead, and Sarpanch Ranesh Grewal , head of the local government, told her that they wanted nothing to do with Vishkar. The gathered crowd was just as antagonistic. Still, she was granted access to the temple at her request, for despite Grewal's antagonism, the temple was open for all. An omnic led her inside, and Vaswani found herself reminded of her childhood, when she had visited temples when the rare opportunity had presented itself.

The omnic who led her inside introduced himself as Zenyatta ; a pilgrim to the temple. He told her that it was good that Vishkar was taking responsibility, but that it would mean nothing if the help wasn't actually helpful. He told her that she was welcome to stay if it helped her understand the people here and their faith. She was taken aback, pointing that she was an architech who had come to fix a problem, not a pilgrim, but Zenyatta asked what was a pilgrim, but someone who had embarked on a journey to a holy place? She was taken aback at the invitation, but she knew that Sanjay's suggestions of financial compensation wouldn't work, so perhaps following Zenyatta's advice would be a better outcome. Despite her anxiety at the prospect, she accepted Zenyatta's offer. [2]

Zenyatta led her through the temple. He told her about Mondatta , and the two bonded over their shared trouble with human figures of speech. Reaching the main shrine, they came to the remains of Aurora's statue. He told her of Aurora's history, helping her understand why the villagers were so bereaved that it had been damaged. Moved by the story, Vaswani blurted out that Vishkar wanted to help, but Zenyatta stated that help could come in many forms. Building a retreat center would do little good, and there was no need to build a new temple given that this one was still standing, even if it was damaged. Its history, after all, stretched back over a thousand years.

The two retired for midday meal, where Zenyatta told her more about Aurora. Afterwards, Zenyatta took her to a bas-relief of Aurora. Come night, she retired to one of the temple's outlying buildings, where she was given a sleeping mat and temple robe. While she didn't want to wear it at first, as she wasn't a pilgrim (despite what Zenyatta said), she found herself attracted to the colors and changed. The following morning, she met with Zenyatta, admitting that while she didn't want to wear it, she wanted to demonstrate her sincere desire to help. Over the next few days, she moved with the other pilgrims; tidying the main shrine, picking up pieces of stone, and tidying the main area. She was told that a team of workers would remove the larger, heavier pieces in a few days time.

To her surprise, the priests didn't meditate, but were given orbs to study. Zenyatta gave her the Orb of Perception, so that she might perceive what she needed. Over the following days, she found herself adjusting to life in the temple, falling into a routine that suited her. On the fourth day, she and the priests went into the village where they served food to anyone who was hungry. The villagers were still antagonistic to her, but Zenyatta stood beside her, giving her silent support. That evening, discussing events with him, she stated that the scene reminded her of her childhood. They discussed the nature of faith, and Vaswani's architech background, before moving on to discuss the concepts of Wabi-sabi and Kintsugi . She was moved by Zenyatta's words, and wished that she had heard of such ideas long before now. Reflecting on his words and the concepts he had imparted to her, she realized what she... they ...had to do. [2]

Symmetra's design originated as a playable class called the Architect in the cancelled Project Titan . In the original pitch for the game that would become Overwatch , she was envisioned as wielding an arc welder and blaster, and could deploy sentry turrets and shield generators. In a later pitch she was given "orb buffs," which were ultimately given to Zenyatta . Her arc welder and blaster were later changed when the idea of hard light constructs were incorporated into her design. Her teleporter was taken from the Engineer class, which served as the basis for Torbjörn , and she would eventually receive the Architect's shield generator as a second ultimate in Overwatch . [11]

Symmetra's backstory was expanded through the development of Lúcio , as his backstory includes involvement with Vishkar as well. [12] Symmetra being autistic was initially hinted at in the "A Better World" comic, and later officially confirmed by a letter from Jeff Kaplan to a fan. [13]

Symmetra is the only hero so far to have been recieved two significant ability reworks since the game launched; one in patch 1.6.2 (2017) and another in patch 1.25 (2018).

For more information, see Patch Notes

Developer Comment: We're reducing the cooldown of the Teleporter to help lower the friction between needing to use it as both a personal and team-focused mobility tool.

Developer Comment: Increasing Photon Projectors max damage allows Symmetra to play more effectively at a safer range when necessary.

Shield Generator (New Ultimate Ability Option)

Developer Comments: We wanted to address two main issues with Symmetra. First, on the whole, we felt that she didn’t feel active enough. Second, due to the nature of her Teleporter, she felt weak in certain situations on different maps and game modes. To address the first point, we replaced her more passive Photon Shield ability with a much more active ability: Photon Barrier. Now, Symmetra can help lead the charge on offense or help shut down a big push on defense by actively blocking damage for your team. For the second point, we noticed players would often switch off of Symmetra once they found themselves in a situation where her Teleporter wasn’t as useful. For example, when playing her on defense on an Assault map, players often used her to defend the first capture point, then quickly switched to another hero if that point fell. To help her feel more useful in more situations, we've given her an alternative to her Teleporter. The Shield Generator is just as important for the enemy to deal with, but is useful in more situations. The turret changes allow her to rebuild her turret nests faster. Even if all her turrets are wiped out, it's now easier for players to build them all back up before the next push. We’re also increasing the range on her Photon Projector to make it easier for her to build up and keep a powerful charge on her target.

Developer Comment: Game-changing ultimate abilities were coming up a bit too frequently. This change helps keep them in check while still allowing them to be powerful.

Developer Comments: Altering the size of projectiles in flight had too many unintended side effects to keep in the game, at least in its current form. We will continue watching this and make additional changes if necessary. We’re also making quick melee more consistent when interacting with enemy abilities.

"The true enemy of humanity is disorder."

We're making the world a better place...

We'll send you over now. Find out what they want. A retreat center, a nice lump sum for repairs—we’ll even rebuild the temple ourselves. Whatever it costs, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the loss of development rights.

Kintsugi urges us to think differently. Instead of hiding something broken, celebrate it. Your passion for what you do elevates architecture beyond simple construction. Without blemishes, a house is just a building. Flaws and joys are what make it a home. Your dancing may be imperfect, but imagination, creativity—these things are not unharmonious with faith. They are expressions of it.

Hit an enemy with 3 beams simultaneously as Symmetra in Quick or Competitive play.

Teleport 20 players in a single Quick or Competitive play game as Symmetra.

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Symmetra Guide “Order is restored.”

Last updated on Jul 02, 2018 at 17:40  by Mournflakes


Real Name: Satya Vaswani, Age: 28
Occupation: Architech
Base of Operations: Utopaea, India
Affiliation: Vishkar Corporation

1. Overview of Symmetra (Satya Vaswani)

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Symmetra is a dps hero who uses photon weapons and
utility abilities to aid her team to victory. Although
Symmetra was a long time off support hero in the
Overwatch universe, she became a damage-dealing hero during season 10 of
competitive play. However, even with her changes, she still has some of her
trademark qualities including her health pool made up of a combination of
regular health and shields
and the use of her trusty Teleporter and Sentry Turret .
Symmetra's weapon's primary fire (and primary
dps ability) is called
Photon Projector . This weapon is potent against any enemy Symmetra faces
due to its damage-growing capabilities. The longer Symmetra's Photon Projector
hits an enemy, the more damage it deals (with a max output of 180 damage a
second!). As Photon Projector is a beam weapon similar to Zarya 's
Particle Cannon , building energy should be a simple task against enemy
tanks .
Although Photon Projector is potent, the range of its beam is limiting.
However, Symmetra's kit includes a long-range
secondary fire called Energy Ball . Energy
Ball is a channel ability that, when released,
fires a sphere of photon energy in whatever direction Symmetra is aiming.
The sphere travels in a straight line that explodes on impact, dealing damage
in direct proportion to the duration of its charge. Due to the ball's slow
travel time, hitting enemies from far away is a challenge, however, a successful
hit is devastating to enemies with small health pools.
An ability that has been with Symmetra since her inception,
Sentry Turret , is a projectile ability that
fires a Sentry Turret that attaches to in-game scenery. Walls, trees, cars, and
other objects turn into Symmetra's allies as her Sentry Turrets deal damage
and slow enemies who are both in sight and in range of the turrets. These
turrets are an integral part of Symmetra's kit , as they make
getting through choke points and capturing
objectives extremely difficult for enemy players.
Another ability that has been with Symmetra since the beginning of Overwatch,
Teleporter , is her only mobility ability,
but it is technically a utility as well. Teleporter
lets Symmetra create a quick access point for her and her team to get from
point A to point B. Teleporter has many utilizations (which we will go over
in our playstyle portion of the guide), but for now, all you need to know is
that Teleporter is THE reason why Symmetra is so viable.
Photon Barrier was introduced into Symmetra's kit
later on in her development, but it has since gone from a regular ability to
her ultimate . Photon Barrier creates a giant shield that
stretches from map end to map end, dissecting buildings and running through
walls. This shield is the ultimate tank wall, as it can stop an incredible 5,000
damage (you know it is a beast when it can soak an entire Pharah ultimate and
still have 1,400 health left over).

Mournflakes is a flex Grandmaster Overwatch player who boasts a career high SR
rating of 4433. His favorite heroes are Roadhog, Soldier: 76, and Ana. He has
played Overwatch since its initial release, and has put over 700 hours into
competitive play. When not writing guides, you can catch Mournflakes streaming
on his Twitch channel .
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