Overwatch Suck

Overwatch Suck


Overwatch Suck
Okay so, my brother just got banned for the 2nd time by overwatch, with no reasons what so ever. When we play we are always 4premade and gives info about the whereabouts of the other team, now on overwatch this may look like WH, but the people who are spectating overwatch never thinks about this..

I think this is a major flaw in the overwatch system, what do you guys think? And have you guys experienced the same thing?
He might be cheating then... Teenagers are so mentally unstable, especially when losing, so...
you can't judge mental state of a person by his age, you can be a dumbfuck as at 14, as at 45
+1 or he's insulting people while raging
It are often the younger people cheating, but not because they are mentally unstable. Rather because they think it's cool and entertaining and can't respect the game.
Maybe voicechat should be included in overwatch so you know that a player has been told that there is a guy there rather than assuming hes cheating? :O:O:O not that it matters, overwatch is a joke and just an excuse for valve to not make real anti cheat.
It doesn't solve the problem entirely. People may be using TS3, Ventrilo etc.
Overwatch is useless and a joke as far as anti cheat goes anyway.
well, no. for example, if the guy everytime knows where the enemy, never get off guard, for me he cheats then with wh.
i dont know man, why he is banned, maybe great aim? and ppl in overwatch cudnt believe it
With the amount of rage my brother does when he gets caught off guard is ridicules, so i know he does ;) But he does have great aim, i would just think that people in overwatch would have a little knowledge about the game to see that it wasnt aimbot or aimkey.
well does overwatch show all action even when u get surprised and dont kill a player? If it doesnt u cant make the assumption the guy always knows where the enemies are plus its not straight forward like that at all. pretty much every player who is pro or semi-pro looks like a hacker on demo from time to time.. U just have those matches where ur timings are down and ur intuition pays off etc.. hitting shots and checking the right corners at the exact right times. so you would ban a guy like that though he might have 4 rounds in there where he just runs with his knife out and dies cause is surprised by someone?
yes the what i mean, but ye it is hard to say.
cause some players may just toggle wh. pretty sad, can't do much with that
yeah I was thinking about this one night that I know the actions look like cheating and then theres some kids judging the shit on demo.. my account just is in their hands -_-
Ye, it is a scary thought to know that some day you go on cs, your game might be locked.
You know overwatch bans only apply on matchmaking ?
Yep, and since that is what i am playing with my mates when we arent 5, it kinda ruins the game?
Then report it to support or something. People that have been wrongfully banned have been unbanned. So if your brother wasn't hacking he most likely will get unbanned.
So, how do they determine an overwatch ban is a false ban? couldnt all the cheaters report to support since there is no real anti cheat?
The staff reviews all your demos and stuff, then determines whether your overwatch ban was wrong or right.
oic, wish they would just make a real anti cheat client like ESEA, CEVO, and all the other professional leagues. I know it's not 100% effective, but it is a lot better than overwatch...
hha ye. sometimes when i make sick action, read the players moves and make hs. acing, looks like i am cheating, very scary then, dont want to be banned
I think you and your brother are full of crap, I've done some stuff that look like wallhack countless of times, and people are yelling that they will report me etc etc but yet I'm not falsely banned.
exactly, I think if you don't cheat you just don't worry of these things. Otherwise you can prove that you didn't cheat or something, I hope.
Thats the points, he doesnt cheat and therefore doesnt think about checking the corner where we said someone was. And there is no way you can prove you didnt cheat when overwatch gets you.
there is low possibility of false positive ban. true, depends on that demo. for example it may show some rounds, where u were damn lucky, when u guess all positions of the enemy. 1 demo is enough to be banned in overwatch. maybe they judge by many demos, like 3 or 4.
then it will be better
I dont think so, you can simply dont cheat on other maps.
Everyone have done stuff like that, but you might have been lucky enough to get competent people to look at your overwatch?

Sometimes I even stare at walls to listen to the footsteps on both headset speakers instead of one side to pinpoint the noise which would look like wallhacking and I've never been banned, yet.
I get accused almost every time with wh, sometimes even aimbot (lol), still was never banned
when u get accused, take it a complement. i ussualy say "thank!"
that makes them even demoralized and angry
Most people QQ in chat about "Reported for WH" etc etc, but never report. So who knows if you even got reported.
Reporting takes only a few seconds, I doubt crying babies don't report. I actually think it's the opposite, you get reported much more than you're accused.
This is probably true, and actually what people should do. Report without accusing, as if you accused someone correctly, they could just turn it off for the rest of the game, or make glaringly bad decisions that make it look like they don't.

No need to tip them off you might be on them.

If it is a legit player you are accusing, no need to insult them or put yourself up for laughter.
A lot of people play with 4-5 mates on match making with communication and it's strange that only your brother got banned. However, I think most decent players with experience and game sense don't use overwatch anymore, rather hardly use it since there isn't a massive return and due to which the overall quality in the entire overwatch system has reduced significantly.

Why would i complain about the system if my brother got banned because of cheat? Then it only did its job and he deserved it. Even tho a lot of people are playing with mates, i might just be the first to complain on HLTV about it.
That's why I mentioned the 2 possibilities. Read #83 . I am not accusing your brother, I am pointing out how this situation is contradicting to each possibility and hence it's just odd.
btw I dont have overwatch, how do you get it and what is the reward of watching the demos ?
you get it when you reach 150 won matches, unless you were reported several times for cheating
well I have been reported several times by several players in the same matches so I dont know if that counts as one report or more, well in 10+ matches atleast. well I dont like MM that much that Id reach 150 quick :D 64tick just drives me crazy before that happens :P would be ok to have hours limitation too.. Ive got like 1300hrs now though MM like 35wins or something
Same here, I want to have overwatch, but it would take years for me to get them 150 wins, unless they make 128 tick then I will play it constantly.
There is no reward, and you get it be having played enough matches and being high ranked. I have used it like 4 times, and the gain from it is very low, i only encountered one with wh, else it was just people getting lucky.
Then you haven't used it enough. I'm an overwatch, and I'm keeping records of my cases. On more than 50 cases, approximately 1/3 were blatantly cheating. And I mean BLATANTLY. It's not like there was room for interpretation or something. When there is a reasonable doubt, even if my guts tell me he's cheating, I clear the case.
I had 20 cases of blatant cheats in the last month. xD
I guess i should start doing my part in it, seems like the cheaters are invading ;)
You just said it yourself. "However, I think most decent players with experience and game sense don't use overwatch anymore, rather hardly use it since there isn't a massive return and due to which the overall quality in the entire overwatch system has reduced significantly." Right now, it's filled with brainless people derping and just banning people, without thinking about that there MIGHT have been communication between the players on the team.
I presented the two possibilities why his brother might have been banned with my comment clearly showing that I am weighing more towards the ladder however still considering the fact that other people who do the same do not get banned but his brother did. So it's either that other people are getting banned the same way but just don't seem to post it here oddly enough or his brother was genuinely cheating because if people with lack of experience were actually reviewing demos then we would have more similar cases and not just one. So it's either of the two.
they should reward guys who watch overwatch. for example, im not longer to watch demos, some noobs cheating ehh.
they could reward with some drops at the end. or something like that
I agree. I have stated this numerous times that there needs to be something in return otherwise people will just stop just like you and me, unfortunately.
What return do you need, isn't 1 less cheater enough for 5 minutes of your time?
Yeah, sure there will be one cheater less, when game costs like 3 euros.
+1, Somebody has pointed that out, if the game costed around 30€, I would, and you too, still buy it no matter what.
dunno where you'll get in your life with your naivity

Dunno where we will all get if everyone just gives up all the time...
You are just little bitches, crying about cheaters but don't want to do shit to get rid of them.
Besides I think Volvo should implement some kind of reward for doing overwatch, I barely do it myself because for me its just a waste of time, they could do something like a random drop every 5 cases you review. However then some people might abuse the system so Valve would have to tackle it somehow.
++ u can make a limit of reward that's it.
i really hope they will listen.
also i have an idea:
u cud just make grouping in mm by the hours they played cs go.

It's not a waste of time unless you want to play with cheaters
2nd time? Whats up with 1st time

also leetway records voice chat aswell, valve should include the same thing in gotv demos
Voicechat doesn't matter if you talk through skype, and not in-game? Who the hell goes premade and talk in-game instead of some quality voice com?
yeah and who the fuck knows every language :D
Exactly. They should remove that shit they call "Anti-Cheat" and actually implement some legit Anti-Cheat instead of letting little 12 year olds decide your faith.
yeah youre right, didnt think it through. I only played with random ppl, so :D
The best possible solution for skype\ts users would be something like silent recording - constant recording of voice chat but without playbacking it through the game - just for aftermatch purposes. It would'nt be synchronized perfectly, but its still something.
Or they should just use all the money they get from market to a working, non-community decidal anti cheat? Most cheats are chained to the game when active, so a anticheat can EASILY spot it.
I think valve are not idiots, and would not waste a lot of time and money on overwatch, if cheats were that easy to spot.
Overwatch doesn't cost them anything, nor does it take their time. It is pure community-based
Yes. But now that it's out, it doesn't take their time nor mone anymore.
Ofc we can, just look at zaider and moxxi, but when i am sitting behind my brother and he does the exact same things as he does when he is playing with us, i just find it dumb that he is getting banned.
Overwatch should be only allowed for the higher ranked (Legendary eagle master +), and there should be a reward for it to boost the activity (let's say skins, cases..)
again the skins shit ,jesus its cs not hello kitty store
got a better idea? a big pink "Thank you" message?
people doing overwatch are thanking themselves because they are clearing mms serves form cheaters,those same MM servers that THEY will play in,i guess being an overwatcher is a big thank you as it is
the system sucks, thousands of new accounts are created for hacking in every csgo sale, the amount of hackers in MM now are ridiculously high, the hackers aren't even afraid of banning now. Also, false ban is so easy to happen cuz everyone who got 150 MM wins can participate in overwatch, any noob or bad players can still accumulate 150 wins eventually. So, keeping pro players like roca in the game is way more important than catching unlimited hackers.
"So, keeping pro players like roca in the game" Almost pissed myself laughing while reading this.
Pro players play matchmaking too and i've never seen a pro banned. And they always carry the team (of course).
I have a friend who plays extremely good too and he never got banned, so i think your brother is cheating and bitching.
Because people knows who pro players are and doesnt report them maybe?
stop bitching.
Just buy another csgo account. Its $2 now on sale anyways (pro tip: dont cheat again on this one)
I am not bitching, i am just pointing out flaws. And yes, for once, it is lucky that the game is on sale.
you can't see players' names when watching an overwatch demo.
also the way overwatch works is that you need a certain amount of votes and a certain percentage of positive votes to get banned. it's highly unlikely to be wrongfully banned (albeit not impossible) but that happening twice sounds absurd
Aha, that logic. People who play in Global Elite / SPMFC are of the same skill level, and have logic and game sense. So there are rarely any reports those 2 ranks, hence the reason none of them gets banned? And pros are known, so I HIGHLY doubt that anyone even reports them, since they know how good they are.

Stop replying if all you gotta say is nonsense.
Saying what he says is nonsense, when you are assuming things.

In GE/SMFC ranks the amount of cheaters there skyrocket so there will be more reports, but a higher correct reports at that rank.
A friend of mine has overwatch with the rank Silver Master and 205 MM wins, I am Master Guardian II with 90 MM wins, the system in itself is not very good, I'd imagine, that he doesn't have the same knowledge of the game that I have. Not saying, that I am the right person to overwatch a game with Global Elite players in it...
Like 3 or more seperate people have all agreed your bro was cheating dude. He was cheating and you should stop making excuses for him.
Okay, and 3 or more people have said that overwatch is flawed and bad, so is that right to? How does that work?
Whatever you say. It's almost definite that your bro was cheating. Whatever you say is irrelevant you don't get wrongfully banned for cheating twice lol.
Its 7 out of 10 ppl have to agree hes cheating (as far as i know) AND after that, the demo is analysed by someone else with a high overwatch score
I bet 9/10 CSGO players agree that Overwatch is shit too, so why is it still there then?
could your brother just be cheating? I have done some weird stuff and never got a single ban i have some screenshots of me having +100score people said that they reported me but i wasn't banned.
The first ban he could be, but this time i am 100% sure that he wasnt, and i have myself had some insane scores and people said i would get reported, but i seem to never get locked. My brother is a really good player, so if someone with gold nova saw him, ofc it would look like cheat. I am not saying the system is all bad, i think it has good intentions, but it need to be reworked a little.
I'm sorry for replying so late, but i dont think gold nova gets to judge and i know that he doesn't get banned after one person reviewing the demo. does he ever lend his account to other people? maybe his friends are cheating?
give us the most suspisious gotv demo of your brother so we can do something with our free time
Haha, okay i will go through my MM matchs with him. When i DL it from the game, does it still go in the place where demos are?
Try and look at this game, i dont have time to watch it, i just checked and saw his score was decent. It is me and my brother playing together holdning b as ct in the start.


This is me and my brother playing as a 4premade with two friends, just to show a contrast to when he doesnt play as good as normal. My brother is Faven.

this kinda looks like DMG rank
also your brother has quite low amount of hours in csgo
As i wrote, my brothers first game where he has all the hours on got locked, thats why he doesnt have that many hours on the one you saw.

I dont know if u can see it on the demo, but DMG is hes rank.
oh, that makes sense

no i cant see that on the demo, i just guessed based on what i saw

Nice guess then mate :). Did you see both demos and what is the verdict you would give him?
i didnt watch second one. He seemed clear, but you cant tell if the player is using aim assist, because gotv demo is bad at recording crosshair position.
i only ban aimbotters and obv walhackers
I only ban people who are better than myself
he was banned twice.. your brother is a cheating prick..
today 4 games 3 times blatant cheaters

Just for you guys to know... NiKolinho from GamePub was banned from Matchmaking, his account was unnbanned after few days, but, he can say that he is playing proffesional and he of course get a unban cause he is skilled...

Us, who dont play proffesional it is a problem... people sometimes talk they will report me for wallhack, and honestly i wasnt worried, but once maybe like probably this guy who opened topic i could be banned for actually nothing...

Im scared :) still nothing happened so i believe that was just a mistake!
I found one guy with aimbot yesterday, it was really inspiring, made me start studying and go out with myself.
go out with yourself? How? with your hand? :D
With both hands, now stay thinking ahah
put a camera behind him and prove it :D
Haha, i might just do that, but it wouldnt prove anything to valve :D
at least to be 100% sure he isnt cheating behind your back
Again, overwatch is NOT going to ban Automatic.

Its when VAC3, cant find the hack.

All pro players never gets ban, unless HITMAN, who actually was cheating.

I guess your Brother have used Organner hacks :P

i have been reported several times, dosnt matter
Are you high? When did i say it banned him automatic? And i know he never had organner.
I got reported so many times, nothing happens if you are REALLY clean. Normally i only play ESEA pugs since I have ~1200 hours played and tired of getting raped by Cheaters in MM (rank decreased from Global to LEM since the 75% sale), 180 MM Wins anyway. If you have nothing to hide you wont get banned, even if you hit everything in a match.
700 hours here 150+ mm matches , lots of aces , or me carrying the team , infinite reports , no ban
Valve needs to partner with EAC or make their own anti cheat lool.
I bet he cheats when you aren't playing with him.
1 Message by you on Mon, 21st Oct 2013 11:21 am
I have just been banned, please explain why?
2 Message by Support Tech Grant on Tue, 22nd Oct 2013 3:18 pm
Hello Karl,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Our system indicates that the account has been permanently banned by the Valve Anti-Cheat system (VAC) for use of cheats or other unauthorized modifications. Steam Support is unable to lift the ban.

We will not disclose the cheats which were detected, nor will we provide the date and time the infraction took place. VAC has confirmed that the ban on the account was applied legitimately.

This ban applies to a Steam account (regardless of who was using the account at the time the infraction occurred). The use and security of the Steam account is your responsibility.

To see which games your VAC ban affects, please launch Steam and go to Steam > Settings > Account tab > select "Click here for details" under VAC Status.

You may still play single-player and connect to non-secure servers (if applicable).

We cannot move game subscriptions from accounts which have been banned by VAC.

If you choose to purchase a new copy of the VAC banned game(s), please create a new Steam account to register the game(s) on.

For more information on Valve's policies, please see the Steam Subscriber Agreement and the Rules of Steam Online Conduct:

Steam Subscriber Agreement

Rules of Steam Online Conduct

Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC)

I've Been Banned
3 Message by you on Mon, 4th Nov 2013 9:42 am
To Steam,

Thank you for your reply, however I still find it hard to believe that you have VAC banned me due to using some form of cheats that VAC have picked up. I believe in this case there was an observer/moderator watching a matchmaking game that I was playing and for the reason of me playing CS for well over 10 years and that I can actually play the game, I have more than likely been reported and then banned through that.

If you can prove and I emphasize, prove, that I was using some form of cheat, day and time then it would be greatly appreciated.

I am a dedicated member of the Counter-Strike community and have spent a hell of a lot of money on Steam & Valve in my years. I have played CS since Half Life came out in 1997 and I don't like to be treated in such ways in which some power hungry guy can just click and ban me at a click of a button without any evidence.


> Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:18:57 +0000
> To:
> From: email@support.steampowered.com
> Subject: RE: Why have I been banned? - [8975-ERAF-1179] [bf6b45af]
4 Message by Support Tech Grant on Mon, 4th Nov 2013 11:12 am
Hello Karl,

I understand your frustration in this matter; however, our system has confirmed that the ban was applied legitimately. A VAC ban applies to the game(s) regardless of who was using the account or borrowing the game at the time.

It does not matter if you let someone use the account, or if the account was being used without your knowledge. It is your responsibility to safeguard your account against such activities.

I am sorry, the VAC ban on the game(s) will not be removed.

Before continuing to use Steam and Steam games on your computer, please remove all cheats from your system. Failure to do so may result in further VAC bans on the account.

Please refer to the Steam Subscriber Agreement and the Rules of Steam Online Conduct if you wish to review our policy regarding this matter.

Steam Subscriber Agreement

Rules of Steam Online Conduct
5 Message by you on Mon, 4th Nov 2013 11:22 am
To Steam,

Thank you again for the reply.

This still doesn't resolve the matter that I am putting foward; you have not proven that I was using cheats. I'm pretty sure with your VAC system there is a way of showing me what cheat I was apparantly using, day and time. I understand that you will not be removing my VAC ban mainly because it means you will get more money from me buying a new CSGO account. I do find this very offending to myself having to put my hand in my pocket once again to purchase a game from you.

All I am asking is evidence of my cheating and clarify that it wasn't an overwatch admin just being deluded into banning me for no reason.


> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 19:12:07 +0000
> To:
> From: email@support.steampowered.com
> Subject: RE: Why have I been banned? - [8975-ERAF-1179] [bf6b45af]
6 Message by Support Tech Grant on Tue, 5th Nov 2013 9:48 am
Hello Karl,

Unfortunately, we will be unable to assist you further with this issue.

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

You got VAC banned man. Stop cheating.
i thought overwatch only banned you from MM?
What the fuck are you on about? You dont get VAC banned because an overwatch spectator bans you. It is not possible to get VAC banned by being banned by overwatch.
overwatch bans are only applied to the game itself - when you load up the game there will be a message where cooldowns appear with a ban spanning a full year; the vac ban if applicable to csgo is because valve anti-cheat detected a cheat on your system and/or you were using a cheat; stop cheating lad or get rid of anything on your computer.
In before anyone says anything about me in 1.6, I am not stupid enough to cheat on my account which I spent a lot of money in CSGO
You don't get VACbanned for no reason so cut the bs :)
he is cheating / end of the story
P.S. i have a friend with 25 steam lvl and more than 2 000 hrs in 1.6 and around 1 000 in csgo. And he cheated in this game when he was playing with us....
If FaveN is your brother than he got what he deserved. Guy went on to load his cheat when he thought we had a hacker on our team that would oneshot him mid with deagle. He was unstoppable afterwards knowing everyones position even before his team got the chance to give him the info..
Clearly someone you played against.. You went ramapge on Tuscan with your autosniper and didn't really try to hide your wallhack...
I haven't played Tuscan in CS:GO, so it's definately not me you have been against.
Thats your new account? Since that account ain't even a year old and I know that the one I linked to is the brother to Sandborg (since ive played with Sandborg before and ive played with some friends he knows).. Ask qpx and he will know that I asked him about you after the match im talking about..
Seriously, who are you? The acc you linked is idd my brothers. And qpx have played vs my bro at HKLAN i believe, when my bro and i played in slembubber as fun mix.
If you knew qpx he would know I am not cheating. I played both with, and against him at HKlan 2012. And MysSe too if you know him.
Neither qpx or mysse said that you were hacking - I was simply just asking him about you who you were etc. And you may of played with and against them at LAN. The fact is that know that you went on to load in that match and seeing as you've been banned twice.. its pleasing to see that I was right afterall.

Since you'll just keep on defending yourself and I wont believe a word you're saying, then there is no need to continue this discussion. Sucks to be you to be banned _again_

Also, what are you trying to hide? Why won't you tell us who you are?
I'm not trying to hide anything? I just doubt that you'll remember me from that match

and when was it? Because I haven't played Tuscan at all in CSGO, except 1 game against bots to see the new "toscan" And how do you know qpx and those guys?
Did I actually say tuscan? ok that was my bad I meant mirage :D .. And ive been playing with them since 1.6 times
I don't really know.. 2-3 months ago or something like that. But it doesen't really matter when it was. You've been banned twice so I guess there was something about it.. Lets just end it here :-).
I didn't play GO there, I've had a break for close to 4-5 months from GO, only playing LoL / WoW, returned 3-4 weeks ago.
I can't remember then. May of been just after mirage was released. Doesen't matter really.
I actually think i faintly remember you, your HLTV name threw my off. But i cant remember when we played, in 1.6 or GO?
Ye okay, then it most have been against each other.
Either it was HKlan 2012 or 2013, I can't remember. I was at both at these lans though. 2012 was in Source, and 2013 was in GO.:-)
Ingame name? You seem to be really off with your information.
I haven't played Tuscan in CS:GO, so it's definately not me you have been against.
Look at #64 and watch the demos, then you can all decide for yourselves.
CAn you trade your skins to somebody if your account gets VAC banned?
Dont know if you get VAC banned, but if you get busted by OW, you cant.
You cannot trade skins if you get banned by OW, no. Don't know about VAC though.
You CAN trade skins if you get banned by OW
I can't? It says i'm not allowed due to OW ban.
Got what he deserved! Cheaters are ruining this game
Once in 5 matches I have very good game and usually people start flaming me and reporting me as a full team since we are usually playing as party. I never got banned or anything like that. Usually when I'm watching overwatch videos on youtube with people who are checking cheaters I can surely say whos one is cheating and who doesnt so I wouldnt say that sucks. Maybe they make mistake for some weird cases but it's decent. Better then not having anything even though they should provide some sort of AC if they want to see mm in better capacity.
Of course it does, it lets complete noobs judge if youre cheating or not
I do a lot overwatch and I'm very good at it. So don't worry if you're clean :)
do you actually have the opportunity to ban someone? does not really make sense that they would let a player actually ban another player. I was under the impression that you merely escalate the "suspected cheater" to a higher power aka valve and then they make the decision themselves?
It's funny, just played a MM and a guy was blatently using aimbot and we all reported him and nothing come about it. Valve being awesome once again.
valve isn't responsible for overwatch banning a player, when you report someone it automatically gets sent to various different people around the world with overwatch who review the demo and give their opinion; if enough people put down cheating (in this case aimhacking et cetera), they get banned. i've only seen a person get banned in the actual game once which would have been from reports earlier on; anyway, your comment ends in idiocy because it is up to the gaming community and either you should report him more or he isn't cheating - good luck laddy.
You clearly have no idea how overwatch and vac work if you think that reporting someone should get him immediately vac banned.
+1, overwatch is just a help, if VAC, cant reconize the hack
love this guys who get banned and try to make us believe they dont cheat. dude buy another account download wallhack again and go global offensive in matchmaking.
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