Overwatch Sombra

Overwatch Sombra


Sombra detects critically injured enemies through walls.
You detect critically injured enemies through walls.
Opportunist detects enemies below 50% health.
The silhouette has a glowing effect to it, different from other wall vision effects.
Reveals enemy health bars that are below 100% to Sombra only, without requiring Sombra to have dealt any damage to them.
Sombra’s fully-automatic machine pistol fires in a short-range spread.
8 seconds 4 seconds (Health Pack) 2 seconds (broken)
Sombra hacks enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents.
Enemies & B.O.B. : 5 seconds Health Packs: 60 seconds Other: 10 seconds
8 seconds 4 seconds (Health Pack) 2 seconds (broken)
Hold to hack. Hacked enemies cannot use abilities. Hacked health packs spawn faster but can't be used by enemies. Taking damage interrupts the hack attempt.
Taking damage interrupts Hack and it will go on a 2 second cooldown. If Hack is interrupted without taking any damage, it does not go on cooldown.
Barriers break line of sight instantly. Walls also break line of sight, but there is a brief grace period where Hack can continue.
Hacked enemies cannot activate their abilities . For passive abilities , Hack only disables the ones that require a button to press. For transformations, Hack cancels transformations from normal abilities, but not from ultimate abilities. Hack also turns off Lúcio 's song and disables Sigma 's barrier. Hack does not affect weapons .
Hacked enemies have their health bar revealed to Sombra's team for 20 seconds. If their ultimate ability is ready, an icon appears on top to show this.
Hacked Health Packs respawn four times faster—2.5 seconds for small Health Packs, 3.75 seconds for mega Health Packs—and can be seen through walls to all allies within 30 meters. Hacked Health Packs cannot be used by the enemy team.
Although healing from hacked Health Packs is treated as Sombra's, she does not gain any ultimate charge from it.
Health Packs cannot be hacked before the game starts.
Sombra cannot hack Health Packs that have already been hacked by an enemy Sombra.
Hack can also target the following: Ashe's B.O.B. , Baptiste's Immortality Field , Orisa's Supercharger , and Torbjörn's turret . With the exception of B.O.B., they are disabled for 10 seconds. Sombra cannot hack Symmetra's Sentry Turrets or teleporter normally, only with the use of EMP
Non-heroes that are hacked have a skull above them that drains over time. This represents the duration of the hack.
It is possible to target something that is already hacked. In that case, the duration resets.
Sombra becomes invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage.
0.75 seconds stealthing/unstealthing
While stealthed, Sombra cannot be targeted by auto-targeting attacks (e.g. turrets, Biotic Orb , Deadeye , etc.), unless Sombra is detected.
Sombra becomes detected if there is an enemy within 2 meters of her, or through abilities such as Sonic Arrow and Infra-Sight . In case of the former, only the nearby enemy detects Sombra, but in the case of the latter two, the entire enemy team detects Sombra. A "DETECTED!" message will appear at the top of Sombra's screen.
The cooldown triggers after the ability is deactivated.
Sound effect and voiceover distance is 15 meters.
Sombra tosses out a translocator beacon. She can instantly return to the beacon’s location while it is active (including when it’s in mid-flight).
Throw a beacon, then press E again to teleport to it. Press F to remove it.
Cooldown for Translocator begins immediately upon throwing it, or when it is destroyed.
Can be manually destroyed using the Interact key. Destroying it this way does not reset the cooldown.
The Translocator bounces off walls but not slopes.
Sombra has a very brief moment of invincibility upon translocating.
Sombra discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast.
10,000 against barriers and shields
0.35 second activation + 0.3 second recovery
Hack enemies and destroy enemy shields and barriers around you.
In addition to everything Hack can hack, EMP also hacks Symmetra's Sentry Turrets , Symmetra's Teleporter , and Wrecking Ball's Proximity Mines for 10 seconds. They must be within Sombra's line of sight, ignoring barriers.
EMP inflicts 10,000 damage to all barriers and shields in the area. EMP also destroys Baptiste's Amplification Matrix .
If Zarya projects a barrier on a target with shields (e.g. herself), the barrier protects the shields, but the target will still be hacked.
Unlike other ultimate abilities Sombra alerts her entire team regardless of distance from her that she had used her EMP. This is done by Sombra's image appearing in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to all allies accompanied by a radio transmission sounding "EMP activated."
Sombra cannot gain ultimate charge until after EMP wears off for enemy heroes.
Sombra receives a small vertical boost from activating EMP.

New Hero Option: Hack Sensitivity
Allows players to adjust the targeting sensitivity on Sombra’s Hack ability

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Sombra is a Damage hero in Overwatch .

Stealth and debilitating attacks make Sombra a powerful infiltrator. Her hacking can disrupt her enemies, ensuring they're easier to take out, while her EMP provides the upper hand against multiple foes at once. Sombra’s ability to Translocate and camouflage herself makes her a hard target to pin down. [3]

Stealth and debilitating attacks makes Sombra a powerful infiltrator. Her hacking can disrupt her enemies, ensuring that they're easier to take out, while her EMP provides the upper hand against multiple foes at once. Sombra’s ability to Translocate and camouflage herself makes her a hard target to pin down. She lacks alternative means of dealing damage, so using Opportunist and Hack can help even the odds between Sombra and her opponents.

One of the world's most notorious hackers, Sombra uses information to manipulate those in power. [3]

Sombra's skills include computer hacking and cryptography ; [4] these are activities she greatly enjoys, to the point where the desire to get past locks and solving mysteries is ingrained in her personality. [5] She is a known associate of Reaper , specializing in espionage and intelligence assessment. [6] [7] She is equipped with devices that allow hacking of technology just through touch. This includes a cybernetic graft implanted along her spine. [8] which basically makes her a living computer. [5] She is a loner emotionally, finding it difficult to make friends [9] (outside coercion). [10] Her personal calling card is a sugar skull. [1]

Long before she took up the alias "Sombra," Olivia Colomar was among the thousands of children who were left orphaned in the aftermath of the Omnic Crisis . With much of Mexico 's infrastructure destroyed, she survived by utilizing her natural gifts with hacking and computers. [3] She likewise proved adept at manipulating individuals to suit her own ends. [8]

After Colomar was taken in by Mexico's Los Muertos gang, she aided it in its self-styled revolution against the government, [3] performing hacks against said government on their behalf. [11] Los Muertos believed that the rebuilding of Mexico had primarily benefited the rich and the influential, leaving behind those who were most in need of assistance. [3] Commissioner Rivera was one such example, when she brought him a basket of bread straight to his desk, which gave her the opportunity to access his computer. She came to realize that knowledge was power, and so, she kept hacking—politicians, corporations, governments, [8] famous people; [5] all were in her domain of inquiry. The retrieval of information became an addiction, [8] and her hacks became more audacious over time. [5] Following her many conquests, Colomar was supremely confident in her skills, but she was caught unprepared when she stumbled into the web of a global conspiracy—one that had also noticed her. With her security irreparably compromised, Colomar was forced to delete all traces of her identity and went into hiding. [3]

Colomar received a cybernetic graft and re-emerged as "Sombra." In her words, "the girl was gone." [8] Determined to find out the truth behind the conspiracy she had uncovered [3] to "find out who really runs the world," [8] Sombra launched an even more audacious string of hacks, [3] initiating a world-wide hacking spree, [12] striking against governments, organizations, [1] and corporations such as LumériCo and Volskaya Industries . [5] Her exploits earned her no shortage of admirers, including Talon . She joined the organization's ranks and is believed to have contributed to its massive cyber-attacks against corporations with strong ties to their governments. [3] While in Talon, she met a combat medic named Baptiste, and over time, the two became close friends. While Baptiste ended up leaving Talon, she kept an eye on him, interested to see what her old friend was getting up to. [13]

A few days after the Overwatch recall order, Baptiste contacted Sombra. He requested her aid in contacting Dr. Angela Ziegler , to warn her that Talon might be targeting her. [14]

Still with Talon [3] Sombra worked with Los Muertos again, and was able to hack the website of LumériCo, posting claims that its CEO, Guillermo Portero , was plundering the riches of Mexico to fill his own purse, that he had corrupted the government, and wouldn't stop until the entire country was under his control. [15] Sombra was able to infiltrate Portero's personal email, and use it without Portero knowing about the intrusion. She sent out an email via Portero's own webmail, promising to unveil his "dirty laundry" to the public. [16] Sombra successfully released a number of internal documents to the public, catching the attention of both Mexican law enforcement and Atlas News . The documents indicated that Portero used the company's funds as his own piggy bank, that he was personally involved in bribing public officials and creating a system of kickbacks and payoffs beneficial to LumériCo, and finally, that he proposed a plan to seize privately held land via government expropriation to expand LumériCo's facilities throughout Mexico. The emails also showed that LumériCo was in conversations with the Vishkar Corporation , in regards to exporting its energy systems; a cause of concern given the company's actions in Rio de Janeiro .

Law enforcement categorized the break-ins as a criminal action, and Atlas News reported on the "Sombra collective," mistaking Colomar's identity as a group, not an individual. Sombra claimed that she was "only acting the public interest." [17] Her efforts incited a popular revolution in Mexico against LumériCo, [3] and pro-Sombra grafitti was reported across the world. Less than a week after the leak, Portero stepped down as CEO. By this point, Sombra was already hacking the network of her next target— Volskaya Industries . [18]

Sombra, with Widowmaker and Reaper , infiltrated Volskaya Industries to assassinate it's CEO, Katya Volskaya . Sombra deactivated the security alerts and turrets within the facility to allow Reaper and Widowmaker access. The mission appeared to go without a hitch, Widowmaker was unable to get a clear line of sight before the operation was interrupted by an alarm—one that Sombra had set off herself. Widowmaker held the perimeter while Reaper cleared the ground floor, he was unable to get to Katya in the elevator and was forced to confront a mech as she fled to safety. Sombra gave chase, killing and incapacitating Volskaya guards, until she made it into Katya's lock-downed office. While ostensibly there to kill the CEO, Sombra played a different game, revealing her intentions to be Katya's "friend." A friend with benefits, for if Katya helped her out from time to time, she wouldn't leak evidence that Katya had been receiving technology from omnics in order to help her country in the Second Omnic Crisis . Sombra also noted how exposure would affect "the future of Russia" while handing Katya the photo of her daughter from her desk, hinting at how the fallout of a scandal would impact her. [10] Sombra's motives for gaining Katya as an informant was to help her uncover the greater global conspiracy she had discovered. [1] As her security was nearly through with getting the door open, Katya agreed to the terms, and Sombra teleported out of the office, reporting to her comrades that the operation had failed. The Talon operatives returned to the ship, with only Sombra in good cheer. [10]

Sombra spent Christmas drinking at the bar in Calaveras . [19]

Classified documents found in LumériCo.

Newspaper article about Sombra strewn across Dorado.

A warning found on security terminals in LumériCo.

Newspaper article about global hacking spree in King's Row.

Numbani news ticker displaying hacking spree headline.

Updated terminal warnings in LumériCo.

Close up of Halloween Terror candies.
Early concept art of the Omniblade (left) and Sombra (right).
Early concept art of Sombra as a stealth hacker
Developer Comment: Sombra's gameplay usually involves a lot of time waiting for opportune moments to strike and using the Translocator to disengage at a safe distance. Speeding up her movement in Stealth should help get her back into the action more quickly.

Developer Comment: Having the Translocator cooldown begin right when it is thrown allows Sombra more flexibility in how she can use it. For example, she can now often redeploy it instantly after teleporting to it, or quickly destroy and reposition it while sneaking around. The cooldown has been increased to compensate for this change.

Developer Comment: Hack is a potent disabling ability with a long duration. Reducing the duration slightly will make it feel less oppressive as the hacked player without greatly reducing its effectiveness. The increased activation time on EMP allows for more time to react and opens up more counterplay opportunities for the opposing team.

Developer Comments: The cooldown on Hack often made it feel less effective to target health packs instead of players. This will make both health packs and players viable targets for hacking.

Developer Comments: The head changes are mostly a bug fix, as her head hit volume was abnormally large, especially from behind. Previously if you fired at her from behind near her upper spine, you could land a head shot. Now her head volume is much more accurate.

Developer Comments: These changes allow Sombra to more easily play as an infiltrator and scout for her team, as well as give her time to pick and choose when to reveal herself to ambush her enemies.

Developer Comments: We’re also removing the 0.1 second window of time during a hack where it couldn’t be canceled via line of sight or with other abilities including Tracer’s Recall and Zarya’s Particle Barrier, which was originally put in place so the hack wouldn’t be interrupted by small objects such as light posts. We’ve implemented a separate fix for that issue, so she should still be unaffected by those small objects.

Developer Comment: The goal of these changes for Sombra is to remove the necessity for her teammates to take damage and heal themselves with her hacked health packs to try to get her ultimate charged up quickly. Her ultimate will now come up less often, but there are more abilities that are disabled by Hack so it is more effective when used. Previously, Opportunist would only activate when an enemy’s health bar dipped below 50% but now the passive will reveal all damaged enemies which should help Sombra identify targets in her line of sight to pick off. Overall these changes should make her more effective and less reliant on her ultimate.

Developer Comments: Sombra can be devastating in the right hands, but infiltrating and harassing enemies could often feel difficult. These changes should increase her effectiveness and teamplay.

Developer Comments: Sombra often had difficulty hacking enemies, even
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Sombra | Overwatch Wiki | Fandom
Sombra (Overwatch) - Wikipedia
Sombra - Heroes - Overwatch
Overwatch: Sombra Ability Overview - YouTube
Overwatch - Sombra Boop - YouTube
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