Overwatch Roadhog

Overwatch Roadhog


Overwatch Roadhog
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Roadhog uses his signature Chain Hook to pull his enemies close before shredding them with blasts from his Scrap Gun. He’s hardy enough to withstand tremendous damage, and can recover his health with a short breather.
Roadhog's Scrap Gun fires short-range blasts of shrapnel with a wide spread. Alternatively, it can launch a shrapnel ball that detonates farther away, scattering metal fragments from the point of impact.
Roadhog restores a chunk of his health over a brief period of time.
Roadhog hurls his chain at a target; if it catches, he yanks them into close range.
After cramming a top-loader onto his Scrap Gun, Roadhog pours in ammo. For a short time, he can crank out a stream of shrapnel that knocks back enemies.

Roadhog | Overwatch Wiki | Fandom
Roadhog - Heroes - Overwatch
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Roadhog - Overwatch Guide
Roadhog Guide β€œSit down!” - Overwatch - Icy Veins


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From what I have seen of Roadhog in action, I can't buy into Roadhog being a ruthless killer/murderer considering evidence suggesting he is Junkrat's surrogate father. My minions have dredged up information from the depths of internet hell and so much more, Twitch livestreams and YouTube videos long since gone, or so old no one cares, creator/animator accounts, earlier Blizzard accounts, roleplayers, a stingy Homestucker, and someone who carries a Widowmaker body pillow around, and earlier Roadhog lines that were deleted shortly after they were released, (Suspicious Blizzard!), personal observations, and hacking a fired animators account. My head minion put up with more than the Little People in Cirque du Freak! Audio clips from Mako strung together in the correct order and context make what seems to be a proud, near-fatherly speech from a surrogate father to a son who has done so much. Who is that son, you ask? Junkrat, or Jamison Fawkes. Think about it. Inter-character interactions, jokes, Junkrat's personality, Roadhog's behavior, dialog interactions, even the way their ages line up: Mako Rutledge is 48 years of age. Jamison Fawkes is 24 years of age. Literally half of Mako's age. Again I am going to ask you to use your wonderful beautifully built brains to think about this: Mako, fresh from the explosion that rocked Australia and changed everything, comes back to Junkertown, finds a little boy, orphaned, angry, and looking to belong, possibly mocked and made fun of for having no parents, and in Jamison, sees a portion of himself, and in spite of having lost everything, in spite of a deep-seated fear Jamison will die like everyone else, he takes Jamison in. He treats him like a son. He grows to love him as if he were his son. Flash-forward to today. The behavior between the two is still screaming a father-son relationship. That's not even the big bombshell. That was just the warm up. Due to shocking evidence my head minion dredged up, Mako may have been a family man, a wife and kids. In a small short, Jamison asks, "Ey, Roadhog, did ya ever have kids? If so, what was it like?" Roadhog pauses for a minute, and says, "It was... Fulfilling." Roadhog has made jokes about kids, even going so far as to say, "Even when kids are just leaving to walk, if you're taking care of five others, they can still outrun you. Just a fair warning." In an early interaction , Junkrat says, "Aren't anklebiters cute?" Talking about D. Va, D. Vs shouts, "Hey! I'm 21!" Roadhog whispers, "Not at 3 a.m. when there's nightmares or diapers to deal with." And so, with all this information laid at your feet, it up to you, the devoted fan and the kind reader, to decide what you believe. Is Mako Rutledge, the man behind the mask, the murderer you see on the surface? Or is there more to this masked man than a hook and a gun? That's up to you to decide.

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