Overwatch Notes

Overwatch Notes


Overwatch Notes

Our newest Free-For-All Map is Malevento , a peaceful Italian hilltop town with a cursed past!
Battle along the cliff's edge for dominance of the majestic Duomo di Malevento. Circle your opponents beneath the mournful stone eyes of Caterina Pastore, a Renaissance painter with a tragic past, or plot the downfall of your enemies in the mysterious safe house.
Will you find victory in these twisting streets, or will the curse of Malevento claim you too?

Fixed bug where similar text characters in game codes wouldn't be treated as the same
Fixed bug where Author name would sometimes not properly load
Fixed issue where some error text would not display properly
Fixed issue where Author level wouldn't always show properly on the Popular tab

Feature Update: Custom Games Browser
Previously, it was difficult for players to keep track of the ever-growing collection of player-created game modes. The Custom Game Browser’s new tabs give these modes a chance to shine. The Popular tab shows off some of the most-played modes as well as modes that have started to trend. The Favorites tab lets you build a personal collection of modes -- just select the star icon next to any mode you’d like to see in this list. The Recent tab shows modes that you have recently played. Finally, the All Games tab gives you the standard, familiar list of lobbies. We've also added the ability to search for lobbies by share code.
In order to help identify modes, we’ve added a new Mode Name setting right above the Description in Custom Game Settings. This Mode Name will be used to represent modes in the Custom Game Browser tabs. Creators are encouraged to reupload their modes with Mode Name filled out. (If it isn’t filled out, the share code itself is displayed instead.)
Since these new features are being used by the public for the first time, we may need to make adjustments to how the Popular tab chooses its modes. If you notice that the Popular tab isn’t showing the modes that you might expect, please be patient with us as we tune the feature to present the best collection of modes that we can.
We’re excited about the possibilities these new features will bring to Custom Games, and we’ll be watching and listening to your feedback to improve the Custom Game Browser experience.
Upcoming heroes and maps are tested on the Public Test Region (PTR) before official launch (PC only).

Fixed some crashes
Fixed a bug where the hero info screen could get locked over the in-game screen

Welcome to the Overwatch 2 PvP Beta!

New weapon fire audio for all heroes

New “Convolution Reverb” System – more realistic environments
3D Reverb – can hear the environment your enemies are shooting in, giving more
gameplay information
Weapon and Explosion Tails –decaying of weapons and explosions now reflect the
environment in which they occur
Debris Updates – a more complete pass to have weapon impacts and explosions react to the surface that they impact
Whiz-by Updates - new bullet pass by audio for ballistic weapons
Speed of sound adjustments for very long-range impacts and explosions

Added a "Kill Stinger” sound for final blows
Added a “Teammate Down” sound to help you know when you lose a teammate in

Performed a consistency pass across all damage sounds
Added different impact sound for different types of health (regular, armor, shields,

Enhanced use of the subwoofer/LFE channel
Enhanced multi-channel panning

Teammate and Enemy Eliminated optional sounds
There are two new settings in the sound options to turn on sound when a teammate or an enemy are eliminated

Visual updates to some Hero HUD items and in-game HUD elements
Some elements of the HUD have not been addressed yet

Temporary Shield and Armor health pools have been combined into Overhealth, with no special attributes
Overhealth no longer provides Ultimate charge when damaged
Base Armor health pools reduce incoming damage by 30%
Base Armor no longer mitigates damage by the previous flat amount of –5 damage per hit
Armor damage reduction now applies equally to all sources including damage over time effects and beams

Phase effects no longer clear the Zarya Graviton Surge or Sigma Gravitic Flux movement restriction effects

E.g., Reaper can still use Wraith Form while in Graviton Surge to prevent damage but can’t walk out of it

Mei Cryo-Freeze no longer removes Sigma’s Gravitic Flux effect
Sombra Hack effect is now removed by phase effects

Damage reduced from 6 to 5 per pellet
Ammo regeneration rate increased from once every 0.65 seconds to 0.4 seconds

Impact damage range reduced from 50 - 100 to 15 - 30 damage
Wall slam damage range reduced from 50 - 150 to 20 - 40 damage
Maximum charge up time reduced from 1.4 to 1.0 seconds
Impacting a target now causes a secondary larger cone area check to grab extra targets to potentially knock them back as well

New Ability 2
Enter a blocking stance, reducing damage taken from the front by 90%
Blocking at least 100 damage causes Doomfist’s gauntlet to become supercharged, empowering the next Rocket Punch in the following ways:

Increases damage by 50%
Travels 50% faster and further
The area-of-effect blast that knocks back additional targets is twice as large
Targets impacting a wall will be stunned for an additional 0.5 to 1.0 seconds, depending on charge amount

Moved from Ability 2 to Ability 1
Now launches Doomfist into the air in the direction the player is aiming
Creates a wide arc shockwave upon landing, dealing 50 damage and slowing enemy movement speed by 30%
No longer has different behavior between being activated in the air or on the ground
No longer pulls in enemies
Can be canceled by pressing the ability key again

Damage range reduced from 15 - 200 to 15 - 100
Impact damage at the center 1 meter radius unchanged from 300 damage
Knockback removed
Now additionally slows the movement speed of all enemies hit by 50% for 2 seconds
Cast time reduced from 1.0 to 0.5 seconds

Base Health increased from 300 to 450
Base Armor reduced from 300 to 200

Primary Fire movement penalty reduced from 50% to 40%
Weapon spread reduced from 4 to 3.5

Base armor increased from 200 to 250
Base health increased from 200 to 250

New Primary Fire
Now rapidly fires 10 plasma projectiles per second
Projectiles start out large and shrink as they travel
Damage starts at 10.5 and scales down to 4 damage over 35 meters
Uses a heat mechanic instead of ammo

Firing the weapon increases heat, and it cools down while not firing
If the weapon overheats, a forced release of heat prevents the weapon from being fired for 3 seconds

New Secondary Fire
Orisa throws a spear forward, impacting the first enemy in its path
Deals 80 damage
Stuns enemies for 0.2 seconds and knocks them back 6 meters
If the enemy collides with a wall while being knocked back, they take 40 more damage and are stunned an additional 0.3 seconds

Now slows Orisa’s movement speed by 20% while active
Now provides 125 extra health while active
Reduces heat generation from Orisa’s weapon by 50% while active
Duration increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds

New Ability 2
Orisa rapidly spins a spear for 1.75 seconds, destroying incoming projectiles
Increases forward movement speed by 60% while active and by 20% for 2 seconds after the spinning ends
Rapidly damages enemies in her path, dealing up to 90 damage and constantly knocking them back

New Ultimate Ability
Orisa pulls in nearby enemies and becomes fortified, charging up an area-of-effect attack over 4 seconds. Releasing the charge deals up to 225 damage based on how long it was channeled
While charging, deals minor damage over time and slows nearby enemy movement speed by 30%

Health reduced from 1600 to 1200
Regeneration rate reduced from 200 to 144 health per second

Steering turn rate increased by 50%
Can now be manually cancelled
Charge Pin wall impact damage reduced from 300 to 225
Cooldown from 10 to 8 seconds

Now has 2 ability charges
Damage reduced from 100 to 90

Base health increased from 600 to 700

Total healing increased from 300 to 350 health

Base shields increased from 100 to 200

Barrier regeneration rate reduced from 120 to 100

Base armor increased from 150 to 200

New Secondary Fire
Hold Secondary Fire to charge, release to fire a 30-meter range jolt of electricity
Deals up to 50 damage
Costs up to 20 ammo

Barrier Projector health increased from 650 to 800
Barrier Projector duration reduced from 9 to 8 seconds
Cooldown reduced from 13 to 12 seconds

Base armor increased from 100 to 150
Base health increased from 500 to 550

Radius increased from 8 to 10 meters
Health gained per target increased from 75 to 100 health

Base health increased from 200 to 250
Base shields increased from 200 to 225

Particle Barrier now has a 10 second cooldown on a shared 2 charge system with Projected Barrier
Cooldown now begins immediately on ability use instead of when the barrier has expired
Barrier's duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds

Projected Barrier now has a 10 second cooldown on a shared 2 charge system with Particle Barrier
Cooldown now begins immediately on ability use instead of when the barrier has expired
Barrier's duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
Barrier targets cannot be targeted again by the ability for 2 seconds

Energy degeneration increased from 1.8 to 2.2 per second

BOB base health reduced from 1200 to 1000

Weapon damage increased from 20 to 25
Fire rate reduced from 8 to 5 shots per second
Weapon spread removed
Ammo reduced from 35 to 25

Renamed from Configuration: Sentry
Bastion is now able to move in this form at 35% reduced movement speed
Now has a 6-second duration and 12-second cooldown
Now has infinite ammo for its duration
Weapon spread is now a constant 2 degrees and no longer becomes more accurate as you fire
Damage reduced from 15 to 12

New Secondary Fire
Launches a grenade that can bounce off walls but sticks to players or the ground. It explodes after a short delay, dealing up to 130 damage

Locks Bastion into place to fire up to 3 long range artillery shells
These shells deal high damage in a large area, but the damage falloff is significant
The projectiles come straight down from the air at the targeted locations, but they are projectiles in every other sense and can be blocked or destroyed by abilities

Secondary fire “Fan the Hammer” fire rate increased by around 7.5%

Throws a grenade that can stick to enemies
Automatically homes in on an enemy close to the reticle when thrown within 10 meters of the target and can chase up to 13 meters
Deals 131 damage split between: 1 impact damage, 65 explosion damage, and an additional 65 damage to the stuck target at the time of detonation

Now grants 40% damage reduction while channeling the Ultimate
Damage now builds at 130 damage-per-second for the first 2 seconds and then at 260 damage-per-second for the remaining duration
Maximum duration increased from 6 to 7 seconds
Ultimate cost increased by 10%

Maximum damage-per-second reduced from 200 to 175

Echo copies the target’s combined health value including health, armor, and shields up to total of 300 health

E.g., A duplicated Tracer will have 150 health and a Reinhardt will have 300 health

No longer prevents all movement for its target
Now slows its target by 65% until they reach its max chain length, then it breaks
Still prevents movement abilities from being activated
Damage increased from 80 to 100
Projectile speed increased from 10 to 17

Freeze stun removed
Immediately slows targets by a constant 50% instead of building up over time
Slow duration reduced from 1.0 to 0.5 seconds
Damage-per-second increased from 55 to 100
Ammo increased from 120 to 150

No longer removes Sigma Gravitic Flux effect

Pillar health reduced from 400 to 250
Range reduced from 35 to 20 meters

Damage per pellet reduced from 6 to 5.4
Spread increased from 6 to 8

Rapid firing projectiles that generate energy on hit

High impact shot that consumes stored energy

Launch an energy burst that snares and deals damage to enemies within it

Ground slide that can cancel into a high jump

Ultimate Ability
Railgun energy auto-charges for a short duration and shots pierce enemies

Damage reduced from 8 to 7
Spread reduced by 10%

Cooldown reduced from 8 to 4 seconds
Cooldown is no longer reduced when hacking health packs
Cast time increased from 0.65 to 0.85 seconds
Health pack hack duration reduced from 60 to 30 seconds
Ability lock duration reduced from 5 to 1 second
Reveals hacked enemies through walls to Sombra's team for 8 seconds
Interrupting Hack during the channel time now incurs the full cooldown
Stun duration on Bob reduced from 5 to 2 seconds
Now destroys Baptiste’s Immortality Field when it is hacked

Fade-in time reduced by 50%
Enemy detection radius increased from 2 to 4 meters
Can now use Hack during Stealth without ending the Stealth ability, but is revealed to enemies while hacking and for 0.75 seconds after hacking

Damage dealt to hacked targets is now increased by 40%

In addition to hacking them, now also deals 40% of current health as damage to enemies
No longer deals additional damage to base shield health pools

EMP still deals massive damage to barriers

Base health increased from 175 to 200

Cooldown increased from 12 to 15 seconds

Primary fire minimum falloff range reduced from 25 to 20 meters

Total healing increased from 75 to 100 health

No longer stuns enemies
Cooldown reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
Distance travelled increased from 7 to 12 meters
Movement is no longer stopped when impacting barriers
Damage increased from 1 to 50

Now also triggers from Shield Bash damage

Now increased the Support passive healing by 50%

Welcome to the Overwatch 2 PvP Beta! We have a fresh lineup of heroes, new maps and game modes, 5v5 multiplayer, and more! Please keep in mind that everything you see in the beta is a work in progress. It's important for us to gather valuable feedback and insight from our players, so things are likely going to evolve throughout the beta phases. You may notice some features from Overwatch are absent in the beta. This reflects the game's current work in progress state, and it will change throughout testing! We appreciate everyone's interest, and we can't wait to share more.
To share general beta feedback, please post in the General Beta Feedback forum.
If you encounter any bugs or issues, please share in the Beta Bug Report forum.
You can also share feedback on specific forum topics such as 5v5 , Push , Hero Reworks , New Maps , and Sojourn .
Push is a new game mode available on two brand-new maps: Toronto and Rome. Gameplay unfolds with two opposing teams fighting over control of a single shared objective, the Treadweather TS-1 Large Utility Robot, that starts in the middle of the map.
Each team fights to take control of TS-1 as they would a payload: by having teammates located next to TS-1 with no enemies nearby. When a team takes control of TS-1, it slowly pushes their team’s barricade towards the opposing team’s start location along the predetermined path. If TS-1 and the barricade reach the goal at the end of the path, then the team controlling TS-1 wins the game.
When the opposing team takes control of TS-1, it leaves the first team’s barricade in place and reverses its direction. TS-1 then quickly moves back along the path until it reaches the opposing team’s barricade, which then pushes towards the first team’s spawn.
Midway between TS-1’s starting location and each team’s end goal, there is a forward checkpoint objective along the path. When TS-1 pushes a team’s barricade to their forward checkpoint, that team activates a closer respawn location. This respawn location deactivates if the other team retakes control of TS-1, then moves TS-1 to a point on the path before the forward checkpoint.
Players have 8 minutes to push their team’s barricade to the end goal and win. If neither team’s barricade reaches its end goal after 8 minutes, then the team who pushed their barricade the farthest distance AND has control of TS-1 wins. The game enters overtime if control of TS-1 is contested, or the team who currently has control of TS-1 does not have the farthest distance pushed. Overtime ends when the team with TS-1 loses control of it, or when the team with control of TS-1 pushes their barricade to a distance exceeding the opposition’s.
With the addition of the Push game mode and its new maps to Overwatch, we’ve decided to remove all the maps using the Assault game mode from both the Quick Play and Competitive map rotations.
After examining all our maps and game modes, we noted that the Assault game mode has always been a source of discontent for many members of our community. We believe many of the issues for the Assault maps could only be solved by making major changes to the game mode and major reworks to the maps, resulting in complete level rebuilds. We’ve shifted our focus to create maps in exciting new locations across the world such as Toronto and Rome.
Although Assault maps will no longer be in standard rotations, all Assault maps (Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya, Paris, and Horizon Lunar Colony) will still be available for use in custom games and the workshop. We’ll also look for future opportunities to bring them back into Quick and Competitive map rotations, as well as special events and arcade game modes.
For the Quick Play and Competitive Role Queue modes, the team composition now consists of 1 Tank, 2 Support, and 2 Damage heroes. For Quick Play Classic, Open Role Queue, and arcade modes such as CTF or Mystery Heroes, the number of players on a team is now 5 instead of 6.
With one fewer player on each side, individual contribution means more to the overall success of the team. Fewer players on the map also changes gameplay in a host of positive and sometimes subtle ways. Players have more space to spread out, and the battlefield is easier to understand with fewer visual effects and sounds happening around you.
The removal of one Tank hero in restricted role queues has allowed us to rework all our Tank heroes to be even more impactful and fun to play. This change increases gameplay clarity for all hero roles, and makes matches play more fluidly.
We’re making a large change to the Scoreboard screen by displaying key statistics in real time for all the players in the game, including eliminations and deaths. They’ll be presented in a new layout that mirrors other competitive games and sports. This new layout should provide players with an overall more accurate view of the game.
As a result of this change, we are retiring the Fire and Medal systems. Both systems are no longer as necessary with the new Scoreboard providing a more accurate and easier to read view of each player’s performance-related data. We do plan on revisiting the Fire system in the future, as it can provide excitement and pos
Cabelas Outdoor
Jack Wolfskin Outdoor
You Big Fat White Nasty

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