Overwatch Mercy Quotes

Overwatch Mercy Quotes


I've got you, Brigitte. (When used on Brigitte)
Taking care of you, Brigitte. (When used on Brigitte)
Der Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei! (hostile)
Heroes never die! (self and friendly)
Always consult your doctor before engaging in strenuous activity.
I'll enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
A moment to enjoy some peace and quiet... probably just a moment, though.
Must violence always be the solution?
Well, I suppose I'll be patching you up as usual.
Keep an eye on your health and call for me if you need assistance.
Take a deep breath. Now, let's achieve our objectives!
Ahh... The wonders of modern medicine.
Immer unterbricht mich jemand bei der Arbeit.
I am operating at peak performance levels.
We could all use a helping hand sometime!
Enemy turret ahead. Watch yourselves!
Our time is running out, everyone get on defense.
Let’s get the payload moving again.
We need to keep the payload moving forward.
I am in possession of the enemy flag.
Our flag has been taken, recover it!
Our flag is free. Someone return it.
Recovering our flag and sending it back to base.
There's no prescription to treat what you have.
Auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn, wie fest tut es weh?
Ich kann keine Wunder wirken! Na ja... meistens nicht.
Now this must be a surprise to you.
You might not want to tell your friends about that.
Another patient for my operating table.
Damn it! I couldn't get there in time.
I can see I'll have my work cut out for me.
Start a fight and this is what happens.
Noch ein Patient für meinen OP-Tisch.
(Friendly Genji is eliminated) Genji... I was too late!
(Attack) We need to move the payload.
(Enemy Flag) Attack the Enemy Flag.
My ultimate is ready. Go, I'll be watching over you.
I'm not a miracle worker. Well... Not always.
On a scale of one to ten, how is your pain?
Take two, and call me in the morning.
Would you like the sponge or the spray?
Halloween Terror (2016) Exclusive 25
Halloween Terror (2017) Exclusive 25
Halloween Terror (2019) Exclusive 25
Winter Wonderland (2016) Exclusive 25
Winter Wonderland (2017) Exclusive 25
Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother.
You really should take better care of yourself.
I have the distinct feeling that I'm needed somewhere.
Mercy: You know, Ana... there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.
Ana: You're very kind, but I'm comfortable with who I am now. It's a good reminder.
Mercy: Ana. I don't approve of what you've done with my biotic technology.
Ana: I'm sorry you feel that way, but it suits my purposes now.
Baptiste: It's good to be working with you again, Dr. Ziegler.
Mercy: And under better circumstances, too.
Mercy: Ah, you’re here. It’s good to have backup.
Baptiste: Always glad to lend you a hand, Dr. Ziegler.
Brigitte: Angela! It's so strange to see you in your armor!
Mercy: I could say the same for you!
Mercy: You seem well, Genji.
Genji: I am a different man now. I am whole.
Genji: Angela, what did you wish for on your tanzaku?
Mercy: If I tell you... Does it mean it won't come true?
Genji: This reminds me of our time on base in Switzerland.
Mercy: You were the only one who stayed up so late. I enjoyed our conversations.
Mercy (on Hanamura): I got you some chocolates, Genji. Swiss, they're the best!
Genji: Thank you, Angela. Perhaps you could share them with me?
Genji : Angela, I have some chocolates for you. ...Not Swiss.
Mercy: *sigh* I suppose it will have to do. Thank you, Genji.
Mercy: Lucio, I never realized your father was the one who invented Vishkar's sonic technology.
Lucio: The Core Tech was his life's work, owned and patented by Vishkar. But it's mine now.
Mercy: You know, smoking's bad for your health.
McCree: Well, I have faith you can get me patched back up, doc.
Mercy: Mei, you haven't aged a day. What's your secret?
Mei: Cryostasis. But I'm not sure if I'd recommend it.
Mei: Doctor Ziegler, I don't think you've aged a day since I last saw you.
Mercy: And neither have you, Mei.
Mei (on Volskaya Industries): Look at all the snow! We should make snow angels!
Mercy: Why are you looking at me, Mei?
Mercy: Describing your work as unethical would be a kindness.
Moira: But the true question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries... No. I didn't think so.
Moira: I know we have our differences, but your brilliant mind would be welcome amongst my colleagues in Oasis.
Mercy: No thank you. You and your colleagues discredit the field of science. I want nothing to do with it.
Mercy: Keep the skies clear for me.
Pharah: Let's keep the skies clear together!
Mercy: Pharah, your mother always hoped you'd follow in her footsteps.
Pharah: She did? Funny, she never mentioned that to me.
Mercy: Pharah, If your mother could see you now I'd think she be proud of you!
Pharah: There's a first time for everything, I guess.
Mercy: What happened to you?
Reaper: You tell me, Doc.
Mercy: Reinhardt, don't you think it's time you hung it up? You're not getting any younger.
Reinhardt: Never! I will fight to my last breath.
Mercy: Reinhardt. I don't approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures.
Reinhardt: Brigitte has made her choice. I would have her at my side.
Mercy: Reinhardt, what are your plans for the holidays?
Reinhardt: I'll probably visit Torbjörn's family in Gothenburg, like the last few years.
Torbjörn: Doc, I've been having the worst headaches.
Mercy: I've always said you should get your head examined.
Mercy: Reinhardt. I don't approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures.
Torbjörn: Angela, you should know that no one could stop Brigitte from doing something she had her mind set on. She is a Lindholm after all.
Mercy: *sighs* Torbjörn, I miss Ingrid's apple pie at the holidays.
Torbjörn: *chuckles* Well, it just so happens she has some saved for you.
Mercy: Tracer you should be careful, we don't know the side-effects of using the chronal accelerator.
Tracer: Don't worry Dr. Ziegler, if I get in trouble, I'll just recall!
Mercy: Winston, are you experiencing any issues with your genetic therapy?
Winston: Other than a crippling addiction to peanut butter?
Mercy: Zenyatta, I must admit, I do not understand how your healing works.
Zenyatta: And I do not understand much of how you heal, Dr. Ziegler. I suppose we must all take some things on faith.
Deh deh deh deh deh, do, do do do do, rum-pum-rum-pum do do do do do do... I love this song!
I'm a dancing doctor, dancing doctor, I'm a dancing doctor, I'm a dancing doctor, yoohoo! Hoi zäme!
La la la la la la, do do do do do! Gesangszeit! La la la! Yeah! Super!
I'm not used to state-of-the-art facilities these days.
Overwatch was shut down for a reason. Maybe it's best it stay that way.
(looking through telescope) It all seems so peaceful from up here.
They used to believe that witches lived in these woods. Ridiculous, isn't it?
(To Ana) I could restore your sight. My price would only be a very small thing.
(To Hanzo) You believe your brother is dead, archer... but he lives.
(To McCree) What would you give me were I to heal your arm, gunslinger?
(To Soldier: 76) What if I gave you the chance to undo the choices you've made?
Eradicator spotted! Proceed with caution!
Detonator spotted! We need to keep that at bay!
(Torbjörn) Torbjörn needs to be revived.
(reviving Tracer) The commander would never forgive me if I lost you on our first mission.
(reviving Torbjörn) Get up, Torbjörn, you're not going to die that easily.
(reviving Reinhardt) No lying down on the job, Lieutenant.
(Hacking first point)
Beginning the hack. Stay near the terminal while it's in progress.
Hack underway.
(Hacking stalled) Someone needs to get back to the terminal.
(2 OR14s eliminated)
Just a few more to go. Don't worry, I'll keep you all in the fight.
Just a couple of targets left. Let's take them out quickly!
(3 OR14s emilinated) This is the last one! There's no time to lose!
Heroes never die!... for a price. (friendly)
I still have use for you. (friendly)
Maintaining the damage enchantment.
I'm on fire, but this witch doesn't burn.
Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.
Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.
Amplifying biotic stream! (friendly)
Valkyrie-Kampfprozeduren aktiviert! (hostile)
I will watch over you! (self and friendly)
I am ready to revive you.
I am ready to resurrect you.
These are unused voice lines that are either no longer being used in the game or were never used.
Dr. Junkenstein... remember the price agreed upon.
Bitte nennen Sie die Art des medizinischen Notfalls.
Du solltest nicht jedes Mal kämpfen bis der Arzt kommt.
Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
Take two aspirin, and call me in the morning.
The doctor will see you now. (variant)
I don't do this for the reward, but I won't turn it down either.
Remember, we are here to save lives.
War is a tragedy, we must always strive to repair.
All I ever wanted is to save lives.
Helping those in need is its own reward.
If we succeed here we will be victorious.
This may be used for when Mercy is on fire.
These may be used for when Mercy is under a negative status effect.
It is not over yet, we can turn this around.
I've learned a lot from my experiences.
This is our opportunity, let's not let it go to waste.
These lines may be used when the ally team achieves a Team Kill.
Our enemies are down, we have a distinct tactical advantage.
Victory does not come easily, but now we have a chance.
We've made the first step, now let's go for victory.
We need to gather together before we can continue.
These lines may be used for the Archives events.
One of our allies need to be revived.
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Mercy: You know, Ana, there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.
Ana: You're very kind, but I'm comfortable with who I am now. It's a good reminder.
Mercy: Ana. I don't approve of what you've done with my biotic technology.
Ana: I'm sorry you feel that way, but it suits my purposes now.
Mercy: You seem well, Genji.
Genji: I am a different man now. I am whole. / I am a different person now, Angela. I am at home.
Mercy: I got you some chocolates today, Genji. Swiss. They're the best!
Genji: Thank you Angela. Perhaps you could share them with me?
Genji: Angela, I have some chocolates for you....not Swiss.
Mercy: [sigh] I suppose they will have to do. Thank you Genji.
Mercy: You know, smoking's bad for your health.
McCree: Well, I have faith you can patch me back up, doc.
Mercy: Mei, you haven't aged a day. What's your secret?
Mei: Cryostasis, but I'm not sure if I'd recommend it.
Mei: Doctor Ziegler, I don't think you've aged a day since I last saw you.
Mercy: And neither have you, Mei.
Mercy: Your mother always wanted you to follow in her footsteps.
Pharah: She did? Funny, she never mentioned that to me.
Mercy: Keep the skies clear for me.
Pharah: Let's keep the skies clear together!
Mercy: Pharah, If your mother could see you now I'd think she be proud of you!
Pharah: There's a first time for everything, I guess.
Mercy: What happened to you?
Reaper: You tell me, doc.
Mercy: Reinhardt, don't you think it's time to hang it up? You aren't getting any younger.
Reinhardt: Never! I will fight until my last breath.
Mercy: Reinhardt, I don't approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures.
Reinhardt: Brigitte has made her choice. I would have her at my side.
Mercy: Winston, are you experiencing any issues with your genetic therapy?
Winston: Other than a crippling addiction to peanut butter?
Brigitte: Angela! It’s so strange to see you in your armor.
Mercy: I could say the same for you!
Mercy: Describing your work as unethical would be a kindness.
Moira: But the real question is whether or not you can deny my discoveries. No, I didn’t think so.
"Always consult your doctor before engaging in strenuous activity."
"Damn it, I couldn’t get there in time."
"Don’t thank me, just doing my job."
"I can see I’ll have my work cut out for me."
"I don’t do this for the reward but I won’t turn it down either."
"I have the distinct feeling I’m needed somewhere."
I’ve learned a lot from my experiences.
Now this must be a surprise to you.
Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
"Would you like my professional opinion?"
"You might not want to tell your friends about that."
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