Overwatch Love

Overwatch Love


Overwatch Love
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Carl " Love " Thomasson (born July 25, 2003) is a Swedish player who is currently playing for 4th Dimension .

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Contenders 2021 EU Season 3 - October
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Overwatch Contenders 2020: The Gauntlet: Europe - Open Qualifier
Contenders 2020 EU Season 2 - September
Contenders 2020 EU Season 2 - August

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Slow down time, rain destruction from above in a jet-powered armor suit, or pilot a superpowered hamster ball: In Overwatch, every hero has a unique set of devastating abilities.
An evolutionary robot programmed with rapidly adapting artificial intelligence, Echo represents the cutting edge of technology.

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What is this a group only open to one memeber which happens to be the founder... so basically this is not a group

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Idle hands are the devil's workshop
Subreddit for all things Overwatch™, the team-based shooter from Blizzard Entertainment.
Really, it’s that simple. I love the characters. I love the maps. I love the team play, the counters, the thrill of winning, the demoralizing losses, I love it all.
Lately I feel like people have been shitting on this game. I keep hearing “______ is the reason Overwatch sucks now,” or I hear “I’m not having fun anymore.”
I get it. The game is almost 3 years old, and there are newer titles to play. That’s fine! However, this game is still incredible. I still enjoy playing it more than any other FPS.
I think the inherit issue is that the best part of the game is also the worst. It’s team based. When you solo queue, you have no idea what’s in store. Sometimes you’re on a team and everyone plays in harmony and it’s glorious. The flip side is when you get a team that can’t work together despite folks best efforts. You can’t win on your own, and unless you’re in a six stack, you can determine what’s in store.
Sometimes I also feel like people want this game to be different. To that I say, it is. Blizzard constantly tries to change the meta. New characters like Brigitte and Baptiste can completely transform the game. If you’re looking for completely new gameplay, you’re probably in the wrong place. The game is 3 years old.
I don’t know what I’m trying to accomplish by this post, but I just have to fight a narrative to what I feel is recent negativity.
Thank you Blizzard for a great game. Thank you to my great teammates, and the awful trolls. Keep up the great work.
It's good to hear input from the other side of the street. I enjoy immensely still but also see why it gets so much hate. It's easy to feel like you're playing right and if everyone else played the same, the game would go so smooth, but it's natural to blame everyone but ourselves.
I probably get to play more than others, so saying I've got my $60 worth because of constant love and content Blizzard gives it (despite how bad everyone says they are at fixes), I couldn't hope for a better game. The teamwork isn't intuitive, so it takes dedication and cooperation from people who might not want to play that way.
People just want to win the majority of the time, and that's generally not going to happen in any PvP game.
Use LFG and keep a positive attitude even when you're losing and you'll find you can turn a bad game around a lot more. Most of my main heroes across my accounts are in the 60% range since I started applying PMA to my comp games regardless of how shitty they are.
I don’t think the game is dying any more than other games, but once they add a map creator the game is secured to live forever.
I don't think they'll ever do that. Blizzard games are top notch quality, they really care about that. Letting people create shitty unbalanced maps won't happen. It's kinda like Apple's philosophy, they focus on quality and giving a controlled experience rather than letting the user have 1000 options/ways of doing things.
I'm not sure they can add a map creator. The engine sounds pretty rough to work in. I remember hearing once that light maps are custom placed for all the maps which is why they don't have randomized time of day settings despite player requests.
Devs can and will work in really crappy tools to make great games happen (One of the dev team from World of Warcraft wrote a book about the journey to launch for WoW, the tools they had were horrible!), but providing those tools out to the general public as is would result in some pretty rough blowback.
I think the game is growing more and more every day. Case in point look at the investments being made in OWL from S1 to S2.
Overwatch is one of the best video games ever made and I say with no hesitation. Of course it has its flaws and gets a little stale after playing for 600 hours but the overall concept and execution of the game is so well done.
From the diverse cast, to the beautiful environments, to the interesting and variable gameplay, I really can't find another game like it.
The main thing for me that I like to praise is how they changed typical FPS so much. This game is nothing like e.g. CoD even tho both are "FPS". It's way more fun, I don't die every 2 seconds, I actually get to play the game and make big plays sometimes even tho I'm a gold nub.
Also notice how Overwatch has way more female players than other games, specially other FPS games. It's not that I care so much about including female players, but it confirms to me that this game is really different than most FPS games.
I also love it too! So much. I've never ever been a fan of FPS, but I love how Overwatch has so many different characters that almost anyone can play it! Of course I get frustrated like anyone else but for the most part it's easily one of my favorite games. :)
I'm another one that loves Overwatch, as well!
I love the characters: from their character bios to their designs. The maps are amazing with great detail to boot. I really enjoy the lore and appreciate the dedication to creating the lore. I enjoy the real-world following of Overwatch outside the game itself: from meeting like-minded people who like certain characters to the friendly rivalries I have with others in OWL.
I honestly play the game everyday, for what time I get to play anyways. It's my Getaway/chill time /fun time from my usual busy life. It's sometimes the only time I get to spend with friends who are just as busy me or maybe we all just want to team up, have some fun and play our favorites... and maybe get a lootbox or a couple.
Sure it has it's problems, but seriously what doesn't these days Someone's being a total "back-end of a horse" to me/my teammates/everyone? Okè, let me take a moment and file a report and block you.
Whatever the "meta" is now is "running" the game? Well, that happens, maybe I can understand it or I can go have fun the arcade and try again later.
Got a technical issue? Blizzard has never failed me once, with their e-mail assistance or tweet solutions.
It's literally one of my top favorite games now and I don't see that ever changing and yeah, I still have the same amount of fun from when I received that game box, popped in the disc, and logged in.
It’s far from perfect and definitely has its flaws, but when you get right down to it, Overwatch is just fun as hell.
And having such a large roster of diverse characters is great, something most games can’t say.
What really could be worked on is making the game feel like a first person shooter again. Characters like brig and Hammond really are so different that they seem to be pushing out standard shooter characters out. This has been realized by blizz though because both of the last two hero’s released have been hitscan heroes that have b en very balanced.
People want a campaign but I think they’d have to create a whole new game for that and honestly all I care about is balancing and new characters and new maps. But in order of importance balancing, new characters, new maps.
hmm I never really thought of that. If Blizzard adds a proper multiplayer campaign to this game instead of releasing a new game, that would probably be so much fun and would add more players to the community, maybe some people will be drawn in by the campaign then like it and stick for PvP multiplayer.
It would be so much fun to fight those giant robots on Volskaya Industries with a team.

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