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Hello, just wanted to ask if any of you guys play both League of Legends and Overwatch and which game is harder to rank up?
Your opinion is it harder to reach diamond/Masters in LOL or Overwatch?
Overwatch. 3D is harder than 2D by default.
I tried LOL for like 20 minutes and I didn’t understand anything, so LOL is harder lmao
They’re two completely different games. You cannot compare the difficulty of them.
as a high ego gamer that prefers ow i have to say that league is definitely harder. there is much more to learn and it is crazy overwhelming.
Apples and Oranges. They’re both extremely challenging, but the two are not comparable in a measure of difficulty.
I think that’s different from person to person, depending on what style of gaming a person likes/is good at.
For instance, I thought League was quite difficult to get good at, but I’m a great OW player. A friend of mine, on the other hand, is basically cream of the crop in League, but is silver in OW. And we’re both mystified by each other’s abilities in the games we’re good at lol.
But yeah, LOL is harder since you can’t swap at all.
I can’t really bring myself to think of MOBAs as “hard” games, having competed in RTS games in the past. Top-down MOBAs are basically dumbed down RTS games where you only control one unit.
If you’re gauging difficulty by how you rank up the ladder, though, that’s more a question of the game’s popularity than its mechanics, so League is probably much “harder” than Overwatch in that sense.
I mean… just because they are different doesn’t mean you can’t say which is harder.
league is definitely harder. there is much more to learn and it is crazy overwhelming.
Agree, primarily because of in-game item builds. The sheer amount of stuff is overwhelming.
Top-down MOBAs are basically dumbed down RTS games where you only control one unit.
i think lol and overwatch have more things in common than you think, yea they are different genres but both need team work, both have smurf issues, both have toxic communities, both make you rage when people die solo and never group up etc.
Overwatch more my favorite cause i play it since launch and im sym one trick and got masters already so im pretty good at it and knwo what to do, but started LOL few months ago and stuck in iron 3 and cant get out for awhile idk what to do
but having played both i think LOL is harder to rank up
LoL by far. This game has Mercy where you can do almost nothing and win, along with an ult that somehow makes doing nothing into doing even more of nothing, plus a free “kill” every 30 seconds. Imagine if McCree has a 30 second cooldown on a single target deadeye.
Depends on which one you are better at… it’s all opinion.
one player has way more impact on a game than in LOL even tho there are less players. that game is a lot of RNG and it has so many heroes the game is usually won or lost at the champion select menu. becaused so many heroes are just better versions of other heroes.
Played on both, hard to compare, but I say lol Is harder, here you have the great advantage (that a lot refuse to use) that you can switch hero while the match is goin on.
There on LOL if someone pick your counter you are forced to stick into your champion.
League is hard because theres more going on. Situational awareness is huge in that game compared to this game. But mechanics are harder for Fps games.
I’d rate them similarly in difficulty overall, just different aspects have varying degrees of difficulty.
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In competitive is we're it's the worst...and I know how you feel healer mains(mercy/Ana/lucio/zenyatta) If your tracer is critical health and is exposed, a good healer wouldn't run at sanic speed to heal them and just to die and the tracer die with you. And then you get screamed at by your team and tons of hate! Or am I just over exaggerating????😦🤕
LoL is so toxic it is the reason why Chernobyl is still unlivable.
From what I've heard about LoL and MOBAs in general, Overwatch will never come close to that level of toxicity.
Are you kidding me? All gaming communities are this toxic. It is the system itself.
as a former LoL player its never going to be as toxic as league of legends. holy shit LoL can get bad, remember the days when playing Evelyn was a bannable offence (it happend more than once)
Not even close, OP. If you get banned in LoL you can just make a new account, but if you get your Blizzard account banned you lose several RL monies. Less people willing to risk losing their account if they have placed a good amount of monies into it
You're implying that people don't have hundreds of dollars in their LoL accounts.
any team based online game is toxic af
I have played in League matches which have been more toxic than some Overwatch matches, and vice versa. It's not the game that stews toxicity, it's the players; every game will have toxic players.
You shouldn't care what another little flanker says about you. He is nothing to you but just another dead teammate that needs resurrection. I hope that many people see this, because I've had enough. Blizzard has to get even tougher on those people. I am sure this is not just a personal dissapointment. I know they do a good and hard job regarding this but it's unbelievable at times. And I am believing that the majority of people is actually good.
you think overwatch or LoL is toxic?
It is the same, just your experience may vary.
Anything that involves one or more teammates that can influence a match beyond your control will cause some sort of toxicity if things aren't going perfect
They seem about the same to me. Only in OW is way more noticeable because the team chat is on by default. So chances are you'll get at least one insult before you realize and turn it off.
Wow um thanks for your answers I guess??👌🏼

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