Overwatch Fun

Overwatch Fun


Overwatch Fun
World of Warcraft Arena World Championship
World of Warcraft Arena World Championship
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Title pretty much says it all, but I’m just looking for others peoples experiences to see why it’s still is or isn’t fun to them. As for me; Overwatch has become a very stale and is slowly becoming a buggy mess and everytime I open up the game isn’t because I want to play Overwatch, but because there isn’t a good alternative atm. It’s becoming the game version of watching a show because their isn’t anything else on to watch. But why do I feel this way? I’ll dedicate a few paragraphs towards that reason but I wanna know why other people still find it fun or not.
First off, when did it start? Actually a super easy answer and that’s when role queue was implemented. And before you say it’s because I’m a filthy dps main and is too impatient to wait for 15mins and I should get over it, I’m a flex player and I actually enjoyed filling for the team. But the reason why I didn’t find it fun anymore was the fact that every competitive game felt the same due to the lack of variation of team comps which quickly became bland. And due to that lack of variation, META’s can actually be found faster since there are less combinations to think about. Before role queue we were actually in a healthy spot in the game in competitive where comps could be determined by map and in the pro scene, a new quad dps comp was beginning to see success over GOATS (If you don’t believe me, I think it’s stage 3 season 2 of OWL where Shanghai beat 3 of the best GOATS teams with quad dps so you can check it out yourself). However this didn’t even last very long before 2-2-2 was put into the game, sending the map balanced META in the dumpster being replaced by double shields; ultimately pressing the reset button on the games balance.
And over the course of time, people began to realize that while 2-2-2 solved some problems; it created others. That’s when people began to ask for a hero ban system, which is what I wanted other than role queue, but instead we got the hero pool system which was not very well received since it wasn’t exactly what we wanted; at least we got Nori picking Mei which is probably the only highlight. Then we got another potential “fix” with 1-3-2 since people thought that’d be a good idea, but since it was put into the experimental card for all platforms, they got more feedback and with the increase in feedback came the response “maybe this isn’t as good as we thought it would be”.
But what does this have to do with the game becoming no longer fun? Well over this course of time, months have passed and it’s been the exact same META which is easier to run in competitive than GOATS so not only have all the pro games looked similar, the competitive games have looked like it too; just worse. And of course they’re working on OW2 right so that should be good. But instead while we are waiting; the game is slowly becoming more buggy. Infact 1 major bug that is STILL IN BTW, is that on console (can confirm only for xbox), voice chat never works 95% of the time which makes a game that requires communication several times more difficult. And before you say that I should report it to the bug forums…I have…like 2-3 times…with other people reporting it too…months ago…and it’s still there. I can make a list of bugs too, however I feel that the bug forum has very little feedback if the post was read by someone at blizzard and since this major bug is still there; writing on that forum sadly feels like a waste of time which is a terrible thing to say about forum that’s meant to try and help the game.
Now for another point that I can understand due to OW2 but is starting to get a little irritating is the lack of content or new things to do. I won’t be talking about heroes because I get that the rest will come in the sequel, but what about maps? And not even like maps that are completely new, like there are some maps that aren’t even playable in some modes while others of that type are; a few examples being Busan not being playable in deathmatch and elimination, Ayutthaya not being playable on deathmatch, watchpoint gibraltar not being playable in deathmatch, etc. Infact custom games/workshop almost feels forgotten or left out for something as simple as the scales.
The events feel very similar too which I guess I get why but so much in this game is so similar now that it feels like I’m going in circles and there’s nothing new anymore; even comp and quickplay look similar now. I honestly don’t know why I play the game anymore, not even skins are enough to bring me back, infact I’m not even sure if there is any reason to come back. But that’s my experience as to why this game isn’t fun to me anymore: everything looks and feels the same now.
Sorry for my ramble; but please, tell me your experience as to why you still think it’s fun or if you think it’s getting boring.
Just a tip for the future. You might wanna break the second paragraph up because no one wants to read a wall of text.
To answer the question of fun. Yeah, the game is fun for the most part. From season 10 until recently it was a horrible game and I could not recommend anyone to play it but now it’s a lot more enjoyable. They reverted a lot of the balance issues put it place because of the meta and they made custom games worth playing.
There are still many things I dislike in terms of balance/design. I feel like it’s almost impossible to balance the game now that we have characters like Hammond, Bap, Doom, Brig, and Hog. By design, they kinda mess up the flow of a game and are kinda the most frustrating to play against. But other than that the game is fun to play for a couple of hours. - comp is still trash but who cares about rank when no one gets better because the system puts them back where they were last season.
This game is about 30% fun, 30% frustration, and 30% waiting. The last 20% is being bad at math.
Yes, but it’s only fun when both teams are near equal in terms of skill and everyone plays properly for a win using all the tools available to do so.
How often that happens with matchmaking and entitled playerbase however…
The game is really good rn. It feels like launch where every character is playable(other than mei,sym,bastion, bap but those characters are getting buffed.)
First thing: holy wall of text, you might want to split it up in some more paragraphs to make it more readable.
Then now about the subject:
Short answer: PvE yes, PvP no.
Long answer: I still like Overwatch mechanics-wise, as in the different characters with their unique abilities and all that jazz, basically what I assume is the main thing that people pulled into this game.
But as time went on, I started to realize that what makes Overwatch stand out, doesn’t really work all too well for PvP:
So this basically all led me to detest Overwatch’s core modes despite still liking the game’s mechanics and characters. I just hope OW2’s PvE will be nice (and has enough content), because right now I’m basically only playing when there’s a PvE-related event
Yeah, sorry about that huge wall of text. Was in bit of a rambling mood so oops.
but instead we got the hero pool system which was not very well received since it wasn’t exactly what we wanted
I still don’t understand why they couldn’t just try implementing an actual ban system. I still think it could improve the game a lot because a ban system gives the community a say in balance. For example if widow was banned in 90% of gm games, blizz is put in a situation where they have to nerf widow or accept that the community has essentially deleted her from the game. It’s a way for the community to shut down over powered heroes and force blizzard to do something about it. Imagine if we had this during launch brig, the game wouldn’t have been trash for 2 years cause of a beyond broken hero blizz refused to do anything about.
As for me enjoying the game, I think overwatch is actually in a really good spot right now. Meta is very diverse and dive tanks, which I’ve always mained, are actually viable now. However, the community is still the scum of the earth and it seems to only get worse. I definitely don’t play as much as I used to because of this, but I still have a great time when I’m playing with friends.
I enjoy playing if people in the lobby aren’t boring
Ikr! Like we all asked for chocolate ice cream and gave us vanilla, and when we asked them why did you give us this flavor instead of the one we asked for. It felt like they said “guess you don’t want ice cream them” then took it as they walked away like bro, is it really that hard.
Meh, I wouldn’t call it fun. They’ve watered down so many hero kits, and they haven’t provided any form of incentive to stick around and play the game aside from skins. That and the community is inherently toxic due to people thinking EVERY comp needs to mirror what GM/OWL pros play.
Why play Overwatch when other games provide so much more?
out of my 3 years of playing overwatch, ive only had one match that was this good
Overwatch is fun when you decide to take a step back and realize what game you are playing. I’ve had a ton of fun playing Lucio and Zen instead of always trying to play Widow and Ashe for picks, and as of the last month I’ve probably played more Overwatch than the past year.
Yes . Of course , why play if your not having fun …?
Im lazy so I’m just gonna answer the title
Short answer: depends on the game mode
I like playing with friends and this is a team game
Unfortunately, I barely even have friends
Yes its a lot fun. Losing has been much lwss frustrating cause of current balance. A year ago you would lose by not having x or y hero in your team (Mei for example) but now that i lose playing what i want and having fun i can say the game is much better. Ive been playing ow non stop all the week which i dont do in years.
I am going to say no 60 percent of the time. At least for me.
If I Iose 10 games in a row, I start to question my life choices.
What is “fun”?
How do you define " fun "? If you 're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then "fun” is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
picks up a Monitor remote and turns on the Monitor to show images of the world as Neo saw it playing Overwatch
audible sounds from the monitor:
“I got you in my…uuuurrggghhhhhh…”.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what Fun is. You’ll have to see it for yourself.
Morpheus quotes work so well all over the world.
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I think an important thing in video games is having fun and obviously competitive shooters like overwatch, valorant, r6, etc, aren't always fun but for the most part, why play it if you don't enjoy it. Do you consistently have fun with overwatch? A lot of the posts I've read doesn't seem like they enjoy the game or think that they don't enjoy it because of their rank. If you're gold, will you have more fun in plat? Why do you want to be in a higher rank? Why are you playing overwatch? If the most basic answer to that question isn't to have fun, my is overwatch the game you are playing?
I experience this weird effect, and I've discussed it with several of my queue buddies and I'm curious how the rest of the OW community compares.
I liken it to an addiction- In the early days you played, you had tons of fun, every match was good, fresh, and didnt get stale. And as time has passed, and you've gotten familiar with the game and gotten better, that new factor wears off. Now you play match after match, and most of the matches you get are shit, even if you win you still had to ram your head into a brick wall over and over and play against tons and tons of unfun heroes and abilities. You get Sombra, Echo, Bastion, Mei, Sigma, Brig, any number of things that just dont feel good to play against most of your matches. Overall the majority of your matches suck. And then you get a golden match, you play on your favorite map, your team picks a perfect comp where you get to play your favorite hero, and the enemy team doesnt run some shitty cheese strat and even if you lose you have fun and feel good.
As I've gotten older and spent more of my time on the game I find it harder and harder to justify putting myself through so many shitty matches in search of that good one, but the drive for that rush always brings me back. It's unlike any other game I've played, and I've spent way more hours on other games but nothing can compare to that feeling a good match of overwatch gives you.
Like i said at first, I've got some friends who all kind of agree with this view so I know I'm not alone at least. And that's my stance: while most of the time its not fun, those fun games can make up for the shit ones.
Yeah I definitely understand that. Recently I'd get those games less and less and that's why I've been playing valorant more recently but I understand overwatch a lot better
I almost exclusively play comp and I still have tons of fun.
Like, I've been playing since launch, and my SR has maybe climbed 600 points—that's how much I love this game lol, win or lose.
That's about the same with me, I was gold in season 6 and plat now
I want to improve at the game and comp is the best way, except for maybe scrims. Everything is more fun if you’re better at it, that’s the way I see it anyway. Seeing your own improvement is the best feeling. And rank is a part of that. I feel i’m decent at ow and when I try other games I feel like trash and that there’s a huge learning curve. Which isn’t fun. I don’t feel like spending 100+hours to even get casually good at another fps.
Yeah I'm in the same boat, I feel like I understand the game and that's a nice feeling. Some of the posts just sound like they don't enjoy the game.
I think it's more fun depending on platform I really enjoyed the game on PC but I was playing competitively on a super garbage laptop and ended up hitting a wall, but I still enjoyed it more than playstation
I can’t play the game for long sessions anymore, too many variables out of my control to win a game. Sooo I guess it has its moments.
Overwatch gets unfun for me when I dont have something to focus on improving. When I get lazy and don't do a vod review then each game feels like a waste unless it was actually a close game. When I go into it with a goal in mind though it's amazing. When I have a short term goal then matches dont feel like a waste, and it's fun to figure things out about this game.
It's like an abusive relationship I punched a hole in my wall cause it pissed me off but I also love it
I play nothing but quick play and almost always have fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Yeah quick play is a lot less toxic but most of the posts on here are about comp
I play to improve my own mechanics and work together with teammates. I always look forward to making a seamless play with someone else, it feels freaking amazing.
It's the same thing with any sport really, the only fun thing about it is the satisfaction you get from success. There is nothing fun about throwing balls around, however setting your objective to throw it in a basket adds risk/reward which is rewarding if the task is successful, not succeeding tends to cause disappoint. That's all the fun you get from any game so it's not a question of whether the game is fun, it's the players out look and how they take loss.
One of the Most frustrating things about overwatch is the reason many of us play OverWatch which is how heavily team/class/character reliant. It does make the player feel more special and important and but it's also specialty that will come around and bite you in the ass because you can't cover all of them.
The only other difference that comes to mind otherwise for fun would be mechanic preferences such, some prefer slow paced things like chess more.
This is the worst, best game I've played in a while...

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Overwatch's Arcade Mode possesses a lot of fun offerings, but which ones are actually worth your time? These are the best and worst of them.
It's easy to appreciate the range of unique game modes in Blizzard's addictive hero shooter, Overwatch . Though the typical 6 v 6 showdowns of Competitive and Quick Play are fun enough, one overlooked area of the game is Arcade Mode.
This section hosts a slew of constantly-rotating game options, each of them more-or-less unique. Arcade Mode has seen a number of limited-time seasonal events, co-op campaigns, and other variants. While this feature has had its share of entertaining options, there are also some that fall flat.
Sure, the Yeti-themed Winston and Mei combo makes for an amusing gimmick that goes well with the holiday season. But ultimately it's about fun and intrigue, and this rather simple game doesn't have much of either .
It's essentially a glorified version of Hide and Seek, but the "seekers" in this case get to blast snow and ice. You'll play a cat-and-mouse game with a high-powered Winston in the Village section of Nepal. It's not particularly enjoyable from either side, all in all. The Winston will be forced to scurry about and evade a band of attacking Meis while outnumbered.
On the other side, the Mei role can feel somewhat uneventful and insignificant, as you'll be accompanied by 4 other Meis seeking out the elusive Yeti. Really, there's a lot of downtime on either side.
While Overwatch tends to be more chaotic and team-oriented, this intense game mode puts more pressure on individual players, making for an exciting showdown. Players face off in 3-on-3 skirmishes in a handful of mostly smaller stages.
What's more, the game takes on something of a classic Gears of War feel with its one-and-done elimination. This further adds to the t
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