Overwatch Concept

Overwatch Concept


Overwatch Concept

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Arnold Tsang, Ben Zhang, David Kang, John Polidora, Nick Carver, Peter Lee, Mathias Verhasselt, Stéphane Belin, Roman Kenney, Fabio Zungrone, Charles Lee, Tae Young Choi, Haylee Herrick

Overwatch Art Gallery
Characters - Promo Pictures - Concept Art

January 30, 2021 35 video game art images Artist: Balazs Agoston
January 28, 2021 31 video game art images Artist: Mitch Mohrhauser
January 26, 2021 31 video game art images Artist: ???
January 24, 2021 27 video game art images Artist: Hideaki Sawada
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Overwatch Hero Concepts r/ OverwatchHeroConcepts
Dr. Konen, cybernetics pioneer and utility-focused support hero
Hero Concept: A disabled double leg amputee
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I haven't play OW in a while but I still have some hero concepts that I like, one of which I have shared here. I have another, one that I think will be a little more balanced. Since his story revolves around cybernetic augmentation, so I wanted to make his kit be more focused on utilities and other buffs, making him a secondary healer to someone like Moira or Lucio. His offensive abilities mainly revolve around suppressing and weakening the enemy.
Base of Operations: Helsinki, Finland
I'm sure many of you have seen the "Blade runner" prosthetic that has a single curved metal sheet that acts as a spring. With the technology in OW I see someone with such implants and a few other nifty gadgets could be an incredibly mobile and nimble hero with high omni-directional movement capability. Someone mobile very much like lucio is. I think with a moveset like that he does make more sense as a DPS hero, however with the state of the game having such a wide array of DPS and lacking choices of healers and tanks, I think one of those roles is far more deserved.
The core idea to the moveset is that upon hitting [space] as soon as you land, you can attempt a rebound in the next input direction, with it being 1.4x movement speed forward, 1.25x movement speed to the side, and 1.3x height increase (No speed) to a backwards jump. This part would allow advanced play to include pivoting your camera angle to exploit the faster movement speed to the side with sharp left and right camera pivots with the mouse and using W to move sideways, or using A & D to keep your gun on target to shoot or as a mechanically less intense action. Ideas for abilities include: [shift] for a delayed jump with a brief standstill to charge (lore wise this would be a pulley motor retracting the springs to the ground to build tension). A passive that lets his melee headshot for an additional 10 damage at the expense of a recovery animation time of .2 seconds (The Blade runner prosthetic would be no shit have a blade on the back, and he performs a round house heel kick not a front kick)
As DPS, I imagine him as being an auto pistol wielder of the variety of D.VA's, with a "Clacker toy" or ninja type of thrown electric trap, which is a string that connects two balls and can be thrown around legs to entangle them, which adds a small shock of a duration of .2 seconds and causes the collapse animation from when Ana sleeps a target, which can cancel actions and inflict 10 damage.
As healer, I still think the auto pistol is fitting, but the game needs more primary firing healers like mercy and ana, I also like baptiste's concept of having a primary fire and alt fire for damage and heal functions. If originality is an issue, sorry I don't have any for that. I'm gonna suggest auto pistol primary and scoped-in ana shot for alt fire, but it requires a slight delay to charge up a shot with some recoil. Shared energy store for either's use, much like Zarya's gun. [E] very well could stay the same as the DPS type, but I think support abilities outside of stuns and heals need more relevance, like Orb of Discord, damage boost, Speed Boost, Armor packs, and old sym's shield generator. Since old shield generator is gone I would love to see its return in the form of granting an ally shield health for a small duration, I think countering heavy burst by giving an ally 100 health for the same duration as a Zarya bubble and the same cast time would be fair, with the drawback that his hand that he uses to project the barrier needs to stay roughly on target after casting or else it cancels. I think two charges of it that regenerate after 10 seconds each, and can only be cast 2 seconds apart would be fair.
As a tank, I think it's the least fitting role for this guy. Some idea's I can think of for play style is an off tank disruptor like Winston or ball. Idk if we get another tank, I would want another main battle tank like Rein or Orissa.
Give me suggestions, what you think, yada yada. I love the representation for many groups in OW and think an amputee with actually somewhat realistic abilities would be very gratifying, not to mention filling a niche in OW not yet exploited by enough characters with a high-mobility passive character. The abilities aren't very detailed but that's because I would just leave balancing to Jeff, I just want the idea to be used and don't care much for all the specifics. They really are just suggestions and I don't care much about credit.
Nikola is a bulky female Omnic dressed in a red half-uniform, indicating her high status in the Underworld. She has a unique facial structure, with a pronounced jaw-piece and a deep groove in her head, through which sparks of electricity can be seen. Wires wrap around her forearms and collect in solenoid gauntlets that she uses for her abilities. Despite her imposing appearance, she grins from ear to ear.
This is a concept I iterated a few times already. Hope you guys find it cool!
Health: 75 HP + 100 shields (175 total)
A wrist-mounted gauntlet. There's a visor showing the charge for the secondary fire.
A single-shot hitscan bullet that shocks opponents, giving additional damage over a brief time. The DoT doesn't deal doubled damage with headshots, but also doesn't have falloff. Pretty good damage for a support weapon, but has low fire rate.
Damage: 20-40 (instant) + 30 DoT over 0.3s
(I've never done this before so excuse me if I do it wrong. Also I don't really care about the lore as it's the powers I usually focus on. Please give me criticism!)
Name: Honestly didn't think about this so just call them Sarah for now, Health: 200(+) I want them to be squishy but I also don't want them to be easy pickings, Role: Damage, Speed: 5.5
7 rounds, 1.5 second reload (subject to change), hitscan, 2 shots per second, 30 - 85 damage, 25 - 40 meter falloff range, can headshot
Name: Killer Infiltrator Negotiating Genocide
A 1.8 meter tall omnic wearing a black suit and a red bow tie and wearing a golden crown with a red ruby at the centre on his head. The eyes would be glowing red and he would have a big medieval sword with a plasma shield around it and upgraded with high tech metal/machinery. His left hand is destroyed and instead wires show while his right eye is damage with his entire omnic body having small minor scratches
Base hp is 200, movement speed is normal (5.5 meters per second)
Primary fire is an smg with 40 ammo that shoots 6 bullets per second, reload is 1.2 seconds
Ability one changes ninas fire between healing and damage (kind of like lucios crossfade), when on damage mode there is a little skull on her gun and its red she does 6 damage per shot with a chance to headshot, when on healing mode there is the plus sign healing thingy on her gun thats yellow and she heals her allies 8 per shot
Ability two launches a canister out of her gun that puts up a soldier 76 healing zone, cooldown is 12 seconds
Secondary fire she aims down the sights [(takes 5 ammo per shot) zoom is same as ashe], damage mode does 35 damage and can headshot, healing mode does 50 healing per shot, she shoots once every 1.2 seconds
Ultimate ability creates a larger winston shield with 2000 hp and those inside heal 30 per second, can be destroyed by emp

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