Overwatch Brigitte Mai Ashe

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Heroes of the Storm

Ashe's semi-automatic rifle fires quick shots.
0.256 second recovery (~4 shots per second)
0.5 seconds (initial animation) +0.25 seconds per bullet 3.5 seconds (Full reload animation)
Ashe reloads The Viper one bullet at a time in rapid succession, instead of all at once.
The more bullets used in the magazine, the longer it takes to fully reload.
If the reload is cancelled before completion, some ammo is still replenished based on how many bullets loaded into the gun, instead of none at all.
Unlike most weapons , The Viper is semi-automatic instead of fully automatic.
Spread resets after 1.5 seconds since the last unscoped shot. Spread starts on the 3rd shot and reaches its maximum upon the 6th shot.
Each shot raises the Ashe camera (changes the facing angle) by 1 unit.
Ashe can use her aim-down sights for a more damaging, precise shot.
0.64 second recovery (~1.54 shots per second)
0.5 seconds (initial animation) +0.25 seconds per bullet 3.5 seconds (Full reload animation)
0.192 seconds scoping in 0.160 seconds for scope out
Hold to zoom in, increasing damage and accuracy but slowing rate of fire.
Ashe can jump while aiming down sights.
After the shot, the game raises the Cassidy camera (changes the facing angle) by 1 unit, after which it starts lowering the Ashe camera to its previous value. Unlike Cassidy, Ash will not be able to shoot once the camera is back in position and will have to wait ~0.096 seconds.
Ashe throws an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot. The explosion from Dynamite also lights enemies on fire, dealing damage over time.
Explosion: 20 - 50 Burn: 100 Self: 50%
0.16 seconds for throw + 0.4 s. recovery 2 seconds for explode after landing
Throw an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot.
Damages self, but the damage is halved.
Can be shot at with The Viper or Coach Gun to detonate immediately.
The burn also affects barriers and turrets, and is removed immediately upon taking a Health Pack .
There is a bug in the game due to which you can receive 3,84 damage after taking a health pack.
If the ability is interrupted before cast time ends, the ability's cooldown will not trigger.
Ashe blasts enemies in front of her, knocking them away and propelling herself backward for added mobility.
0.16 seconds for cast + 0.4 s. recovery
Blast enemies in front of you and knock yourself backwards.
During cast time, you can change the future flight path.
The bullets do not need to hit anything in order to apply the knock back to Ashe.
Ashe summons her trusted omnic sidekick, B.O.B., who charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then lays down suppressing fire with his arm cannons.
Charge: 120 Arm cannon: 112 per second, 14 per bullet, 1092 overall
70 meters (charge) 40 meters (arm cannons)
Deploy Bob. He charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then attacks with his arm cannons.
Ashe passively generates 1% Ult Charge every 4.48 seconds.
B.O.B. appears slightly to the right of Ashe and lands 5 meters in front of her, then charges in the direction Ashe is looking at. Once B.O.B. bumps into an enemy or a wall, or travels 65 meters, B.O.B. halts and begins shooting nearby enemies like a turret.
If B.O.B. bumps into an enemy (or enemies), B.O.B. inflicts 120 damage to them and flings them into the air.
If a charging B.O.B. collides with Charge , Rocket Punch , Shield Bash , or another charging B.O.B. , both participants get knocked down for 2 seconds.
B.O.B. automatically uses Symmetra 's Teleporter if it's in his path.
B.O.B. can be healed, buffed (e.g. Nano Boost ), and debuffed (e.g. Hack ).
If B.O.B. is hacked, B.O.B. becomes inactive for 5 seconds.
B.O.B. is treated as an additional player when contesting/capturing objectives, and for Wrecking Ball 's Adaptive Shield .
Damaging or healing B.O.B. does not give ultimate charge , but damage boosting as Mercy does.
Ashe can still gain ultimate charge while B.O.B. is active (but not by the damage dealt by B.O.B.).

↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ashe , Blizzard Entertainment . Accessed on 2018-11-13

↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2018-11-23, BlizzCon 2018 Overwatch: What’s Next Panel Transcript . Blizzplanet , accessed on 2018-11-25

↑ 3.0 3.1 2018-11-03 'Overwatch' Devs Discuss McCree and Ashe's Relationship , Comicbook . Accessed on 2018-11-04

↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ashe Quotes

↑ Ashe Cosmetics

↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 Overwatch: Deadlock Rebels

↑ 2019-01-03, Michael Chu Twitter , Twitter . Accessed on 2019-01-03

↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Ashe Origin Story

↑ 2020-10-08, The next Overwatch novel stars a young McCree and Ashe . Polygon , accessed on 2020-10-31

↑ Reunion

↑ 2018-11-03, Michael Chu Twitter , Twitter . Accessed on 2018-11-03

↑ McCree , Blizzard Entertainment . Accessed on 2015-03-09

↑ Reunion

↑ 2018-11-04, Overwatch McCree Short "Reunion" post-credit scene . YouTube , accessed on 2018-12-19

↑ 2018-11-02, BLIZZARD GEAR: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE PANEL UNVEILS LOTS OF NEW GEAR . Blizzpro , accessed on 2018-11-16

↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 2018-11-2, Blizzcon 2018 Overwatch: What's New Panel

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Ashe is a Damage hero in Overwatch .

Ashe is a hero of Overwatch . She is the leader of the Deadlock Gang and a rebellious gunslinger who's not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Ashe quickly fires her rifle from the hip or uses her weapon’s aim-down sights to line up a high damage shot at the cost of fire-rate. She blasts enemies by throwing dynamite, and her coach gun packs enough punch to put some distance between her and her foes, or gain some air to leap to hard to reach places or for an aerial shot. And Ashe is not alone, as she can call on her omnic ally B.O.B. to join the fray when the need arises.

Ashe is a hero who requires good mechanical skill to be played effectively. Her weapon, the Viper, is quite powerful at long mid-range, particularly when the player uses her ADS (aim-down-sight) alternate fire. Dynamite is a dangerous, versatile ability that can be used to threaten space (such as narrow hallways and chokepoints) and deal decent damage in its radius, as well as inflicting a damage over time debuff. Uniquely, Dynamite can be detonated early by shooting it any time between when it's thrown and when its fuse runs out. Her Coach Gun serves as both a defensive "get-off-me" tool (like Lucio's Soundwave) and a potent mobility option (like Pharah's Concussive Blast). Finally, her Ultimate ability calls out her omnic sidekick B.O.B., who rushes in, knocks enemies in the air, and then grounds himself to shoot enemies, much like a turret.

Though dominant in midrange, Ashe suffers in close combat. Her primary fire, while quite fast, deals only mild damage, and Coach Gun is on a lengthy cooldown. Most of her abilities require good follow-ups, such as detonating Dynamite and making quick shots after jumping with Coach Gun. Dynamite can be rather tricky. While it deals impressive damage over time, it will also damage Ashe if she's too close to the blast. Overall, Ashe is best played close to her teammates, so she can have backup available if she is being harassed. B.O.B., though incredibly strong, can easily be countered by the enemy team, as he can be hacked, slept, and stunned in the same way he can be boosted by a friendly team.

Use B.O.B Smartly! Don’t just throw him into the enemy team: line B.O.B up for his cannon to do damage and delay them, as the enemy team can counter your B.O.B quite easily. The line of sight you are facing when calling out B.O.B is very important, as it can lead to B.O.B running clean off the map or into a unfavorable position.

Ashe is the ambitious and calculating leader of the Deadlock Gang and a respected figure in the criminal underworld. [1]

Ashe has an organized mindset. This affects her ideas of how her organization should be run, to how relationships should work. [2] Her relationship with Cole Cassidy is "way more complicated" than a simple label, [3] though could be described as a "love-hate" type of relationship. [4]

As the daughter of socialites, Ashe feels just as comfortable at charity balls as she does on a motorcycle. [5] She is a good shot with a rifle, believing that accuracy is key, and that all one should need is a single shot. [6]

Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe grew up in Texas [7] at Lead Rose Manor ; a large estate located outside the town of Bellerae . [6] Born into a wealthy family [8] who came from "old money," [9] Ashe grew up surrounded by privilege. Her parents were highly sought-after business consultants and coaches for powerful CEOs around the world. Though her parents paid little attention to her (mostly leaving her in the care of the family’s omnic butler, B.O.B. ), they ensured that Ashe had every opportunity to succeed. [1] B.O.B. was at Ashe's side for as long as she could remember. Her parents would often travel out of Texas, but never took her with them. Her parents would host many parties at their manor, trying to curry favor with influential persons from Bellerae. Ashe kept to the fringes of these events, resenting when her parents dragged her forward for a few minutes of small talk. [6]

Because of their absence, Ashe grew to have a contentious childhood, getting into trouble at the academy where she attended school, and spending her time shooting bottles on the family estate with her slingshot. [8] She found the academy "soul-sucking," and was at odds with Headmaster Wallach . [6] Her misdemenors included trying to convince the academy's "resident hacker" to change all her grades to As, and closing the school for decontamination after showing off with her slingshot in the science lab. [6] A loner, Ashe spent a lot of time talking to B.O.B. [2] (even if he was apparently incapable of talking back). [10] For her every birthday, B.O.B. would make Ashe her favorite cake (triple-layer chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting, and an extra generous drizzle of chocolate glaze). While it was part of his programming, Ashe appreciated the gesture, and looked forward to it every year. [6]

Due to her status as heiress to Arbalest Arms , most of her fellow students kept their distance from her. [6]

As a teen/young adult, her demeanors led to being temporarily incarcerated. [8] She and Sheriff Carson became 'aquainted,' but every time, her parents' money was enough to bail her out every time. [6]

When motorcycles with lev rims were released, Ashe broke into her parents' study and used their finances to buy herself one. When her parents returned home, they found their daughter buzzing around the grounds on her new bike, much to their bemusement. Ashe told them that it had been sent as a gift by a business associate, but she'd lost the card. Her parents believed her, though detested the thing, considering it "dangerous" and "unladylike." They didn't shed any tears when Ashe crashed it. [6]

Ashe and her family went through the Omnic Crisis relatively unscathed, though B.O.B. did disappear during the war. As the years passed, Ashe believed that she'd never see her butler again, and was surprised about how much she'd missed him. However, one day after the war, B.O.B. returned to Lead Rose, now sentient, and...different, in ways that Ashe couldn't quite grasp. But he was still the companion she remembered, and remained at her side. [6]

For her 17th birthday, Ashe's mother gifted her with a golden bracelet. Months later, her mother borrowed it, and never returned it. At around about the same time, Ashe's condition at school had become worseβ€”an Arbalest factory had shut down, leading to a number of her classmates' parents losing their jobs. Casual avoidance of the Arbalest heiress morphed into active dislike, leading to a number of schoolyard scraps.

Three months before her eighteenth birthday, Ashe was set to graduate. However, despite her parents' promises, they weren't present, as they'd left to deal with a business merger, and had simply left her a note that they hadn't even bothered to sign. Their absence, while not new, hurt her deeply, since they'd seemed genuinely invested in her graduation, if only to show off to Bellerae that their daughter could be more than a troublemaker. Fuming, Ashe walked to school alone, distracting B.O.B. in also to do so (in that he'd always driven her there himself).

As Ashe walked down the road, she was confronted by Jodie and Jimmy Bonney ; two fellow classmates whose parents had lost their jobs when the factory shut down. Already frustrated, Ashe rose to the bait, and a fight broke out. She held her own initially, but when Jodie drew a knife, Ashe realized how serious things had become. Nevertheless, she managed to disarm him and take the knife herself, which was when officers from the Bellerae Police Department arrived, finding a knife in her hands, and two bloodied boys (each a year younger than she was) lying on the ground below.

Ashe was brought in for questioning by Carson. He didn't accept her cl
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